We used to build structures for games out of chairs, pillows and blankets. So why not help the younger generation today and build a real children's ...
A cat is a rather capricious animal, and it is not so easy to please her. She hates drafts, cannot stand harsh extraneous sounds, smells, and with caution ...
A variety of do-it-yourself garden paths in the country house will not only become a real decoration of your site, but also provide a safe ...
With drip irrigation, a continuous supply of moisture to plants occurs. In order not to exceed the daily norm, water is supplied in scanty portions - drop by drop. For ...
Experienced gardeners always monitor the level of soil fertility. After all, a depleted plot is unlikely to give a good harvest. DIY compost bins...
Cucumbers, grapes, peas, most varieties of tomatoes, blackberries and raspberries, some types of flowers require mandatory garters or ropes for ...
In private households, in the absence of a centralized sewage system, it is better to equip not an ordinary cesspool, but to make a septic tank with your own hands for a house with ...
Cooking in the heat, and even in a cramped room, is not a pleasant occupation. Especially if you have to do it quite often. Summer kitchen in the country house created ...
A well-made foundation of a building is the key to its long-term operation. And the key to a good foundation of the structure is the formwork. For a country house...
In the possessions of any self-respecting gardener there is always one or two greenhouses for growing seedlings and heat-loving plants. If you haven't already...
The yield of plants depends not only on the time of planting seeds, their germination, but also on the place of planting and the height of the embankment. We hope our gardening tips ...
Do-it-yourself playground in the country You can relax from the hustle and bustle of the city in a country house or in the country. In addition, fresh air and beautiful landscapes ...
To grow plants and create extraordinary flower arrangements, different types of containers are required. Some of them can be found in the nearest store. But in...
Veranda attached to the house with their own hands It is difficult to imagine a modern house without a veranda. This building serves not only as protection from wind, rain and snow. At ...
If you have long dreamed of learning how to work with wood, do not waste time. Get started today. After all, simple furniture and handicrafts made of wood with your own hands (see ...
In this article, we will talk with you about gazebos with barbecue, consider ready-made photo examples and discuss the technical aspects of the construction of such buildings. ...
Entrance area with porch, car parking space, outdoor terrace, playground for children, small pool need protection from rain, snow, hail, ...
The fence of the garden plot does not apply to complex structures, so you can make the simplest fence in the country with your own hands. The choice of material for it ...
On the summer cottage you need a room where the working equipment will be stored. Such a change house is built in 1-2 weeks. The room will help you hide from the rain, ...
Electric underfloor heating is simple. It's just a piece of cable with a certain resistance per linear meter. High-quality floor heating is arranged in such a way ...
The life of a large family with children in a small apartment forces many owners to look for ways to use space wisely. One of the interesting...
Tile adhesive is an indispensable companion of any cosmetic repair. Is there at least one dwelling today without tiles in the bathroom? The floor is lined with products, ...
For the convenience of relaxation and additional beauty, the suburban area can be supplemented with a design in the form of a pergola. A building of this kind is covered with green ...
For the operation of many household appliances and electronics, an electric current is required, the voltage of which should not deviate from the specified parameters. Unfortunately, ...
The use of plastic instead of metal for plumbing not only makes the construction easier. The connection of plastic products does not require complicated ...
There are a large number of firms, both new and experienced manufacturers, on the septic tank market. But no company is able to match the scale of the provided ...
In conditions when a central drainage system is not provided for in a summer cottage, local autonomous treatment stations become the only ...
The dishwasher is being used more and more in everyday life.This device has a lot of advantages, consisting not only in the absence of the need to wash ...
The opportunity to swim on your own plot is expensive - the pool can be all-season, but more often they make summer ones, in which it is so nice to refresh yourself in ...
To perform bulk construction work, you can not do without a mixer. The best concrete mixers are made of high quality metal and equipped with reliable ...
In the course of construction work, when installing window and door blocks, erecting partitions, laying communications, it becomes necessary to hermetically ...
The main component in the design of a house or apartment is the decoration of the walls. At the same time, many people believe that in order to create beautiful (and simply practical) walls ...
Even modern door leafs eventually lose their former attractiveness and novelty. Regardless of what material the door is made of, it ...
A bimetal radiator is the most practical choice for heating homes or offices. They are resistant to corrosion and large pressure drops, and ...
Currently, rapidly erected construction projects are gaining more and more popularity. A special place among such objects is occupied by frame houses. ...
An integral part of the interior, without which it is impossible to do without, is the table. This is a place where you can gather all your loved ones, where we meet guests. And on...
The problem of space heating with high-quality heating devices arises in private houses and apartments in new buildings. The best electric boiler for...
The harsh climate of the country contributes to the purchase of heaters. Since the device often consumes a large amount of electricity, during ...
Heating with a cable has recently become very popular in the repair and construction. Thanks to the cable, it is possible to produce heating not only ...
The porch near the entrance to a private house is the visiting card of the owners. The practical and comfortable staircase leading to the door is not only pleasing to the eye, but also gives a finished ...