Brugmansia: types, planting and care at home, growing from seeds | (100+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Brugmansia: planting and care at home, growing from seeds

Beautiful tree-like shrub Brugmansia is used as a horticultural crop in hot climates. In regions with moderate climatic conditions, it is grown at home.

Abundant and spectacular flowering, ease of planting and caring for Brugmansia at home make it an excellent choice for a grower.

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Magnificent flowering plant

Magnificent flowering plant

Brugmansia belongs to the Solanaceae family. Previously, it was attributed to the genus Datura (Datura). The homeland of the plant is called South America; It grows in countries with a hot tropical climate. The name Brugmansia is given in honor of the Dutch botanist Sebald Brugmans. But the plant has other names.

Brugmansia flowers resemble small gramophones, for which it is called "angel's trumpets". Another nickname is the "devil's tree". The reason is in the strong intoxicating compounds contained in the plant.

Tropical beauty is a small shrub. In nature, its height can reach 4-5 m, and at home Brugmansia rarely grows above 2 m. Leaves and shoots are drawn out quickly. The shape of the leaves is oval, the edges are carved or even.

The length of beautiful funnel-shaped flowers is from 20 to 50 cm. The color is different: white, pink, yellow, orange, peach, light scarlet, etc. Sometimes different shades are found on the same tree. Tubular flowers are simple and double, have a pronounced intoxicating aroma. 

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Useful and poisonous properties

Appearance of flowers

Appearance of flowers

The indigenous population of South America used the plant to extract medicinal components. Its extract has been used in the treatment of asthma, rheumatism, tumors, and as an anthelmintic.

Brugmansia is poisonous, has a slight psychotropic effect, therefore it was used in ritual practices and predictive ceremonies. All parts of the plant are toxic: stems, branches, foliage, flowers and fruits. They contain atropine and scopolamine - alkaloids found in other plants of the Solanaceae family: belladonna, dope, henbane. Moreover, both alkaloids are used in modern medicine, for example, ophthalmology and psychiatry.

The strong heady smell of Brugmansia intensifies at night and can cause headaches. Therefore, at home it is not allowed to keep it in rooms where people sleep.

It is undesirable to start it if there are animals or children. Under no circumstances should any part of Brugmansia be swallowed. If this happens, you need to call an ambulance. Symptoms of poisoning - nausea, diarrhea, hallucinations, confusion.
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Growing at home

Five types of Brugmansia are in demand among gardeners

Bloody Brugmansia (Brugmansia Sanguinea)

Brugmansia sanguinea

Brugmansia sanguinea

Bloody Brugmansia (Brugmansia Sanguinea)

The species lives in Chile and Ecuador. The flowers are red-orange, almost odorless. The plant is thermophilic prefers temperatures above +25 °C. If it is lower, Brugmansia may refuse to bloom. At the same time, Brugmansia bloody is classified as a frost-resistant plant.

This species is one of the highest: in natural conditions it grows even up to 8-10 m. Due to human activity, it is endangered.

White Brugmansia (Brugmansia Candida)

Variety Brugmansia candida

Variety Brugmansia candida

White Brugmansia (Brugmansia Candida)

The flowers are white, but there are pale pink and yellowish shades. They have a pronounced aroma that intensifies in the evening. The flowers are up to 25 cm long. The leaves are oval, slightly velvety.


Fragrant or fragrant Brugmansia (Brugmansia suaveolens)

Brugmansia suaveolens

Brugmansia suaveolens

Fragrant or fragrant Brugmansia (Brugmansia suaveolens)

The species lives in the east of Brazil. Flowers up to 25-30 cm long, 15 cm in diameter, white or greenish, have a strong aroma.

The height of the tree in natural conditions is up to 5 m. In favorable conditions, this species blooms almost all year round.

Golden Brugmansia (Brugmansia aurea)

Brugmansia aurea

Brugmansia aurea

Golden Brugmansia (Brugmansia aurea)

In nature, it grows in the northern regions of Colombia. The flowers are large, yellow-golden in color, distinguished by the outward curvature of the calyx. The leaves are narrow, elongated, light green.

Brugmansia multi-colored or variegated (Brugmansia versicolor)

Variety with variegated leaves

Variety with variegated leaves

Brugmansia multi-colored or variegated (Brugmansia versicolor)

The variety has the largest flowers, they grow up to 50 cm in length. Various shades; young flowers are painted white, later becoming peach or orange. 

Breeders based on wild species have identified many spectacular Brugmansia hybrids. The most popular varieties:

  • Shy ballerina (Blushing ballerina)
  • Prima ballerina (Prima ballerina)
  • Golden ballerina (Golden ballerina)
  • Adretta
  • snow bank
  • Salmon Perfection, etc.

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Reproduction methods

Brugmansia - reproduction

There are two ways to propagate Brugmansia: cuttings and growing from seeds. Sometimes propagated by layering, but this method is not very popular.


Rooting cuttings

Rooting cuttings


A more popular and common way to grow Brugmansia is cuttings. It requires fresh and healthy shoots up to 25 cm long. There must be an apical bud. The procedure is carried out at the end of spring. Cut cuttings are placed in water with activated charcoal added to it; leaves are sprayed.

It is better to take an opaque container. Before placing in water, the lower ends of the shoots can be treated with a root growth stimulator. Top with plastic bottles.

Then the seedlings are placed in a warm, bright, well-ventilated room, protected from drafts. Roots usually begin to appear after two weeks. Seedlings take root in the ground when the length of the roots reaches 5 cm.


The appearance of the seeds

The appearance of the seeds


With this method of cultivation, only a part of the varietal characteristics of the plant is preserved. Planted at the end of winter. Fresh seeds are buried in a container with soil mixture by about 1 cm.

To ensure the constancy of conditions, the container must be covered with a film or glass. Once a day, the substrate is ventilated. The temperature is maintained at +22 ° C until seedlings appear.

Sprouts hatch usually after 14 days. Seedlings are planted in separate pots when 3-4 leaves appear on them. Of the minuses of the method, it is worth noting the slow pace: the first flowers appear when germinating with seeds, usually after 2-3 years.

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Subtleties of care


Let us turn to the basic requirements of Brugmansia when caring at home

The plant is not too capricious, it is not difficult to grow it for a beginner grower. But non-compliance with the recommendations of the content can affect his well-being and even destroy him.


plant in a tub

plant in a tub

Brugmansia quickly and intensively develops the root system. Therefore, the roots often become crowded, they can break the pot from the inside. It is advisable to select a wide and voluminous container for the plant in which it will grow freely.

But even in this case, a transplant is regularly required. 


A nutrient substrate is suitable for sowing the plant. The acidity of the soil does not matter. You can buy soil for palm or regular tub plants in the store.

If you want to prepare the mixture yourself, you will need:

  • Sand
  • Humus
  • Peat

All parts are connected in equal proportions.

When planting in open ground in the garden, preference is given to fatty loamy soils with an abundance of nutrients.


Compliance with lighting conditions

Compliance with lighting conditions

Brugmansia is a photophilous tropical beauty. She likes daylight and sun; even direct sunlight on the flower is allowed. Therefore, it is better to provide it with appropriate conditions.

The plant is placed on the south, southeast and southwest windows. If it is not possible, you can put on others, but be sure to provide additional lighting, especially in the winter season. Brugmansia is illuminated with phytolamps with a pink spectrum.

If it is difficult to provide such conditions, it is better to lower the light and temperature so that the plant has a dormant period. 


The optimum air temperature for the plant is + 23-25 ​​° С

The optimum air temperature for the plant is + 23-25 ​​° С

Exotic Brugmansia loves high temperatures, about + 23-25 ​​degrees. During the hot summer months, it is advisable to ventilate the room where it grows as often as possible, but avoid drafts. It is permissible to transfer it to the loggia and balcony.

Watering and humidity

Brugmansia - watering

Brugmansia loves water, because in nature it lives in conditions with a humid tropical and subtropical climate.

In the summer heat, the substrate is moistened every day, but the main thing is not to overmoisten the earthen lump. In the cool months, watering is done only when the topsoil dries up.

Watered with soft, settled during the day with water at room temperature. She also needs to spray the foliage of the plant daily.

Too much moisture can be dangerous. Excess liquid is drained from the pan.


Brugmansia transplant

Due to the intensity of growth of Brugmansia, it must be transplanted regularly, at least once a year.

Otherwise, the roots will become crowded, growth will slow down, flowering will stop. The new pot should be slightly taller and wider than the previous one.

For transplantation, the transshipment method is used: the plant, together with an earthen clod, is carefully shaken out of the old container and moved to a new one. Before planting it in a new "home", a layer of drainage is laid on the bottom of the tub: a mixture of pebbles with charcoal.

All work with the plant is carried out exclusively with protective gloves so that the poisonous juice of Brugmansia does not come into contact with the skin. If it does get into unprotected areas, they must be thoroughly rinsed.

top dressing

flowering period

flowering period

Brugmansia will be happy with frequent top dressing. It is even believed that it is impossible to overfertilize this plant. It is also very undemanding in terms of the composition of the top dressing; any mineral or organic mixture is suitable for it.

During the period of active growth - the growing season - it is recommended to give Brugmansia complementary foods weekly. So she will form a lush and beautiful crown. It is better to apply complex fertilizers at the same time.

In the summer, when Brugmansia blooms, they are fed with compositions for flowering plants. They are also brought in every week. It is better to use fertilizers rich in phosphorus and potassium. Of the organic compounds, the most suitable is mullein.


neatly arranged plant

Brugmansia quickly grows new shoots and leaves

Therefore, to preserve the decorative effect, it is necessary to trim the side branches. The procedure is carried out in the spring months.

Shoots are pruned by about a third, weak, diseased or too elongated branches are removed. It is better to keep the Y-shaped branching of the shoots for the formation of a beautiful crown.

When pruning, it is important not to overdo it. If you prune too hard, the flowering will decrease.
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Brugmansia - wintering

An important point in caring for Brugmansia in a city apartment is the wintering of the plant.

It grows in climates where the weather is warm all year round. But in Russian conditions, it is desirable to provide a dormant period for Brugmansia in winter. The flower will rest and again will delight the owner in the spring.

The dormant period begins with the first frost. For a quiet wintering, a number of conditions are provided:

  • Stop fertilizing the soil
  • If possible, clean in a dark, dry room
  • Maintain a temperature of approximately + 5-8 ° C
  • Water occasionally, only so that the soil does not dry out completely.

The plant often in such conditions sheds foliage until the end of cold weather. But in the spring, when it is brought out into the light, and watering and fertilizing are resumed, it will return to its usual form, the formation of new shoots and buds will begin.

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Diseases and pests

Yellowing leaves

Yellowing leaves

Brugmansia, despite its poisonous properties, sometimes becomes a victim of pests. And plant diseases are usually associated with improper care.

The main problems affecting the beauty and health of the plant:

  • Lack of flowering. So Brugmansia reacts to a lack of light or a high concentration of nitrogen in the substrate. Sometimes the reason for the lack of flowers or the dropping of buds is temperature changes and incorrect moisture.
  • Stretching of shoots, growth retardation. Common cause is poor lighting.
  • Decay of the root system. Root rot caused by over watering
  • Yellowing and falling leaves. The problem is caused by too dry air, or Brugmansia needs nutrients.

Pest - weevil

Pest - weevil

Brugmansia is affected by the following parasites:

  • Aphid
  • whitefly
  • spider mite
  • Weevil

If the plant is planted outdoors, it is sometimes attacked by snails, caterpillars and slugs. Their sabotage is manifested by holes in the leaves.

To get rid of pests, Brugmansia is treated with a soap-alcohol solution, insecticides are additionally used for indoor plants: Fitoverm, Aktellik, Aktara, Spark. From folk remedies, you can use the infusion of tobacco dust, yarrow, garlic, dandelion. 

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Brugmansia is a tropical plant with pronounced decorative properties.

It will become a real decoration of both a garden plot and a city apartment. The plant cannot be called too whimsical, so care for it is within the power of a beginner.

It is important to remember the toxic properties of Brugmansia and prevent parts of the plant from getting into the body, and poisonous juice - on the skin. More information about Brugmansia - in the video.

Video: BRugmansia - ALL ABOUT GROWING

Brugmansia: types, planting and care at home, growing from seeds

Brugmansia, at home

Brugmansia: types, planting and care at home, growing from seeds | (100+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

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