Broccoli cabbage: cultivation and care in the open field, characteristics of varieties | (Photo & Video) +Reviews

In our gardens, traditional types of cabbage are often planted - white and cauliflower. Many gardeners know about the abundance of cabbage varieties, but they are treated with doubt and do not always know how to cultivate and what to cook from unusual forms.

Dietary and healthy options include broccoli, which is just gaining a place in our beds. Broccoli cabbage in the open ground of the middle zone (Moscow region) grows well and gives an excellent harvest, and the benefits for the body are simply invaluable.

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Brief description of vegetable crops


Broccoli belongs to the cruciferous family

It originates from the Mediterranean, but the pedigree is not known for certain. It was obtained in Italy by simple selection several centuries ago, when there were no ideas about selection.

Cauliflower is genetically close to her, which was bred by hybridization from broccoli. Although some botanists claim that it was the other way around.

They are similar in appearance and form inflorescences collected in a head. In color, the inflorescences are very dense, while in broccoli they are more loose.

Modern broccoli has 200 varieties that have spread around the world. Such abundance and growing demand speaks to its value as a dietary and vitamin product.

Biological characteristics of vegetable crops:

  • the stem grows up to 60-90 cm;
  • bush large, sprawling;
  • at its top, flower stalks are formed with small, green buds that are edible;
  • buds of small flowers form a head of green, blue or emerald color;
  • the inflorescence head differs in shape, forming conical and round outlines;
  • forms additional peduncles on lateral shoots-stepsons;
  • has a different weight (150-700 g and even 1 kg), which is affected by varietal affiliation;
  • leaves are large, whole and slightly corrugated, located on long petioles;
  • characteristic cross-pollination;
  • main varieties: capitate and stem;
  • the growing season lasts from 50 to 150 days, which depends on the rate of maturation of the variety.

There are winter and spring varieties. In the regions of Russia, spring offspring broccoli with a green head is most often grown. This is a hybrid variety that belongs to the Italian green branched variety.

Early varieties form lateral heads simultaneously with the central one. In later ones, they are formed after cutting the central one. The ability to form heads on stepchildren significantly increases the yield, lengthening the growing season.
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Benefits and nutritional value

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of the Mediterranean product

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of the Mediterranean product

Broccoli belongs to dietary products, its calorie content is 34 kcal / 100g. Vegetable culture is a real "vitamin-mineral cocktail" for the body, which contains macro- and microelements, vitamins of groups B, PP, E, C, K, carotene (provitamin A).The proteins in the composition contain a number of essential amino acids, in which broccoli can compete with beef and chicken eggs. The main % falls on simple carbohydrates or sugars.

In terms of benefits and diverse chemical composition, broccoli occupies a leading position compared to its closest cabbage relatives. Used in baby food, useful for the elderly.

This is a remedy for the prevention and treatment of:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • vascular and heart diseases;
  • nervous disorders;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • radiation sickness.

Broccoli has an excellent taste, reminiscent of green asparagus. Hence its second name - asparagus cabbage. And young leaves are not inferior in nutrition to spinach and kale.

Broccoli has been part of the traditional Italian diet for 1,500 years. A European eats up to 5 kg of a healthy vegetable per year. There is an increased demand for this variety of cabbage around the world. In terms of consumption, it is only a fraction of % inferior to the universal favorite - white cabbage.
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Features of care

Proper and timely watering significantly increases the yield of vegetable crops.

Proper and timely watering significantly increases the yield of vegetable crops.

How to grow broccoli without much hassle? Caring for the "Italian" includes traditional garden chores. Particular emphasis should be placed on watering and pest and disease control, since delicate leaves and tasty heads attract the attention of not only people.

In general, the vegetable adapts well to the continental climate of the Russian open spaces, stoically enduring heat and cold, winds and sudden changes in weather. It is unpretentious and quite suitable for growing in Russian open spaces.

Biological features:

  1. illumination. It grows well in a bright, open place. In poor lighting, loose and small heads are formed, so it is best to position the bed from east to west.

  2. Temperature regime. Feels great in the moderate range from +16 to +20C. At elevated temperatures, the heads become loose and flower arrows appear. Withstands light frosts: -2C (young plants) and -7C (adult specimens)

  3. Watering and air humidity. The optimal moisture content of the soil is 70%, and that of the air is 80%. This mode can be created by sprinkling. In its absence, regular watering is necessary so that moisture penetrates to a depth of 15-20 cm, otherwise asparagus cabbage will “go to the arrow”. On average, watering is carried out every other day, but it all depends on weather conditions. Convenient automatic watering, which automatically sheds deep layers of soil. It is useful to moisten the foliage, spray it

  4. Soils. These are light, moisture-absorbing, nutrient-rich formulations with neutral acidity. Deep topsoil guarantees good root growth

  5. Weeding and loosening. Held regularly. Allow to destroy the soil crust, get rid of a number of pests that willingly move from weeds to cabbage

  6. top dressing. A minimum of three top dressings is recommended, aimed at the growth of the ground part and the formation of the head. When the central part is cut off, then with the help of fertilizers they stimulate the growth of lateral

  7. Hilling. When the inflorescence begins to form, hilling is carried out, raking a layer of earth under the bush. This stimulates the growth of additional roots.

Growing broccoli

Growing broccoli

Do not pull out the plant after removing the main head. It takes some time when the side inflorescences from the axillary shoots appear. This will bring additional harvest. Shading is not necessary for their development and formation, as for cauliflower.
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Planting broccoli in open ground

Broccoli in the open field

Based on the climatic zone, asparagus cabbage in the open field is obtained by seedling and seedless method

Sowing seeds

Cabbage seeds are small, rounded, have good germination

Cabbage seeds are small, rounded, have good germination

In the western regions and in the Urals, broccoli is grown by sowing seeds in the ground. The signal for sowing is the average daily air temperature of +10C.

When it keeps stable for a week, and the buds have awakened on the apple tree, then it's time to sow the seeds. Usually in terms of time - this is the end of April - the beginning of May. With this method, ripe heads appear in the second decade of July.

You need to prepare the seeds in advance:

  1. They are sorted, selecting the largest specimens.

  2. The selected seeds are immersed in water at t=+50C for 15 minutes, and then immersed for a minute in a cool liquid with t=+10C. This technique helps the seeds to wake up

  3. It is useful to add Epin's solution (growth stimulator) and hold them for 8 hours in a warm solution, "provoking" the seed to germinate.

  4. Then, during the day, hardening is carried out in the refrigerator.

  5. Seeds are dried and then planted for seedlings

A site is prepared in advance with loose, fertile soil, neutral or slightly alkaline in composition (acidic soil is not suitable!) After sowing the seeds, they wait until 3 leaves appear. Then thin out the bed.

Between plants leave 30-40 centimeters. Conduct regular evening watering, based on weather conditions. When the seedlings acclimatize and take root, they are fed with a weak solution of manure (1:20) or a urea preparation (according to the instructions). This will help enhance the growth of tops: the entire ground part.

The conveyor method is convenient when the seeds are sown in March in three terms with a frequency of 2 weeks. Then the asparagus ripens gradually and the "green conveyor" with vitamins and minerals will be replenished uninterruptedly.

An important point is the choice of variety. The best varieties of broccoli do not guarantee the success of gardeners. The variety must be zoned (adapted) to a specific climatic zone.

The area where cabbage was planted constantly for 4-5 years is unsuitable for further planting of this vegetable crop. Spores of diseases and larvae of cabbage pests accumulate in the earth. Predecessors, after which broccoli grows well - tomatoes, cucumbers, legumes, carrots, garlic, onions.

Growing through seedlings

Seedlings need moderate temperatures to grow.

Seedlings need moderate temperatures to grow.

Heads of asparagus will appear as early as June if seedlings are used for planting broccoli. Seeds are prepared in mid-March, using the same techniques as for planting in the ground.

Containers are selected and washed in advance, pouring the purchased earth mixture into them.It is easy to prepare it yourself, by adding humus and peat to the soddy land (2: 1: 1). Drainage is placed at the bottom of the tank.

In theory, you need to sow seeds, sprinkle 1 cm of soil, then wait for seedlings. In practice, the temperature at home is above normal, and only + 15- + 17 C is needed for the germination of the Mediterranean culture. On the windowsill, it will stretch out a lot and will not turn out strong and stocky.

Let's reveal some secrets of cultivation:

  1. Seeds are sown in oblong containers or other containers, making grooves 1 cm deep in the soil, covered with cling film from drying out and cooling and placed in a greenhouse. This event is planned for the end of March - beginning of April

  2. At t=+10C, the first sprouts appear after 10 days. At + 15- + 18С, the seeds will hatch in 3-4 days

  3. After 2 weeks, 3-4 true leaves are formed. This is the signal for a pick

  4. Cabbage is transplanted into peat pots and kept for another 10 days at t=+21C. If the sun shines too bright, then the seedlings shade

  5. It is good to feed seedlings with nitrogen or complex fertilizers, reducing their concentration, since the root system of seedlings is quite tender

  6. After 40-50 days of growth with the number of leaves of 5-6 pieces, the time for planting in open ground is suitable. This period is in the middle of May.

  7. Previously, a week before transplanting under the open sky, the temperature in the greenhouse is gradually reduced by carrying out the hardening procedure.

Broccoli is planted according to the scheme: 40 cm between holes and 50-60 cm between rows

Broccoli is planted according to the scheme: 40 cm between holes and 50-60 cm between rows

You need to plant in cloudy weather in the afternoon. Seedling layout: 40 × 60 cm. The holes are dug deep. This is necessary to fill them with a nutrient mixture.

An earthen substrate is added to each well, with which it is mixed (per well):

  • compost;
  • ½ cup ash;
  • 10 g of complex minerals.

You need to plant broccoli, falling asleep with earth 2 cm above the root neck. Do not forget to compact the soil, while the stem is deepened and remains in the hole.

If the days are sunny and hot, then young seedlings shade. In the heat, the leaves quickly wither, losing elasticity. A young plant does not adapt well in the heat and may die.

As the asparagus grows, it is spudded to increase the volume of the root system and get a larger plant. In this case, the level of the hole will be equal to the level of the beds.

How to plant broccoli seedlings is shown in the video:

Broccoli cabbage: cultivation and care in the open field, characteristics of varieties

How to grow BROCCOLI. Planting seedlings in open ground

Broccoli cabbage: cultivation and care in the open field, characteristics of varieties | (Photo & Video) +Reviews

Young cabbage plants are often "attacked" by the cruciferous flea. Dusting the leaves with ash mixed with tobacco dust repels the pest. Covering with a thin, non-woven fabric helps. If the leaves turn into a "mesh", then the use of insecticides is necessary.

Broccoli top dressing

It is useful to alternate organic and mineral fertilizers.

It is useful to alternate organic and mineral fertilizers.

There is no urgent need for top dressing if, according to the rules of agricultural technology, the beds are filled with fertilizers with phosphorus and potassium since autumn (for example, superphosphate and potassium sulfate), liming was carried out. If autumn preparation was not carried out, then top dressing helps out during the growing season.

Feeding stages:

  1. The first is carried out when the seedlings take root in a permanent place and grow. Mullein infusion (1:10) or bird droppings infusion (1:20) is poured under the root. After 2 weeks, the procedure is repeated. Organic compounds supply the roots with nitrogen, which helps the cabbage to gain weight, form the ground part

  2. During the second feeding, potassium humate is added to the soil. Another option is to prepare a fertilizer solution: 40 g of superphosphate + 20 g of ammonium nitrate + 10 g of potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water

  3. After the central head is cut off, a third top dressing is carried out to stimulate the growth of side shoots. To do this, mix 30 g of potassium sulfate + 20 g of superphosphate + 10 g of ammonium nitrate in 10 liters of water or a bucket

  4. As additional dressings, dusting with wood ash is used, watered with ash or herbal infusion. Broccoli responds well to watering with nettle or comfrey infusion.

It is useful to add a layer of humus under the vegetable, which simultaneously fertilizes the cabbage and serves as a mulching material.

Planting broccoli

Planting broccoli

Please note that cabbages are especially in need of nutrition when the main head is cut off and new inflorescences form from their lateral buds. After each top dressing, the earth must be loosened and lightly mulched.
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Growing problems

Butterfly larvae, which are very voracious, cause the greatest harm.

Butterfly larvae, which are very voracious, cause the greatest harm.

Broccoli cabbage in the open field is constantly "under the gun" of pests and diseases. For pests, tender cabbage leaves are a favorite delicacy, so she has a lot of enemies. Cabbage parasites are easy to spot with the naked eye or by the characteristic traces they leave:

  • large and small holes on leaf blades;
  • eating leaves to the veins;
  • laying eggs on the underside of the leaf;
  • gossamer or sticky liquid on the surface.

Cabbage is eaten by cabbage fly, aphids, whitefly, butterfly larvae, cruciferous flea, cruciferous bug, slugs, moths, scoops, thrips. Based on the specific pest and the size of the lesion, processing is carried out, "emergency measures" are taken.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap

When using folk recipes, laundry soap is necessarily introduced into their composition.Cabbage has smooth leaves, from which droplets of the solution easily roll off, not holding on to the surface and not destroying the garden parasite. Soap makes the composition sticky.

Diseases are noticeable by other signs:

  • the appearance of dry or weeping spots on the leaf blades;
  • deformation of stems and leaves;
  • plaque of different shades;
  • color change.

Broccoli cabbage in the open field suffers from black ring spot, alternariosis, peronosporosis, mucous bacteriosis, vascular bacteriosis, black leg, keel, linen, phomosis. These are fungal and bacterial diseases for which certain protective measures are provided.

Blackleg is the most common seedling disease

Blackleg is the most common seedling disease.

There are prerequisites for the appearance of pests and diseases that should be considered when caring for broccoli:

  • watering with cold water;
  • abundance of weeds;
  • excessive watering;
  • high or low humidity;
  • weak planting material;
  • soil contaminated or poor in composition;
  • lack of crop rotation;
  • thickened landings;
  • insufficient amount of light.

There are plants - natural protectors of the crop. If you plant mint, celery or dill next to the cabbage, then the vegetable is not threatened by the attacks of aphids, earthen fleas and cabbage caterpillars.

Nearby you can plant vegetable crops - broccoli neighbors, who experience "sympathy" for each other, without interfering in growth and development. These are beets, chard, potatoes, lettuce, onions, spinach. And it is better to refuse close planting of beans and peas.

In addition to pests and diseases, broccoli sometimes has a serious problem - it goes into color. What to do if bloom develops? The video will help solve the problem:

Broccoli cabbage: cultivation and care in the open field, characteristics of varieties


Broccoli cabbage: cultivation and care in the open field, characteristics of varieties | (Photo & Video) +Reviews

Growing seedlings at home: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, cabbage, strawberries and even petunias. All the subtleties of this issue Read also: Growing seedlings at home: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, cabbage, strawberries and even petunias. All the subtleties of this issue

Variety overview

An unusual color inflorescence forms a variety of broccoli Miranda F1

An unusual color inflorescence forms a variety of broccoli Miranda F1

The yield of a variety depends on its zoning, designed for cultivation in a particular region. The zoned variety quickly adapts, grows well, gives excellent yields in the climatic conditions intended for it.

Varieties with the F1 icon are hybrids. They get sick less, ripen earlier, have larger sizes, but their seeds are not suitable for subsequent cultivation (seeds in the second generation do not bring excellent yields). In addition, they are somewhat inferior to ordinary varieties in their taste.

For the middle lane:

  • Baro Star F1 - an early Korean hybrid with medium-grained heads, the weight of which reaches 800-1000 g; stored up to 10 days;
  • Fiesta F1 - early cabbage with dense, juicy inflorescences, the ripening period of which is 70 days;
  • Comanche - an early ripe variety with dense inflorescences weighing up to 300 g, well tolerated by transportation;
  • curly head - matures in 80-95 days, forming up to 5-6 inflorescences weighing 300-500g; is disease resistant;
  • Tone - early ripe, cold-resistant variety, which is ready for use in 60-80 days; forms dense heads weighing 120-150 g.
  • Vyarus - an early ripening variety with a mass of inflorescences of 200-300 g and a ripening period of 65-75 days; well forms additional heads from lateral shoots; resistant to low and high temperatures.
  • Green Magic F1- an early Japanese hybrid that can be used after 60 days; forms dense heads, the weight of which varies from 300 to 700 g; resistant to many diseases and temperature extremes.

Fiesta - an early variety of cabbage for the middle lane

Fiesta - an early variety of cabbage for the middle lane

For Siberia and the Urals:

  • Lazarus - an easy-to-care variety that forms dense inflorescences for 70 days;
  • Linda - dark green cabbage with heads weighing 300 g ripens for 100 days;
  • tribute - differs in the earliest ripening and pleases with juicy inflorescences weighing 200-300 g;
  • Arcadia - an early variety characterized by high yield and ability to tolerate low temperatures.

Among the varieties of Romanesco there are early and mid-season hybrids that need careful care.

Among the varieties of Romanesco there are early and mid-season hybrids that need careful care.

An interesting cabbage with a romantic name, in which Italian notes are woven - Romanesco. This is one of the varieties of cauliflower, which is still referred to as broccoli. Salad green color and inflorescence in the form of spiked cones gives it an unusual look. Each large bud consists of smaller ones, creating an unusual configuration. In Italy, special dishes are prepared from it, as Romanesco sprouts have a delicate, nutty taste. Lately harvested inflorescences turn yellow and become hard in taste.

For the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine

Suitable varieties of all 3 categories: early, mid-season, late. Late-ripening varieties ripen well in the southern zones:

  • Atlantic - low bushes with a branched leaf rosette form dense inflorescences weighing 300-350 g;
  • Monopoly F1 - well forms lateral inflorescences weighing up to 350 g;
  • Monterey F1 - has an emerald color, does not form lateral heads, but the main mass reaches 1.7 kg.

Dutch late-ripening hybrids are also in demand: Bosphorus, Sumosun, Aurora, Kermit.

Broccoli variety Monterey f1

Broccoli variety Monterey f1

In order for the harvest to be plentiful, and the inflorescences to be diverse, plant varieties of different ages on the site. With extended fruiting, they will delight with tasty, vitamin products all summer.

The most famous and popular varieties

Breeders offer the best varieties that will not disappoint the gardener. A group of early "record holders":

  1. Green Magic F1 differs in excellent taste, high marketability, the stalk does not form emptiness, resistance to diseases is observed. Disadvantage: with rare watering, the heads become brown.

  2. Fiesta F1 characterized by high yield, resistance to heat and fusarium wilt. Disadvantage: when overripe, the heads become loose and crumble

  3. Naxos F1 matures on the 80th day. It forms dense heads weighing 500-800 g. It has a high marketability; when overripe, the heads do not darken. It is characterized by resistance to heat and diseases. Disadvantage: does not form lateral peduncles

Variety of Dutch selection, which is zoned everywhere

Variety of Dutch selection, which is zoned everywhere

The best mid-season varieties:

  • Batavia F1 matures in 90-95 days. Forms a spherical, gray-green head weighing 500-700 g. Secondary heads grow on the sides. Possesses high palatability, good productivity, transportability. Disadvantage: the variety is demanding to care for.
  • Heraklion F1 forms a rounded, flattened head weighing 500-600 g, which consists of small inflorescences, convenient for cooking. The growing season is 70-75 days. Possesses unpretentiousness, good productivity, endurance to a heat. The downside is that the seeds are sold only in professional packaging for farms.
  • Ironman F1 forms spherical heads weighing 400-600 g in 85-100 days. Ripens evenly, resistant to bloom and overripe. Has excellent taste. Disadvantage: Demanding to care.

Dishes with broccoli: varied, healthy, delicious

Dishes with broccoli: varied, healthy, delicious

The best late-ripening varieties:

  • Batavia F1 matures in 90-95 days. Forms a spherical, gray-green head weighing 500-700 g. Secondary heads grow on the sides. Possesses high palatability, good productivity, transportability. Disadvantage: the variety is demanding to care for.
  • Heraklion F1 forms a rounded, flattened head weighing 500-600 g, which consists of small inflorescences, convenient for cooking. The growing season is 70-75 days. Possesses unpretentiousness, good productivity, endurance to a heat. The downside is that the seeds are sold only in professional packaging for farms.
  • Ironman F1 forms spherical heads weighing 400-600 g in 85-100 days. Ripens evenly, resistant to bloom and overripe. Has excellent taste. Disadvantage: Demanding to care.

Delicate nutty taste allows you to cook broccoli salads with cheese, garlic, tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, and other vegetables. They are seasoned with vegetable oil or sauce. Just do not forget to pre-boil the head, dividing it into small pieces-inflorescences.
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The green head consists of flower buds that are eaten

The green head consists of flower buds that are eaten

In the photo, broccoli is cut off during the ripening period of the head. Harvesting is carried out until yellow, flowering inflorescences appear. An overripe vegetable crop loses its original taste, although it is still edible.

Cabbage should be harvested starting from the central head, while it should be dense, and the length of the stem grows up to 10 cm. The stem is also eaten, it is tasty and juicy, like the apical part. The place of the cut is sprinkled with wood ash, leaving the vegetable for growing.

After that, they carry out top dressing and wait for the growth of lateral inflorescences, which are smaller in mass, but more tender in taste. Harvesting is carried out in the early morning hours so that the inflorescences do not wilt under the rays of the sun.

Storage of early varieties lasts up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator or cool room. And late varieties are able to lie in storage or cellar for 2-3 months. But usually broccoli is cooked immediately or used for freezing. In winter, the "kochanchiki" are defrosted and a variety of dishes are prepared.

It is not necessary to throw the stems into the compost heap after harvesting. They are able to lie on the ground for a long time and, due to the accumulated nutrients, tie small heads. And this is another chance to get fresh products.

Knowing how to care for broccoli in the garden, which varieties are suitable for your zone, you should not think for a long time about purchasing tasty and vitamin cabbage seeds. Caring for her is feasible and traditional, and the benefits and a unique combination of medicinal properties allow you to maintain strength and health not only in summer, but also in winter.

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