Burned out the engine of your favorite small grinder? Don't rush to throw it away. After all, by replacing it with a 12 V DC motor, you will not only bring the tool back to life, but also get a unique opportunity to use it outside the home by connecting it to the car battery.

Materials for work
In order to make a 12 volt grinder, you will need:
- an old grinder of small power with a burned-out engine;
- high-speed powerful 12-volt DC motor;
- screwdrivers, pliers;
- grease for high speed gears;
- saw for metal;
- vise;
- electric drill;
- soldering iron;
- sword.
Step 1. Dismantle the old engine
We unscrew the four screws pressing the gearbox to the grinder body.

Unscrew the rear cover screw.

We remove the gearbox along with the rotor of the burnt engine.

We disassemble the body of the grinder.

We unscrew the screws securing the stator of the electric motor.

We take out the stator of the old electric motor, making room for the new one.

Step 2. Lubricate the gearbox
We unscrew the screws securing the gearbox cover.

We fill the gearbox housing with a special lubricant for high-speed gears.

Put the cover back on and screw it on.

Step 3. Attaching the new motor to the gearbox
We clamp the rotor of the burned-out electric motor in a vice and saw off the gearbox from it with a hacksaw.

Remove the engine cooling fan.

In the center of the shaft coming out of the gearbox, we drill a hole where the shaft of the new electric motor will subsequently be inserted.

On the side of the same shaft, we drill a hole into which the clamping screw will be inserted.

We cut the thread with a sword.

We put the gearbox on the shaft of the new electric motor.

We tighten the screw.

Step 4. We collect the grinder
We wrap such an amount of electrical tape on the edge of the electric motor so that it fits snugly into the body of the angle grinder.

We insert the engine with the gearbox into the body of the grinder.

We fasten the gearbox with 4 screws.

Solder the power wires to the motor.

We collect the body of the grinder.

We tighten the screw of the rear casing.

Connect a 12V DC power supply.

We put on a cutting disc.

We cut the metal rod.

Video: Do-it-yourself Bulgarian 12 volt
Do-it-yourself Bulgarian 12 volt
Do-it-yourself alteration of a 12 volt grinder? | Step-by-step instruction