If you have an old router and its antenna power is not enough to cover the whole house, do not rush to replace it with a new one. After all, there is an easy-to-make wifi antenna Biquad (biquadrat, Kharchenko's zigzag), which will increase the signal level of the router. By the way, it is also suitable for 3G and 4G modems. Basically, the Internet presents methods for manufacturing an antenna with a reflector, but its disadvantage is the narrow band of the signal direction in space. In our article, we will tell you how to make an omnidirectional (i.e., transmitting a signal 360 degrees) antenna with your own hands.

Materials for manufacturing
In order to make an antenna, you will need:
- copper wire with a cross section of 2-3 mm;
- soldering iron;
- tin sheet;
- scissors;
- a piece of antenna cable;
- antenna connector;
- masking tape;
- glue gun;
- paint can;
- wifi router and laptop to check signal strength.
Step 1. We make a template for the antenna
The antenna is based on four squares, with a perimeter equal to the wavelength of your transmitting device.
Without going into the details of the calculations, we will immediately tell you the length of the side of the square: for a router with a signal frequency of 2.4 GHz - 31 mm, 5.5 GHz - 14 mm, for a 3G modem - 37 mm, 4G - 30 mm.
From a sheet of tin, cut out a template of the required size.

Step 2. Bend the Antenna Squares
We take a copper wire and apply it to one of the edges of the template.
We intercept the wire with pliers at the other edge of the template and bend it at an angle of 90 degrees.

Further, rearranging the template and bending the wire in the right direction, we get 4 squares connected in pairs.

Step 3. Assemble the antenna
We fix the squares on the surface of the table with masking tape, placing them at an angle of 90 degrees to each other.

We solder the one-piece middle of the squares. Now our antenna has become stronger and you can remove the adhesive tape.

We clean the antenna cable so that the central core protrudes by 3 mm, and the cable braid by 1 cm.
We solder the ends of the wire squares to the braid, and the central core to the previously soldered middles of the squares.

Solder the antenna jack on the reverse side of the cable. We isolate the middle of the antenna with hot glue, and paint the antenna itself with spray paint.

Step 3. Testing
We turn on the router with its native whip antenna and fix the signal level on the laptop.
We change the router antenna to a newly made one and fix a new signal level.

After replacing the antenna, the signal level increased one and a half times (from 60 to 90%).

DIY omnidirectional antenna
Do-it-yourself omnidirectional biquad antenna 2 4GHz