A wide variety of climatic conditions in Russia ensured the richness of the country's flora. The total area of forests amounted to 45.4% of the entire territory of the country. In the open spaces of the region there are trees, flowers and shrubs. Species diversity surprises with beauty. Individual plants are found not only in the natural environment, but are cultivated by gardeners in summer cottages. The woody plant Euonymus, its description and care is known to many lovers of landscape design.
- History and legends about the appearance of the plant
- general description
- Most requested types
- European or Euonymus europaeus
- Warty or few-flowered Euonymus verrucosus
- Winged or Euonymus alatus
- Fortuna or Euonymus fortunei
- Dwarf or Euonymus nanus
- Japanese or pseudolaurel
- Semenov or Euonymus semenovii
- Maack or Euonymus maackii
- Planting a plant
- plant propagation possibilities
- Care instructions
- Pests and diseases
- plant use

History and legends about the appearance of the plant
Many legends are associated with a bright woody plant. Offended by the human race, the sorceress decided to take revenge on the offenders and grew a dangerous, poisonous bush Euonymus. Looking at the suffering of people, the witch took pity on them and changed her anger to mercy. She made the fruits of Euonymus healing, she herself turned into a small robin bird and introduced everyone to the unique properties of berries.

Euonymus (Winged Dwarf)
Another legend attributes the creation of the plant to the ancient Roman goddess Flora. Walking in the woods, she lost her earrings and a brooch with floral designs. Beautiful Flora was upset, but did not look for jewelry. She made them poisonous and endowed them with unprecedented beauty. The Latin name of the genus - Euonymus means "alluring beauty." The openwork crown especially attracts attention during the flowering period - in the fall. A single leaf has up to six colors: orange, pink, red, white, yellow, purple. From mid-autumn, the red palette becomes dominant. Bright fruits attract attention before the onset of cold weather.
In the natural environment, members of the family are found in broad-leaved and mixed forests. You can get acquainted with the plant in different parts of the world, with the exception of the northern regions. Representatives of the species feel comfortable in temperate, tropical and subtropical climates.

Euonymus fusaggine
In 1931, the Soviet professor, botanist Bosse discovered gutta-percha, a valuable resin, in the bark. Today, the plant is used not only to decorate garden plots, but also in certain industries.

general description
Euonymus is widespread in nature and is just beginning to gain popularity in summer cottages. Representative of the floral department is suitable for decorative purposes.

Euonymus warty
Description of appearance and general characteristics:
- Euonymus family, genus Euonymus includes low-growing trees and shrubs
- evergreen or deciduous, smooth foliage
- height of individual species up to 7 meters
- small flowers, various colors
- flowers are collected in inflorescences
- number of inflorescences up to 5 pieces
- number of sepals and petals 4-5 pieces
- the fruit is often a dry box, the color palette depends on the type
- seeds inside a box of white, red or dark color
- has medicinal properties
- most species tolerate strong gas pollution, a short-term drop in temperature to -20 degrees
- feels comfortable in the shade and partial shade
- ease of care
Today, scientists have 142 species of Euonymus. In the wild nature of Russia, there are 20 species of the family. In the middle zone of the country, the most common is the Warty and European representative of the genus Euonymus.

Most requested types
To decorate a summer cottage, gardeners are guided by the size of the plot, terrain features and individual preferences. The species diversity of the Bereskletov family allows you to choose the most successful plant.

European or Euonymus europaeus

Euonymus European (Sherwood)
External description and features:
- deciduous tree or shrub
- maximum height 7 meters
- square shape of the stem, due to cork growths
- crown reaches up to 5 meters in diameter
- deep, branched root system
- Foliage turns purplish red in autumn
- fruits serve as the main decorative element, they are able to please the owner all winter
- cruciform box shape
- undemanding to the composition of the soil
- shade-tolerant
- flowering begins in May-June
- hardwood
Red Cascade
- Tall shrub, up to 4 meters.
- Crown size up to 3 meters in diameter.
- It is distinguished by a variety of shades of foliage in the autumn, from rich yellow to purple.
- A feature was the fruits of red color, which are large in size.
- A small plant with miniature, white fruits.
- The foliage color palette has a purple hue.
Argenteo variegata
- Foliage stands out with small white patches
- A feature of the variety was the presence of yellow spots on the foliage.

Warty or few-flowered Euonymus verrucosus
Widespread in Russia. External data and characteristics:
- height up to 2 meters
- superficial root system
- each shoot has convex growths
- slow growth
- in autumn, the foliage acquires a bright, multi-colored color
- lush crown
- multi-colored foliage does not fall even with the advent of winter, lasts longer than most plants
- unpleasant odor during flowering
- a ripe fruit of pink color in the form of a box from which black seeds are visible
- unpretentious, suitable for cultivation in the garden

Winged or Euonymus alatus
The shrub originated in Asia, and is especially popular in Japan, China and Korea.
External features and technical data of the species:
- reaches a height of up to 1.8 meters
- spreading crown
- leaf length up to 5 centimeters
- slow growing
- in autumn, the foliage acquires a fiery, red hue
- small yellow flowers with a green tint
- fruit box is orange in color when mature
- does not tolerate waterlogged soil and the proximity of groundwater

Fortuna or Euonymus fortunei

Fortuna (Moonshadow)
China became the birthplace of the species. General description and characteristics of the shrub:
- undersized, up to 30-60 centimeters
- creeping, curly
- sprawling branches
- the main decorative element is variegated foliage
- bicolor leaf color
- small foliage with pointed edges
- small size flowers
- large seed box
- the most cold hardy
- tolerates dry conditions
Emerald Gold
- The foliage is distinguished by a golden border. Light-loving plant tolerates low temperatures well
- The color of the leaves is white with cream or pink stains. It does not tolerate frost and is resistant to a lack of sunlight.
Emerald of Haiti
- Green foliage with a white border is able to form a creeping carpet. High frost resistance.

Dwarf or Euonymus nanus
It belongs to endangered species and is in the Red Book. It occurs in the wild in territories from Europe to China.
External features and features of the species:
- height less than one meter
- creeping stem
- branches in the shape of a tetrahedron
- dense leathery foliage
- narrow leaves are small in length up to 4 centimeters
- there is practically no seed method of reproduction
- rare fruiting in Russia
- flowering time - early summer
- fruits ripen in a box of light green color with a yellow tint
- flowering period less than seven days
- shade-loving
- frost-resistant

Japanese or pseudolaurel
The only type of plant suitable for cultivation in open ground and at home.

Japanese spindle tree (Microphyllus aureovariegatus)
General information about the plant:
- reaches a height of up to 7 meters in the wild
- dense foliage, with pointed, jagged edges
- it is necessary to organize certain conditions for growth
- unpretentious and easy to care for
- stress resistant
- tolerates air temperature up to -7 degrees and high gas content
- The variety is distinguished by foliage of golden color with a green border.
- It is distinguished by a large size of foliage up to 7 centimeters in length
aureo marginata
- The variety is distinguished by a golden border of foliage

Semenov or Euonymus semenovii
- Evergreen plant of small height, up to 1 meter
- Differs in the creeping nature of the crown
- Leathery foliage has an oval shape and a length of up to 5 centimeters
- Flowers form inflorescences in the form of umbrellas
- Stress-resistant appearance, easily tolerates low temperatures and shady areas
Maack or Euonymus maackii
More common in the territories of Eastern Siberia.
External characteristics and distinctive features:
- height up to 8 meters
- in autumn it is distinguished by the presence of spherical or pear-shaped boxes of pink color
- foliage turns purple in autumn
- photophilous, with a sufficient amount of sunlight, it has the shape of a tree
Planting a plant
Choosing one of the decorative types of Euonymus for planting, you should pay attention to the quality of the seedling. A beautiful bush will grow only from strong, healthy planting material. Seedlings should be purchased in specialized stores and nurseries. When buying a product on the market, you will not receive a guarantee of quality, the resulting plant may not correspond to the declared type.
Two variants of seedlings are offered for sale - with an open and closed root system. In the first case, it is necessary to plant in the soil as soon as possible after purchase. The closed root system allows you to postpone planting for a long time. Depending on the planting conditions, a certain variety is selected. Large, open areas are suitable for tall members of the family: European, Maak or Warty Euonymus. Planting under trees is suitable for ground cover species: Fortune, Dwarf or Semenov. When choosing a place, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the variety. When placing more often give preference to elevated areas.

Saplings of Fortuna Variegatus
The optimal time for planting Euonymus in open ground is the beginning of March. In a warm climate, planting in the autumn is acceptable, before the first frost. The plant responds positively to sunlight.
When choosing a plant for decorating a summer cottage, you should follow a number of simple rules:
- Digging a hole or trench for planting is carried out in advance, the optimal start time is two weeks.
- The area of the pit for sowing should correspond to the root system of the variety, exceed it at least twice.
- Organization of drainage, coarse-grained sand, expanded clay or gravel is placed at the bottom of the pit. The drainage layer should be 13-15 centimeters.
- To improve the quality of the soil, the excavated soil is combined with compost.
- With a high acidity index, 150-300 grams of hydrated lime are added to the soil.
- The root system of the plant is placed in the planting hole. Roots should be straightened first.
- To avoid the formation of air pockets, the soil is tamped as the landing space is filled, pressing the soil with palms to the ground.
- It is necessary to place the root collar on the same level with the ground;
- When creating a decorative hedge from a plant, a distance between plantings of at least 40 centimeters should be observed.
- Members of the family require abundant watering immediately after planting.
- Daily watering of the seedling within a week from the moment of planting.
- Mulching the soil next to the planting. Peat, sawdust or shredded bark are suitable as mulch. The procedure is necessary to maintain soil moisture.

For planting, light soil with a neutral reaction is preferable.
Heavy soil is diluted with the addition of peat, sand and compost. If necessary, the acidity level is reduced with the help of slaked lime. When choosing soil, swampy and impervious places should be avoided, and areas with high groundwater should be abandoned.
The location of the bushes
When choosing large varieties for planting in a garden plot, the dimensions of the plant should be taken into account.. A well-growing crown requires space. When landing, it is necessary to take this fact into account and keep a distance from other landings. Bushes should not be planted near buildings.

Euonymus on a trunk
Dwarf plant species are preferably planted not in open ground, but in a separate container.. In the warm season, they are taken out into the open air, they serve as a decoration for the summer cottage. After the onset of moves, the view is transferred to the house. Varieties feel comfortable under temperature conditions of no more than 5 degrees. In the spring, they are transplanted.
plant propagation possibilities
Plants can be propagated in two ways:
- Seminal
- Vegetative - cuttings, layering or root processes
The most economical gardeners, if there is a margin of time, use the seed planting method. The method of planting cuttings or propagation by layering will help to get the result faster.
Features of growing from seeds
The probability of getting seedlings from seeds is small, a positive result is achieved in a maximum of 25% of cases. In the first year after sowing, seedlings do not appear. The optimal time for planting is late autumn. The bed for sowing is pre-leveled to allow the soil to settle.

Euonymus seeds
The plant loves space, when forming holes, distances of 7-10 centimeters are observed. After planting is completed, the bed is mulched with foliage or paws of a Christmas tree. With the onset of spring, the mulch is removed and the crop is allowed to break into the light.Sprouts require timely watering and weeding.
Recommendations for preparing seedlings:
- Planting material is stratified, stored in a bag of wet sand
- Seeds are preliminarily placed in a glass of water for 2-3 days.
- Swollen seeds are peeled from a dense peel and placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 15-20 minutes
- After processing, the seeds are washed with clean water.
- It is necessary to prepare a container in advance - a pot with fertile soil. Land for planting is purchased at a flower shop or prepared independently
- The planting depth of the seed material is 1.5-2 centimeters
- After sowing, the seedlings are covered with a film or glass to create a greenhouse effect.
- Expected germination period 14-20 days
- After the appearance of the first sprouts, the film and glass are removed
- It is necessary to maintain the temperature in the room, 20 degrees
- At least 10 days before planting in open ground, seedlings are hardened, gradually lowering the air temperature.
- In winter, the plant is covered to protect against freezing.
Vegetative propagation methods
The procedure consists of the following steps:
- Trimming the top from the shoots, the length of the cut part is 8-10 centimeters
- The cut part must contain one internode
- The stalk is placed in a solution of root - a strong biostimulant for up to 12 hours
- Planting a cutting in a container with fertile soil
- The planting pot is covered with a cap
- The container with the plant is placed in a cool, bright place.
- After 1-2 months, the plant is ready for planting in open ground.

Cutting with roots
One of the vegetative propagation methods is the division of the bush. The method is focused on dwarf species of Euonymus. The proximity of the root system to the surface of the earth makes the method the most convenient. Part of the roots, together with the ground part of the shrub, is cut off from the mother part and immediately planted in a prepared place. The planting is watered abundantly and the ground next to the plant is mulched.

Room euonymus cuttings
The spring period is suitable for propagation by layering. The method is suitable for the European and Warty appearance.
The procedure consists of the following steps:
- Digging a groove up to seven centimeters deep near Euonymus
- Bend one or two shoots to the groove and sprinkle with earth
- After the appearance of the roots, the shoot is cut off from the uterine part of the plant.
- Transfer to a permanent place. When transplanting, do not shake off the soil from the roots.
For reproduction of Euonymus, offspring no more than 50 centimeters high with a minimum root length of 30 centimeters are suitable.
Care instructions

Euonymus refers to unpretentious plants
To get a healthy, strong bush, simple care measures will help:
- Watering
- top dressing
- Soil loosening
- pruning
- Mulching
Most varieties of Euonymus prefer moderate watering. Excessive moisture adversely affects the root system of the plant.

Increase or decrease the amount of watering depending on weather conditions.
In the hot period, members of the family respond positively to frequent irrigation. In rainy summers, it is possible to completely abandon this care event. To simplify the procedure, experienced gardeners advise placing a layer of mulch around the planting, the solution will reduce the amount of watering required.
top dressing
For good growth and development, the plant should be fertilized twice a year. The optimal period for top dressing is spring and autumn. The first procedure is carried out during the period of tying the buds.

As a basis, a complex mineral fertilizer, bird droppings or a solution of mullein in a ratio of 1:10 is suitable.
During the active growing season, top dressing should be applied a second time. To increase the size of the fruit when watering, phosphate or potash fertilizers are added to the water.
Soil loosening

The procedure is carried out one or two days after watering the bush
The plant does not require regular loosening. It is enough to carry out the procedure three times during the summer season.
Euonymus is recommended to be cut twice a year, in spring and summer.. Sanitary care measures are carried out in the spring. With the help of a pruner, dry and damaged branches of the bush are removed, the crown is formed.

Pseudolaurus (Euonymus japonica)
In summer, gardeners carry out decorative cutting of shrubs. It is carried out in order to create a round, rectangular, square or any other regular geometric shape.
Pests and diseases
One of the main difficulties in the cultivation of Euonymus is pests. The plant is often attacked by them and requires special protection measures.

Foliage of Euonymus alatus
Various species face the following problems:
- apple moth
- hawthorn
- Shchitovka
- spider mite
A pest from the ermine moth family. Settles on the stems of shrubs, forms nests shrouded in cobwebs. The nests are inhabited by caterpillars that can not only damage the foliage, but also cause irreparable harm. Euonymus is often planted in apple orchards to prevent the attack of parasites on fruit-bearing trees.
Fight event: treatment of the plant with an insecticide. Branches with nests are cut and disposed of.
One of the most dangerous enemies of the gardener affects the stems and leaves. An alarm signal is the appearance of bulges of small bulges. The color of the neoplasms is brown or white, with a diameter of up to two millimeters.
The pest literally sucks the juice from the shrub, which leads to the death of the leaves. Lack of timely assistance leads to the death of the plant.
Among the effective insecticides that allow you to cope with the scab, there are:
- Aktar
- Bankol
- Karbofos
- Actellik
Treatment with chemicals will not completely eliminate the problem. Mechanical cleaning is required. With a cotton swab or brush, it is necessary to wipe each individual leaf, stem and twig.
A large butterfly with white wings in a black stripe is capable of causing serious harm to Euonymus. She lays eggs on plants, from which caterpillars emerge. Light brown pests are only 4-5 centimeters long.
The main protection measure is insecticide treatment.. In nature, tits help to cope with the pest.
The harmful insect is distinguished by a dark color of black or green. It infects the plant with whole colonies, settles on young shoots, on the lower part of the foliage.
The pest, like the scale insect, sucks the juice. In the process of absorbing juices, the insect secretes honeydew, which ants feed on.
For control, insecticides and pesticides are used. An effective method for eliminating aphids is mechanical cleaning with soapy water. A simple composition of liquid soap and plain water, in a 1: 1 ratio, is able to cope with a dangerous insect.
External signs that allow you to recognize the appearance of a pest:
- light spots on foliage
- curvature of the leaf surface
- the appearance of tubercles on the foliage
The solution to the problem is carried out by mechanical removal and disposal of all damaged leaves and subsequent treatment of the plant with an insecticide. After carrying out pest control measures, it is necessary to carry out abundant watering for the speedy restoration of foliage.
Most of the diseases of Euonymus are associated with waterlogging of the soil. Many gardeners in the course of its cultivation are faced with powdery mildew, a whitish coating appears on the foliage and the crown gradually dries out. The disease is caused by high humidity and frequent temperature changes.
Another common problem is that brown spots begin to cover the foliage. Signs indicate the presence of brown spot. Both fungal diseases are treatable. Fungicides must be used. The funds are available in most flower shops. The treatment is carried out up to four times, with an interval of two weeks between spraying. Among the means, the drug Peak, Hom, Skor, Abiga has positively proven itself.
The most dangerous for Euonymus will be a viral disease - Mosaic. The plant is covered with yellow spots, the shape of the foliage changes. Faced with a similar problem, you should dig out and destroy the entire bush in a timely manner.
plant use
Euonymus has healing properties. For medicinal purposes, branches and bark are used.

European euonymus fruits
The plant has a positive effect on the body and can help in a number of cases:
- Normalization of cardiovascular activity
- Prevention of diseases of the digestive system
- Restoration of blood pressure
- Headache Relief
- Increased potency in men
- Fight against helminths
- Treatment of fungal diseases of the skin, nails
- Is a laxative
Euonymus refers to poisonous plants. Its use should take place only after consulting and prescribing a doctor. The patient must strictly adhere to the dosage.
In cases of overdose, the plant may have side effects:
- vomit
- decrease in working capacity
- convulsions
Representatives of the Bereskletov family are used not only in medicine. It is actively used landscape design. Certain species are involved in the formation hedges, flower beds and rocky hills.

plant decorating the garden
Their bark is used in the chemical industry for the production of gutta-percha, an analogue of rubber. Wood of certain species is used for the manufacture of souvenirs and handicrafts.
Euonymus in the garden
Euonymus: Description of the plant, species and varieties, cultivation, planting in the open field and care, reproduction (65+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews