Flower lovers usually have a wide variety of flower crops both on their window sills and in outdoor beds. Growing some species is possible in different conditions, such as ever-flowering begonia, planting and caring for which will not require much time and effort. Shtambs look great both in pots on the windowsill and in group plantings of work, they are widely used in landscape design almost all over the world, taking into account temperatures and soils.

Begonia came to us from the tropical countries of South America; it was included in the unified European plant registry in 1821. Until now, begonia has experienced popularity several times, for periods it has been forgotten. Now the plant has a large number of different species and varieties, boles with large and double flowers have been bred, which look very impressive.

Senator Pink F1
But no less popular among flower growers are classic varieties with a large number of inconspicuous flowers collected in a brush. For landscaping on the street, more simple species and varieties are used, terry and large-flowered ones have taken root more as indoor plants, but they can also be grown in a flower bed near the house if desired. Care for all species and varieties will be identical, without much difficulty and long swarming.
Ever flowering begonia is a low plant with herbaceous stems. The leaves of the bole are usually whole, elastic, have a slight waxy coating, and are attached to the stem on a small petiole. The color scheme of leaf plates is diverse, depending on the variety, the bole can have bright green, pinkish, brown, burgundy, dark green leaves. The foliage will vary depending on the species and varieties, almost each of them has a unique color and shape, characteristic of this trunk.

Begonia evergreen
Flowers are usually collected in racemose inflorescences, their colors can be very diverse: from snow-white to bright red. Coral and pale pink varieties with double flowers are especially valued. Each species will have a different number of flowers in the brush, some large-flowered ones have only 3-4 buds, simple ones on one inflorescence can hold up to 20 small buds. It is due to the brush that attention is drawn to the flowering of the plant, insects will not be able to notice a small, nondescript flower among the colorful foliage.
All ever-flowering begonias are divided according to the height of the bole:
A feature is a faster adaptation to a new place when propagated by cuttings, sowing with seeds from a special store will allow you to get a pure variety. In the conditions of the street, the trunk will be pollinated and after 5-7 years it can be reborn into a taller plant.

Everblooming Bronze
Regardless of the height of an adult plant, each of the described varieties is perfectly grown indoors. Their decorative characteristics will be an excellent decoration for both a residential building and office window sills. Many are used for landscaping in public places: shopping centers, entertainment complexes, cafes and restaurants.
Begonia is also recommended in children's institutions, this plant will not harm this plant in any way for kids in kindergarten and schoolchildren, they will be happy to take care of the stems. Begonia will answer air purification indoors, saturate it with oxygen, will delight the eye with variegated foliage, abundant and long flowering.

Species and varieties
Decorate the garden, window sill, flower bed you can begonias of different types and varieties. Nowadays, it is already difficult to count them, but the classification has not changed since the old days. There are three main divisions into which gardeners and flower growers divide begonias that grow in the garden and at home. They will differ in external indicators, as well as some points in care and reproduction.

Begonia is an excellent decoration of a garden, flower bed or home
Plants are divided into:
Bush boles that have a pronounced dormant period. In autumn, the foliage completely crumbles from the stems, and the trunks themselves die off and rest for several winter months. After the plant actively begins to grow and develop, expelling a large number of new shoots. After the plant turns green with new leaves, a flowering period is possible, which lasts up to six months.
In our latitudes, such varieties are dug up and placed together with an earthen clod in the basement, where the temperature can drop to -1 degrees for a short time. It is advisable to maintain the temperature in the room where the stems are stored within + 2- + 5 degrees. Watering and fertilizing for this period are completely removed, there is no lighting at all, these factors can provoke the premature awakening of the stem, which is not very good for its well-being.
Subsequently, the trunk may bloom with very small and faded flowers, or the flowering period will be completely absent. Leaves and stems will be thin, weak, brittle.
Evergreens gradually change foliage on stems. All year round, these varieties delight the eye with beautiful leaves and practically do not stop flowering. Basically, these varieties grow in the tropics of the South American continent, which is the birthplace of begonias.
In our latitudes, such plants grow on window sills in pots, they do not have a dormant period, they only slightly reduce watering for the winter, apply less fertilizer, and do it less often. It is advisable to remove the resulting brushes with buds, then in the spring, with the first rays of the gentle sun, the begonia will perk up and will delight the eye with bright greenery and multi-colored tassels of flowers all summer.
With the onset of spring, increase the dose of dressings, increase watering, but monitor this carefully, a large dose will negatively affect the state of the flower in the pot.
Tuberous begonias periodically shed their leaves and flower stalks completely, in addition, the stems also die off. After a short period of dormancy, the trunk begins to develop with renewed vigor, the bush becomes more lush, flowering is more abundant.Usually, the discharge of the ground part takes place in the autumn; in the homeland of begonias, it occurs during the rainy season and a slight cooling.
In our latitudes, such plants are grown indoors and most inexperienced flower growers decide that the plant is starting to die. Some intensify watering, begin to actively apply a variety of fertilizers and growth stimulants, but in the end they only destroy the bole. This type of begonia should be placed for a period of rest in a cooler room, minimize watering, completely remove spraying even around the trunk.
Top dressing and fertilizers during this period will only harm the begonias, it is better to leave it alone, and after 1-1.5 months, take a little closer look, as soon as young shoots appear, immediately take the tub to a permanent place, bring watering back to normal, feed the revived plant little by little.

Variety Lucenets F1
Evergreens are most often grown indoors, when landing on the street at the first frost, they will die. Bush and tuber are grown outdoors, in the northern latitudes and the middle lane, I usually dig boles for the winter and store them together with a clod of earth in cellars and basements where frost does not get. These two types of begonias will endure a short drop in temperature to -2 without problems, but if the thermometer shows this temperature for five days or more, then most likely the plants will die. It is unlikely that it will be possible to reanimate them, because the root system, like the stems of begonias, is quite tender.
Most often, in our latitudes and more northern regions, annuals of ever-flowering begonias are used for landscaping. Before a cold snap, the required number of cuttings are cut from the stems, which are planted again in the spring in the flower beds. and rooting is usually carried out in closed ground conditions, for this purpose large containers and boxes are used. The most popular are several varieties, they are most often used by flower growers and landscape designers to create unusual flower beds.
Let's look at them in more detail below:
Shtamb belongs to tall annuals, which are most often used for landscaping flower beds and rabatok. It is not excluded that the plant can be grown indoors, only it will have to be replaced annually, since the bole gives an increase of about 50 cm per year.
The variety is characterized by:
- height of an adult plant up to 45 cm
- sprawling bush, with proper care can have a diameter of up to 45 cm
- the leaves are dense, rather large, have a dark green color and a light wax coating
- blooms with white flowers, each up to 4 cm in diameter, collected in a brush of 12-14 pieces
He likes abundant watering, but it is not worth pouring. The consequence of high humidity will be a putrefactive process on the leaves and stems, in addition, parasites may appear that adversely affect the appearance of the plant.
Kate Teicher
The tall plant looks great both in group plantings and solo. Cultivation is practiced both in open ground and in pots on windowsills. It is thermophilic, tolerates the winter period perfectly, but supplementary lighting during a cloudy pursuit is necessary.
The variety is distinguished by:
- height, can grow up to 40-50 cm, while maintaining a high decorative effect
- the leaves are large, sinewy, the main color is green, bordered along the edge with an unusual red scallop
- inflorescences consist of 12-13 medium-sized flowers, the color - scarlet rushes into the eyes
In care, the trunk is standard, top dressing and regular watering in combination with the correct formation of the bush will allow you to have a spherical plant of red tones on the site. With the help of a variety, it is possible to realize the most daring ideas for the design of a personal plot.A bright plant will bring zest, will become the main decoration of any flower bed.
Medium-sized variety, grown equally successfully both in the garden and in homes. Exclusivity is given by the dark color of the foliage and the tenderness of the flowers. Often used in landscape design in the middle lane of ridges and alpine hills.
Carmen cannot be confused with other varieties due to such characteristics:
- 25 cm stem height
- dark brown leaves, smooth
- flowers of pale pink color are collected in six pieces in an inflorescence
It behaves perfectly at room conditions, it propagates well by cuttings, but the seed method does not preserve the originally laid down indicators. When pollinated, it easily gives up its characteristics, in return it acquires the properties of a nearby bole.
Carmen will be the highlight of your flower garden, in the open field it will look great among bright juicy greenery, in pots it often coexists with greener varieties of the same begonia. At the same time, it is important to choose the neighborhood of plants with brighter colors of flowers, salvia, both purple and red, will be an excellent option.
The trunk is distinguished by thick stems, on which numerous small leaves grow evenly in abundance. The plant is branched, easily formed into a ball, has beautiful flowers. It can be used both in group plantings and cultivate single Othello begonia bushes. With the help of the trunk, the most daring landscape ideas are created, in which the flower beds need to be given volume and airiness.
The Othello variety is different:
- medium height, up to 25 cm
- juicy green leaves
- lush tassels of scarlet flowers
Usually, with proper care, the plant is completely covered with flowers, the brushes gradually fade. From under them, green foliage begins to break through. If you immediately cut off the withering field of the elements, you can stimulate the re-forcing of brushes with buds. In this case, an important point will be the introduction of an additional portion of fertilizer for flowering plants.
Albert Martin
This variety is classified as dwarf or undersized, the stem height rarely reaches 15 cm, most often no more than 10 cm. They are mainly used as living borders, the plant will perfectly separate garden areas, flower beds or create the effect of a flower carpet in a clearing in the yard.
Perfectly grown indoors, a small pot will be enough for the headquarters, in which it will grow quickly and completely hide the soil. More often the grade is used for gardening of balconies, terraces and loggias. Begonias are planted in containers and boxes and placed at their discretion.
The variety is distinguished by:
- small height of an adult plant
- spectacular foliage, bright green leaf plates have a red border
- carmine-colored flowers are collected in inflorescences of 6-8 pieces, they contrast beautifully against the background of the bush
Another distinguishing feature is the large number of simultaneously opened flowers, up to 55. It is this property that is taken into account when growing Albert Martin begonias in pots on balconies and terraces.
It will be easy to recognize the variety, a low plant can simply be covered with rich pink flowers. Through the brushes of inflorescences, sometimes small leaves break through, greenish with a red rim around the edge. The variety grows well and develops both in open ground and indoors. It is rarely used for landscaping balconies; it will look better in group plantings in the garden.
Add special elegance to discounts and alpine slidesif you place Bell's begonia in the middle lane of the flower beds. landscape designers it is often used to create abstract compositions, to bring into the overall picture a certain portion of tenderness, which is achieved through the color of flowers. The decorativeness of the leaves is taken into account little, since the flowering period of the bole comes early and lasts quite a long time.
A low-growing hybrid with green leafy plates is most often used in gardens as a living border. The bole looks spectacular during the flowering period, white flowers with a pink border will not leave anyone indifferent. Usually small flowers are collected in brushes of 4 pieces, but there are a lot of brushes on the trunk.
The variety is also grown indoors, it will look spectacular in group plantings in large containers on balconies and terraces. Many people use Bicola for zoning a garden and a florist, if you plant a certain area with this begonia variety, the effect will be stunning. This not tall plant will create the illusion of a living carpet, which will gradually cover the entire soil and delight with abundant flowering of delicate small flowers.
A small pot on the windowsill will be an excellent home for a trunk in the winter cold. When there is frost and a snowstorm outside the window, white-pink grains of flowers will remind you of a hot summer and delight the eye.


Growing begonias from seeds
Everyone would like to have on their site or in the house as many different types and varieties of flowers as possible. Some, however, prefer only a few species, it is their flower growers who actively cultivate and propagate, planting with their pet all the places suitable for this.
Everflowering begonia, like other plants of this type, can be propagated in two ways:
Seminal used quite rarely, it is usually used by breeders to create new hybrids with different basic characteristics. Purchased seeds usually correspond to the variety and type declared on the package, but if you decide to collect the seeds yourself, then there will be no guarantees that the characteristics of the bole will be preserved. The seed method involves sowing pre-prepared seeds into the ground for seedlings, after sowing the container is covered with a film or glass, creating a greenhouse effect.
After two weeks, shoots should appear, after the appearance of the second pair of true leaves, young begonias are transplanted into individual containers and grown for another 2-3 weeks. After the threat of frost has passed, the plants are planted in open ground and watered twice a day for the first week. Watering is gradually reduced., The subcortex is not introduced during this period, it is added in a small amount to the soil in which it is planned to plant the grown seedlings. After about a month, you can try to slightly fertilize the land around young boles.

begonia cuttings
cuttings you can achieve better results, all the original characteristics from the mother plant are retained in full. To do this, at the end of summer, after the end of flowering, young shoots up to 10 cm long are cut from the boles you like. It is important to ensure that the branch has several pairs of leaves and live buds. It is desirable to dry the slices, but they can be rooted in several ways.
The simplest and fastest is rooting in water; for this, the prepared cutting is lubricated with a root growth stimulator and placed in a container of water. After 7-10 days, the first roots will appear, after which young plants can be planted in prepared soil and grown at room conditions until spring. With the second method, you will have to fool around, the cuttings are dried on the cut, treated with ash and planted in wet sand.
The container is covered with a film, regularly watered and ventilated. With the correct procedure, after two weeks, the cuttings will take root and begin to develop. It is during this period that it is important to remove the film and place the container on the windowsill. Top dressing and fertilizers in the first 4-6 weeks do not need to be applied, substances can aggressively affect a weak root system. After the specified period, you can slightly stimulate the development of leaves and more rapid strengthening of the rhizome in the ground at a permanent place of "residence".
It is not worth dividing the bush, nothing good will come of it, none of the separated parts will be able to grow normally. If, by a lucky chance, a part of the divided bush is accepted, the threat that the trunk will often get sick increases, various diseases and pests can attack it, which over time will cause its death.
Begonia is not picky in soils, it will grow and develop perfectly on almost any land, the main thing is that it be slightly acidic and loose. Downed soil will not allow the bole to easily develop roots through which the whole plant is nourished. Gradually, the begonia in such a place will gradually wither, it will lag significantly behind in development, it is possible to shed foliage and buds.

Variety Semperflorence
To avoid such an outcome, dense soils must be regularly loosened or pre-prepared the correct soil mixture, which does not require such careful attention to itself.

Particular attention should be paid to drainage, the plant will not tolerate stagnant water both in a pot and in a flower bed for a long time.
The result will be a variety of putrefactive diseases of the stems and leaves of the bole, which over time will lead to the death of the entire plant.
For sowing seeds and planting cuttings, they prepare a special soil mixture on their own, for this they take:
- two parts of humus
- two pieces of leaf land
- one part sand
The components are well mixed and left for a day in a room to warm up. Only after that it is possible to sow seeds or plant cuttings with a root system. Pre-water well and slightly dry the prepared soil, this will allow the seedlings to grow and develop better. Top dressing during this period is not applied, seeds and seedlings will receive proper nutrition from humus.
Feeding and watering
Growing in a flower bed provides for periodic watering of boles, no more than once every three days during heat. It is worth considering drainage for begonias in advance, this will help to keep the stems in perfect condition for a long time and save the grower from problems with diseases and pests, which are attracted by high humidity around the begonia stem.

plant in the open field
Begonia will need top dressing already a month after planting in open ground, if a soil mixture of its own preparation was used before planting. It reacts best to minerals, it is advisable to add organic matter in the spring when preparing beds for a flower bed. In the summer, nutrients are added along with water, they are dissolved in pre-prepared and heated water, and then carefully added under each bush.
You can make it easier, take a more concentrated solution, dilute it in water for irrigation and bring it directly from the watering can to the plants, however, if nutrients get on the leaves under the influence of the sun, burns will occur that can cause the death of an adult healthy bole. So do not be lazy, in order to have a beautiful, lush flower bed, apply top dressing strictly for each seedling of plants used in the garden.

Diseases and pests

plant leaf disease
Begonia, like all garden plants, is periodically attacked by various diseases and pests. Most of them are attracted by improper care of boles, single errors cannot provoke the development of parasites and destroy the plant.
powdery mildew periodically it can affect begonia, this happens due to the fact that stagnation of water occurs or when it is lacking in the soil. Only fungicides can help, there is no other way out.
Root and leaf rot boles are affected by sudden changes in temperature and high humidity.At the beginning of the process, it is worth removing the affected areas and treating the sections with ash, but if most of the plant is affected, then it is better to get rid of it completely.
Whitefly, thrips, scale insect will not allow ever-flowering begonias to grow and bloom normally. You can fight this scourge only with the help of chemicals.
Begonias are often used in group plantings in flowerbeds of various styles of landscape design. They are not picky, easy to care for, look great and delight the eye with their appearance for a long time.
Reproduction. Preservation.
Begonia ever flowering: description, types, planting in the open field and care, possible diseases (60 Photos & Videos) + Reviews