Periwinkle is an unpretentious shrub. Planting and caring for vinca is not difficult. Abundantly flowering bushes will please the eye for most of the year, if simple rules are followed. You will learn about them from the text of the article.
- plant description
- Kinds
- Care
- Growing from seed
- Planting seedlings and care
- Vegetative propagation
- Landing in open ground
- Periwinkle at room conditions
- Features of variegated varieties
- Features of cultivation in Siberia and the Ural region
- Pests and diseases
- medicinal properties
- The use of periwinkle
- flower magic
- Periwinkle in the garden

plant description
Periwinkle is a perennial plant, it can be both deciduous and evergreen. The genus is represented by shrubs and herbaceous plants. Belongs to the Kutrov family. It consists of 12 species, only 4 are cultivated in a temperate climate. One of the types of periwinkle Catharanthus bred by scientists in a separate genus.

Wild specimens can be found in North Africa and the Eurasian continent.
Periwinkle is called differently:
- Official botanical name – Vinka
- Folk names: brilliant green, burial ground, coffin-grass, devil's eye, joy of the earth, violet sorcerer, gentian and others
Its leaves are leathery, painted in various shades of green.. They may have blotches of a lighter tone or a border around the edge. They are located opposite.
The peduncle has one flower each. The color is most often blue, but pink and lilac flowers are also found. They consist of 5 petals.
Abundant blooms in early spring. No wonder it is considered a harbinger of spring. Barvinok has a big plus: Its single flowers continue to bloom until autumn. The fruit ripens in the form of a pair of leaflets.

Periwinkle large
- Distributed in the Crimea, the Caucasus and the Mediterranean coast.
- In this species, the height of the peduncles grows up to 40 cm. The flowers are large, up to 5 cm in diameter. They are painted blue. They bloom in May for 30-35 days.
- The leaves are leathery, matte green or with white patches of color. Their length can be from 4 to 8 cm.
- Creeping shoots, do not grow very quickly. Gradually they form a dense flowering carpet. For greater bushiness, pinching the tops of the branches is recommended.
- The most famous variety of this species is Variegata. Its distinguishing feature is large, decorative foliage. It can be completely green or have a white or yellow border.
- The frost resistance of the species is weak. It is required to insulate it before the onset of winter, in regions with a harsh climate.
- Native to Europe and Asia Minor.
- Low bushes of the plant, up to 40 cm, are perennial and evergreen. Its shoots grow over a meter in length. Forming a blanket on the earth.
- Its root system grows horizontally.
- Peduncles are erect, single flowers 2.5 cm in diameter bloom on them. Their color is mostly blue, but depending on the variety, white, pink and even red are found.The flowering period lasts 25-30 days, it takes place in May.
- Leaves are oval, green. Their upper part is glossy, the lower matte casts a grayish tint. On the stems they are arranged oppositely.
- Frost-resistant type. Suitable for growing in the Northern regions and Siberia.
Common varieties:
- Alba blooms with white flowers. The variety has decorative green leaves with a yellow border.
- The multiplex is highly decorative. Its bushes grow up to 60 cm. Flowers are double, blue. The variety is frost-resistant, shelter is needed only in winters with little snow. Its fruit is a five-leaf.
- Rubra is a variety with red flowers.
- Rubra captivity has red double flowers.
- Alboveriegata strikes with the beauty of green foliage with variegated spots, golden yellow. The variety is dwarf, the height of its bush is 15 cm.
- Atropurpurea is a 30 cm high variety. Its flowers are purple. The flowering period lasts from May to September.
Periwinkle pubescent
- Originally from the Caucasus. It is rarely grown indoors.
- It has creeping branches. The bush has a loose structure. The flowers are medium in size, their diameter is 3.5 cm.
- Flowering lasts about a month, falls on May-June.
- It is a deciduous thermophilic variety. When grown in a temperate climate, it needs to be covered for the winter.
Periwinkle herbaceous
- Herbaceous wild specimens grow in Ukraine and the Caucasus.
- This species has both creeping and erect shoots.
- The leaves of the two species are lower ovate, upper elongated. Along the edges they are covered with small hairs. This species is deciduous, with the onset of cold weather sheds foliage.
- Petals are pointed at the edges. They are blue-purple in color. The edges of the sepals are framed with cilia.
- The flowering period begins at the end of May, its duration is about a month.
- The winter hardiness of the herbaceous periwinkle is high.

Periwinkles are grown in gardens or as houseplants.. It is planted as ampelous flowers in pots, in open ground or in ordinary flower pots. Wherever he grows, for his normal development, you need to create optimal conditions.

Periwinkle shade plant
Under direct sunlight, its bushes begin to thin out, which negatively affects its decorative effect. It is enough for him to receive sunlight 2 hours a day.
In outdoor conditions, it is recommended to plant it under trees, shrubs, along the fence, or near the walls of buildings.

Comfortable for periwinkle temperature will be + 20 + 24 degrees
However, he easily tolerates her differences. It recovers quickly after the winter period.
Humidity and watering
Periwinkles are moisture-loving. They will grow well in moist soil. They need regular watering as the topsoil dries out.

When grown indoors, it is also recommended to spray them
Since the shoots of the flower tend to take root, watering is required for the entire clearing, and not just in the place where the bush was originally planted.
Does the periwinkle need a transplant?

Flower growers are inclined to believe that the periwinkle growing in the garden does not need to be replanted
It is necessary to stop the bushes of the plant. It grows and takes up a lot of space, while crowding out other plants. Such a neighborhood for many decorative flowers will be unacceptable.

Periwinkle care must necessarily contain a trimming procedure
This will form a beautiful and well-groomed carpet. For the splendor of the bushes, pinch the tops of the shoots. Due to this, they do not grow in length, but let out side branches.
The soil

Periwinkles are not picky about the soil.They need light, loose soil
We must not forget about the drainage layer. For potted plants, it is placed on the bottom of the pot, for outdoor specimens under the topsoil. Neutral acidity is needed, but slightly acidic substrates are acceptable.
Before planting plants, add organic fertilizers and phosphates to the ground. Compost or rotted manure will do.
Growing flowers are fed twice a year:
- In the spring, during the formation of buds.
- In autumn, at the end of September.

Abundant flowering is promoted by mixtures with the addition of phosphorus.

Growing from seed

Vinca seeds
Seeds can be planted in 2 ways:
- seedlings
- In open ground

Planting seedlings and care
Periwinkle can be grown from seeds purchased or self-collected. You can first grow seedlings from them. For this, sowing is done in late February or early March.
Seed collection is difficult in areas with a cold climate and a short summer period. Leaflets do not have time to ripen in a short warm period.

Seedlings need good lighting. With its lack, they will stretch out and be weak.
Vinca seeds have a high germination rate. This saves flower growers from any manipulation of the vines: soaking, stratification, the use of funds to stimulate growth.
Seedlings are sown in a substrate based on peat or sand. You can use peat tablets for periwinkles. To do this, it is soaked in water until it swells. And you can plant seeds.
Step-by-step instruction:
- Make grooves in the soil, the gap between which should be 3 cm. You can also plant in holes. The depth should be 1-1.5 cm
- A pinch of seeds are sown in the grooves, 2-3 seeds are placed in the holes
- The substrate is compacted so that it covers the planting material.
- Seedlings must be watered
- For comfortable germination, you need to create a greenhouse effect. To do this, the containers are placed in black bags and placed in heat. The temperature should be 22-25 degrees
Periwinkle shoots appear after about 7 days. After that, the seedlings are exposed to the light. The temperature should be reduced to 18-20 degrees.
Seedlings should be watered sparingly. Use a watering can with a sprayer so that the water does not erode the ground, exposing the roots.
After 3 weeks, the first feeding is carried out. Fertilizers are applied with nitrogen and phosphorus. They stimulate growth and give strength to young plants. Before planting in the ground, fertilize the seedlings every 2 weeks.
After 4 full-fledged leaves grow, a dive is carried out. Since periwinkles are often planted in curtains, 2-3 roots should be dived into one pot.
Planting seeds in open ground

Seeds can be sown in the ground in spring and autumn.
It is important to adjust the time in the fall so that they do not have time to ascend before the onset of frost. The cold will kill the seedlings.
Step-by-step instruction:
- Grooves are made at a distance of 3 cm from each other. Their depth should be 1.5 cm
- plant seeds are sown
- The soil is compacted and watered
After the shoots appear, you need to sort. Weak seedlings are removed, leaving only the strong ones. This procedure will thin out the rows of periwinkles, which will allow them not to dive in the future. If, nevertheless, periwinkles have risen very densely, then they must be seated immediately.
Care for seedlings is the same as for seedlings: watering and fertilizing. You need to add weeding. If adult bushes get along with weeds, then it can suffocate young growth.

Vegetative propagation
In addition to the seed method, periwinkle reproduces vegetatively:
- cuttings
- layering
- By dividing the bush

Periwinkle breeding

Cuttings can be prepared during the pruning of the bush
Or specially cut the tops. They will need to be rooted. This is done in a glass of water or in a soil mixture. If the method of rooting in water is chosen, then it is necessary to remove the leaves on the bottom of the cutting. Otherwise, they will start to rot in the water.
Periwinkle roots release in 10-14 days. Water must be changed periodically, it must not be allowed to go rotten. After the roots appear, the plants are planted in a permanent place.
Cuttings can be bought in specialized stores. Inspect them carefully so that there are no spots or plaque on the leaves. These are signs of disease. It is impossible to grow a healthy bush from low-quality planting material.
Creeping branches have knots; when in contact with the ground, they take root. Rooted nodes are separated from the mother plant and transplanted to a new place.
By dividing the bush

Bush division
Division can be carried out at any time except winter. The procedure carried out in the spring, before the growth of peduncles, is more favorable for the periwinkle. He will have enough time to settle down and get used to a new place.
Step-by-step instruction:
- The bush is dug out of the ground.
- The root system is freed from the earthy coma
- If there are dead, rotten roots, they must be removed.
- It has renewal buds on it. The division is carried out in such a way that each part has a kidney and part of the main rhizome
- The delenki are seated and watered
The soil mixture is desirable the same as the one on which the bush grew before. This will speed up the adaptation of the periwinkle.

Landing in open ground
Landing in the ground is carried out with an interval of 30 cm. The distance is observed regardless of the selected planting material.
The depth of the hole should be sufficient to accommodate the root part of the plant. The earth should cover them completely.

The optimal life span of the periwinkle in one place is 6 years
Further, it begins to lose its beauty. You can fix this by transplanting it to a new place.
Bushes can be formed rounded. To do this, about 25 roots are planted in the hole at once. They will take root, begin to grow, and next year a lush bush will already form.

Periwinkle at room conditions

Periwinkles planted in pots and planters require more attention than street counterparts
Requirements for the care of a room specimen:
- This plant does not impose special requirements on the soil.. It should be well-drained with an admixture of peat. From purchased substrates, you can use a mixture for geraniums.
- Periwinkle is a moisture-loving flower. It should be watered about every other day, as the substrate dries. In this case, moisture stagnation should not be allowed. The water that has spilled out of the drainage hole must be drained into the pan. In winter, watering should be less than 1-2 times a week.
- For full development, the air of the room where the flower stands must be humid.. It would be nice if there was an aquarium nearby. The plant itself should be sprayed periodically, and the leaves should be wiped with a damp cloth.
- Plants don't need much light.. Direct sunlight can leave burns on the foliage. Lighting should be diffused.
- The temperature is optimal from 18 degrees in winter to 25 degrees in summer.
- Vinka does not like wind and drafts. Especially she will not like winter airings.
- Top dressing is carried out with an interval of 2 weeks. Both organic and mineral fertilizers can be used. Of those sold in flower shops, preference is given to a liquid mixture for indoor roses. In winter, the plant has suspended animation. At this time, it is not necessary to feed him.
- If the tops of the branches are cut off, they will begin to produce side shoots.. This will make the bush lush and more decorative.

In a hanging pot
Signs of improper care and methods of struggle:
- Leaves turn yellow and dry - it means that the temperature and irrigation conditions are not observed. This is observed at a room temperature above 25 degrees, and with an insufficient amount of incoming moisture. It is worth correcting the situation, removing dried leaves and the bush will come to life.
- Buds are not formed or there are very few of them, indicates that the plant is cold, it is standing in a draft, or feeding is carried out incorrectly. During flowering, you need to limit the intake of nitrogen. Move the pot to a more comfortable place.
- Buds rise and fall - signals a lack of light and watering. It is necessary to correct the situation and the bush will gain color.
- The edges of the leaves dry with insufficient air humidity. It is necessary to carry out the spraying procedure more often.

Vinca growing in a pot requires a transplant
The signal will be roots peeking out of the drainage holes. It is advisable to select the same soil mixture in which it grew before. When transplanting, the bush can be divided.

Features of variegated varieties

The genus periwinkle has varieties with variegated leaves.
Caring for them is different from caring for representatives of the species with ordinary foliage.
Care features:
- Varieties with variegated leaves love bright lighting. It contributes to the formation of these very spots and inclusions. A bush growing in a shaded place will have regular green foliage.
- Variegated specimens are suitable for growing in pots.
- Variegated representatives of the periwinkle genus have poor frost resistance. They need to be insulated for the winter. Experienced flower growers recommend transplanting into pots for the winter and bringing them home.

Features of cultivation in Siberia and the Ural region

Vinca in the open field
When growing periwinkle in Siberia and the Ural region, the care of the plant is the same as in other areas. However, in a harsh continental climate, it will not survive a harsh winter. Therefore, this perennial plant is grown as an annual.
There are two ways:
- Every year, sow seeds for seedlings and, when warm weather sets in, transplant them into a flower bed. Without seedlings, you will not be able to see flowering. A short summer period is not enough for the bush to gain color. Every year you will need to sow the seeds again.
- With the onset of cold weather, dig up the bushes and transfer them to pots. Thus, providing him with comfortable conditions for wintering indoors. In the summer, you can transplant it into open ground again.
Pests and diseases

Vinca bushes have good resistance to harmful insects and diseases.
However, the Vinca can be attacked by them.
- This is a fungal disease. They attack the leaves and stems of the plant. They look like rusty bubbles. In the process of development, they increase and burst. Inside contains spores, they look like a yellow powder.
- They usually appear on the underside of the leaf. Their color changes, in the process of development, from rusty to black.
- The disease causes the death of the affected foliage, and with a strong infection, it can destroy the entire plant and spread to neighboring flowers. She sucks moisture from the shoots. Violates metabolism and inhibits photosynthesis.
- To combat the misfortune, 1% boric acid, Agrolekar, Propi + and other means are used. You can buy medicines in flower shops, experienced sellers will tell you according to the symptoms what is better to buy.
- This is a common plant disease caused by pathogenic fungi.
- Interesting fact: powdery mildew does not spread to other plant species. If she attacked the periwinkle, then she is not afraid of other flowers. Each fungus infects its own variety.
- It settles on the upper side of the leaves with a white coating similar to flour. Sometimes it may have a yellowish tint. The fungus penetrates under the skin of the leaf and attacks the inner flesh.
- The parasite sucks nutrients from the plant. The process of photosynthesis is disrupted. The affected areas begin to dry out and die.
- To rid the plant of infection, it is necessary to carry out treatments with such means as Gamair, Fitosporin, Raek, Vectra and others. To achieve a greater effect, flower growers recommend changing the means.
Periwinkle contains alkaloids that make it toxic. Harmful insects bypass it. The exception is the shield.
- Small insects that are covered with a wax shield. They stick to the plant and suck the life force out of it. In a short time, these insects destroy periwinkle bushes. It begins with the fall of the leaves, gradually the bush dies.
- You can find a pest anywhere: on leaves, shoots, petioles. You can get rid of them mechanically by removing them with a cotton pad dipped in soapy water. Or insecticide treatment will help. One processing of the results will not bring, because the shields protect the eggs of the pest, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures.
medicinal properties

Periwinkle is actively used by folk medicine
It helps to cure many diseases:
- hypertension
- dysentery
- Tuberculosis
- Impotence
- toothache
- Migraine
- eczema
- Skin diseases
- It stops bleeding
- Treats oncological diseases
For the manufacture of medicines, it is used by pharmacology. Based on it, the antitumor drug Rosevin is produced, which blocks the growth of cancer cells.
Periwinkle contains many alkaloids. One of them, vincamine. It improves blood circulation in the brain, improves memory, relieves headaches. Homeopathic preparations are made on its basis.
Another alkaloid is devinkan, helps with mental disorders and neuralgia.
Periwinkle helps with skin burns, it relieves burning and heals wounds.
Periwinkle harm
Periwinkle is a poisonous plant, so its use is permissible only under the supervision of an experienced herbalist.
Infusions and decoctions are contraindicated:
- Pregnant women
- Nursing mothers
- Children under 14
- With bradycardia, constipation
- People with increased blood clotting
The use of periwinkle
Preparing Tips:
- To use vinca as a medicine, it is necessary to collect raw materials during the period of active flowering. It falls in May-June.
- To be collected: flowers, leaves, shoots.
- Drying should be done outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
- In dry weather without rain, it takes a week to dry.
- Store raw materials in a glass container tightly closed.
- Shelf life - 2 years.

blank material
There are many recipes with wine, let's look at some of them.
Recipe for a decoction to stop bleeding:
- Boil for 10 minutes 30 g of dry periwinkle.
- Strain.
- Wet a cotton swab.
- Apply to the wound.
Another decoction will help cure diarrhea, bronchitis, tuberculosis, impotence:
- Boil a tablespoon of dry raw materials in a glass of water for 20 minutes.
- Strain.
- Cool down.
- Add another glass of cold, boiled water.
- Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
- With angina, they need to gargle.
- It can be used as a lotion for the treatment of skin diseases.
To improve male potency, the following tincture is suitable:
- 100 gr. dry wine pour 0.5 liters of vodka.
- Insist 2 weeks.
- Periodically, the infusion should be stirred.
- Take 5 drops morning and evening.
- One course is 4 days.
- For greater effect, repeat the course 3 times with an interval of 14 days.
For gargling, with toothache, with asthma, a decoction based on milk helps:
- Boil a glass of milk.
- Add 10 gr. dried periwinkle.
- Cook, stirring for 10 minutes.
- Then insist half an hour.
- Strain.
- Dilute with boiled milk up to 200 gr.
In oncology, tinctures are used:
- 50 gr. blooming shoots of periwinkle small insist a week on vodka 500 gr.
- Periodically you need to mix the tincture.
- Take 7 drops 2 times a day with plenty of water.
flower magic

People attribute magical qualities to the periwinkle
This is due to his great vitality. If a flower is cut and placed in a vase, it will live as long as there is water in the vase.
For Ukrainians, he is a symbol of true love. There are many legends and traditions about the origin of the periwinkle:
- During the invasion of the Tatars, the village was somehow destroyed. The young man and the girl hid in the thicket of the forest. They were found by enemies and killed, a periwinkle grew out of the blood.
- The man loved the girl very much. After his death, he began to ask God to let him go to earth. The Almighty brought him back in the form of a flower. And the plant weaved where the foot of his beloved stepped. When she died, he grew up on her grave. Therefore, it is also called a burial ground or coffin-grass.
Periwinkle is a symbol of the memory of the dead. It is often planted in cemeteries.
It is believed that by planting a periwinkle, people lure happiness and love into their home. Unmarried girls put 2 vinca flowers under their pillows at night, this ceremony was considered to attract suitors. If an annoying suitor annoyed, then in order to ward him off, they put leaves of a plant in men's shoes and put their noses to the road.
During the Inquisition, witches were tested with a periwinkle. Before execution, leaves of the plant were thrown into a hot frying pan. If the leaf bounced off, then the victim was definitely connected with evil spirits. Inevitable death awaited her.
Periwinkle in the garden

Growing periwinkle lashes weave along the ground, capturing territory
Not every plant can survive next to such a neighbor.
List of plants for a favorable neighborhood:
Division and landing
Periwinkle: description of the main species, recommendations for care and reproduction, medicinal properties (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews