Barberry varieties, unpretentious in care and planting, are in great demand among Russian gardeners. Due to the bright colors of foliage - from green and yellow to purple and red, the shrub looks very picturesque. There are specimens with colored edging, variegated and even speckled.
- Botanical description
- areola growth
- Popular types and varieties
- Landing in open ground
- General recommendations for plant care
- Reproduction methods
- Recommendations for breeding indoor varieties
- Features of landing in different parts of the country
- Use in landscape design
- Application of fruits, foliage and wood
- Healing properties

Botanical description
Barberry bears abundant fruit with large, often edible berries, which are used as food in many cuisines of the world. The graceful appearance of an ornamental plant is actively used in landscape design. Dwarf varieties of barberry are grown at home.
The plant does not require special care and increased attention, has drought-resistant and frost-resistant qualities. It reproduces well by all methods popular in gardening. It does not require constant feeding, rarely gets sick, it takes root well in any soil.

Gorgeous specimen with pinkish leaves
Barberry is called a candy bush at the suggestion of Soviet confectioners, who gave his name to their famous caramels. But if you look at the large, ripe and bright fruits of the plant, it’s really hard not to associate them with a sweet delicacy.
There are varieties with an evergreen, partially falling and deciduous crown. Leaves grow in bunches in the next order. thin branches, covered with spines, tend upward at an acute angle.
Depending on the type and variety, the shrub can reach a height of 30 cm to 3 m. Crown the latter in the adult period acquires columnar, spherical or sprawling outlines. The average age of an individual is 35-50 years.

Sharp thorns and ripe fruits
Barberry blooms in late spring and early summer with a bright palette of shades: purple, purple, red, pink, yellow, white, green, motley. Flowering lasts 2-3 weeks. Toward the beginning of autumn, berries of an oblong oval shape, red, black or burgundy, appear.
The fruits do not spoil on the branches for a long time, even in winter diluting the snow-white landscape with saturated colors of summer. Most species of barberry are honey plants. Fresh honey has a medium consistency, sweet taste and a golden hue.

areola growth
The plant is a typical inhabitant of almost the entire territory of the Northern Hemisphere, with the exception of permafrost latitudes. For decorative and cultural purposes, it is bred in Europe, the Far East, China, Japan, Central Asia, North America, the Caucasus, Persia, Siberia, Crimea.
The shrub tolerates temperature fluctuations characteristic of a temperate continental climate. Some varieties are insulated for the winter, the rest are quite frost-resistant. The heat is also not a big problem for the barberry.

Luxurious color palette
Grows in any soil, even with nutrient-poor composition. A small root system allows the tree to easily get along with other vegetation.
The main requirement for environmental conditions is the absence of moisture stagnation in the roots and a sufficient amount of light.
Barberry tolerates drought much better than excess water. It is able to grow in the shade, but in this case, the color of the foliage will not be bright and saturated. Fruiting will also not be plentiful.

Popular types and varieties
According to modern taxonometry, the genus Barberry includes almost 600 plant species. For decorative purposes, most of them are bred. This includes both giant plants and undersized individuals.

Dwarf representative of the genus
Many species are divided into separate varieties, which further increases the number of shrub variations. Consider the popular varieties of barberry, the best for growing in the Russian regions. Some of them are edible, others are grown for pharmacological, aesthetic and other purposes.
Under natural conditions, the species grows in China and Japan. It is an elegant deciduous shrub whose crown color palette includes all shades of red, yellow, orange and green. It tolerates frost, drought, is not afraid of pests, grows in an urban environment in stony soil without fertilizers.
- Thunberg Erect. Upright, pyramidal bush with bright green leaves of regular, oval shape. The crown is thick and dense. The average height of an individual is 1.2-1.5 m. The flowers are yellow and pale red.
- Thunberg Admiration. A miniature, dwarf tree with a wide, round top, which can reach 1 meter in diameter. At the same time, the height of an adult specimen rarely exceeds 50 cm. The leaves are yellow, red and orange in color with a clear, light border.
- Thunberg Coronite. Neat bushes up to one and a half meters high with vertical shoots. Oblong, pale pink leaves have a light green border. The flowers are yellow, the fruits are juicy red.
- Thunberg Golden Rocket. Yellow barberry with a pyramidal crown, growing up to 1-1.2 m. It is distinguished by lush green-yellow foliage and bright yellow flowers. It grows well in many regions of Russia.
- Thunberg Harlequin. A wide, spreading bush, about 2x2 meters, with purple leaves in white and yellow spots. It tolerates frost and lack of water. Requires regular pruning to shape.
- Thunberga Atropurpurea. A plant with purple leaves and a tall oval crown. It blooms with yellow-purple flowers, produces fruits of deep coral color.
Natural habitat - Eastern China, Northern India, the mountains of Tibet. Asian barberry is considered one of the most useful plants among all members of the genus. The healing basket of scarlet fruits of the plant is especially famous.
Trees grow up to 3.5-4 meters, branches grow widely up and to the sides. Dark green leaves are twisted into tubules, and the flowers have an unusual purple color.
Variety Goji Shambhala. Very thorny shrub, up to 3.5 meters high. It is famous for its famous goji berries, which are credited with healing power in the treatment of cancer and other dangerous diseases. This barberry grows in any soil, except for marshy.
Canadian (Ottawa)
Varieties of this species are united by red foliage and a dense, spreading crown. The color of the leaves varies from dark purple to deep scarlet. In Russia, it is not very common, it is more common in Siberia and the Urals, because of its frost-resistant qualities.
- Superba. Violet shrub with a yellow crown and red berries. It grows quickly and actively, needs regular pruning. Hardy, drought tolerant.
- Auricoma. Burgundy foliage with silver tints.Grows compact but voluminous.
- Silver Miles. A low tree up to 3 meters high. The color of the leaves is from purple to burgundy. The flowers are yellow-red, small, grow abundantly.
This type of barberry is found in nature in the Far East, China and Japan. The varieties are usually high - from 2 to 3.5 meters, the crown is not dense, sprawling.
In summer it is bright green with yellow petals. Berries are used for food, medicinal tinctures are prepared from them. The bark is used for mosaic decoration.
Ordinary (evergreen)
Large, slow growing shrub with narrow, long leaves. They do not fall in autumn and remain on the branches throughout the frost period. In the spring, when a new crown begins to grow, the old leaves dry up and fall.
The plant is not afraid of frost down to -35 ° C, so it is actively grown in central Russia, in Siberia, in the Urals. Rarely becomes the object of pest attack, does not suffer in organically weak soil.
Grows well in a polluted urban atmosphere:
- Variety Alba. Beautiful fluffy shrub with unusual white fruits. Grows in the Crimea and the Caucasus.
- Variety Luteya. Light yellow berries are eaten. Abundant fruiting is possible only in a bright, sunny area.
The homeland of the plant is the Korean Peninsula, its rocky slopes, gorges, mountainous regions. The large, ovate leaves are green in summer and turn red in autumn. Spines flattened, long, thick.
The fruits are bright red, perfectly round, 10-12 mm in diameter. The shrub does not tolerate severe frosts and prolonged thaw.

Landing in open ground
The plant is planted in the spring, with the onset of the first warm days. It is important that the buds on the shoots have not yet blossomed. The shrub takes root well, rarely dies when planted.
If you purchased seedlings with a closed root system, they can be planted in the fall, a month before the onset of frost, no later than mid-October. Such a shoot grew in a special container, its roots are well formed, not bare, they are in their own earthy coma.
Therefore, he will endure wintering well, especially if you additionally wrap a young bush with branches and throw snow on top.

Planting barberry bushes
The soil can be sandy, rocky, clay - it is important that it is not overly moist, as happens in wetlands. To prevent moisture from stagnating in the roots, take care of a good layer of drainage. Suitable broken brick, pebbles, rubble, any medium-sized stones.

shrub seedlings
Step-by-step instructions for planting barberry:

General recommendations for plant care
Despite the unpretentiousness and the absence of special care requirements, in order for the barberry to please the eye with a picturesque view, you should follow the simple rules of watering, pruning, feeding, fighting pests and diseases.
Watering rules

The shrub is not moisture-loving
The plant is not moisture-loving. In the non-hot summer period, it has enough seasonal rainfall. If dry, warm weather is established, the bush is watered once every 2 weeks. Enough 10-15 liters of water for an adult shrub and half of this measure for specimens of the first year of life.
Young seedlings need to be moistened 1-2 times a week until they are fully rooted. To check if watering is needed, you can lightly dig the topsoil. If it is dry, add water, if it is wet, wait a couple of days.
Trimming Rules

With regular pruning, you can give the shrub a beautiful shape.
In order for the shrub to grow beautifully, acquire an aesthetic shape and graceful appearance, it must be cut regularly. This procedure is performed not only for decorative purposes. In March and October, sanitary pruning is carried out to remove diseased, dried or damaged branches.
Some undersized varieties have a very dense and frequent crown that grows in a regular cone or column. If broken or unhealthy shoots are not visually observed, the plant is not pruned.
Fertilizer and feed
During the first 3 years of life, the barberry has enough mineral supplements that were introduced into the soil during planting. An adult plant is fertilized with urea in the spring. This is a top dressing with a high nitrogen content, which stimulates active growth, promotes a set of saturated foliage colors, and the formation of a lush crown.

What does urea look like
Instructions for preparing urea: the product is diluted in proportions - 30 g of dry composition per 10 liters of water.
In summer, when the plant fades, it is additionally supplied with any fertilizer with a phosphorus-potassium base. It will strengthen the roots, catalyze the ripening of berries. It has a beneficial, nutritious effect on the soil.
Top dressing is bred, strictly following the instructions.
Probable diseases
Barberry has excellent immunity to many diseases that plants face in the country. It rarely gets sick, is resistant to pest attacks, and does not depend on sudden changes in temperature. However, if you overdo it with watering, the process of decay may begin in the roots, and a fungus may appear on the trunk.

Powdery mildew on leaves
Consider the common barberry diseases and how to deal with them:
In advanced cases, they do not spare the plant and uproot the entire bush. Otherwise, there is a risk of infection of other horticultural crops. All affected branches are destroyed at the stake.
Despite the frost resistance of most species and varieties of barberry, young plants need to be covered for the winter. This applies to specimens under the age of 5 years.A thin and insufficiently strong root system may not tolerate the cold and die.

Young barberry needs to be covered for the winter
In regions with severe frosts, adult bushes are also wrapped. A structure like a hut is made of spruce branches and dry branches. When snow falls, it is additionally thrown on the roof of an impromptu house.

Reproduction methods
Barberry is bred by all methods known in botany: cuttings, seeds, layering, dividing the bush. The plant takes root equally well when using any of them.
Let's take a look at each process step by step:

Reproduction by cuttings
The method requires constant care of the cuttings.

This is what reproduction by layering looks like
One of the simplest and least laborious methods.

barberry seeds
Barberry seeds have a high level of germination.
The division of the bush

Reproduction by dividing the bush
For this method, it is necessary to choose plants not older than 5 years.

Recommendations for breeding indoor varieties
At home, undersized varieties of the Thunberg species grow best. They respond well to frequent decorative pruning, so these plants look aesthetically pleasing and elegant.

Miniature variety Bagatelle
Varieties are perfect for the home:
- Natasha. Variegated foliage with tints of white, pink and green looks unusual on pinkish branches. Unpretentious plant, grows slowly.
- Erekta. Leaflets of the correct rounded shape of green color. Decorative bush gives a smooth columnar crown, which does not grow above 80 cm.
- Bagatelle. Dense, spherical shrub with bright purple leaves in a green border. The height of an adult plant does not exceed 30 cm.
For indoor barberries, you should choose a universal soil. Do not forget to lay drainage on the bottom. Watering is done twice a week in summer, autumn and spring, and once in winter.
Regularly sprayed with water, excluding the flowering period. The pot is settled on the sunny side, with a constant supply of fresh air.

Features of landing in different parts of the country

Amazing winter spectacle
When choosing a suitable variety, they are guided by the weather conditions of the region and the characteristics of the plant's resistance to them.

Use in landscape design

Barberry in landscape design
A variety of colors of foliage and barberry trunks, a decorative shape of the crown and unpretentiousness to urban conditions, determined the frequency of use of different varieties of shrubs in landscaping and landscape design.
It looks spectacular at any time of the year. In spring and summer, fresh greenery, in autumn a fiery fire, and in winter, bright fruits adorn the faceless snow-white garden.
A fantastic combination of shades equally well highlights the bush both in a single planting and in a group planting, where it often acts as the center of the composition. Look great hedges from barberry, especially from several varieties with different crown colors.
The shrub lends itself perfectly to pruning, supplely takes the desired shape, grows correctly in the indicated direction. With its use, picturesque ensembles are obtained that delight the eyes of passers-by in city squares and parks.

Application of fruits, foliage and wood
In addition to its chic appearance, the plant is famous for its dense and embossed wood.. Some of its types are used in turning, as a material for openwork inlay. The tree of many varieties has a rich red, burgundy, yellow or purple hue, so it is actively used for laying out Indian mosaics.
Souvenirs, crafts, toys are carved from solid trunks. Shoe nails are made from them. And from the yellow bark and rhizomes, a natural yellow paint is obtained.

Dried fruit seasoning
Crushed and dried fruits in Tibet are added to spicy mixtures. In the east, seasoning from barberry berries is used everywhere. It is added to meat fillings, pilaf, stews.
Due to the content of malic, tartaric and citric acids in the composition of unripe fruits, they make an excellent marinade and sour sauces. In the confectionery business, jams, jams, marshmallows, marmalade, jelly and mousses are made from berries. Compotes are made from them and refined liqueurs are squeezed out.
Sour soups are boiled from fresh foliage, chopped into salads, added to canned food.. From dry fruits and greens, a valuable and healthy tea with the taste of barberry is obtained. In the cosmetology industry, oil pomace from fresh barberry berries is added to creams, hair and face lotions.
Healing properties
Barberry has been known since ancient times as a plant with a rich healing basket. The composition of its fruits, bark and leaves contains a lot of nutritious biological substances and useful microelements.

medicinal tea
The medicinal properties of the shrub are used in pharmacology, folk and traditional medicine:
- A decoction of the fruits of the plant has a hemostatic function. Regular intake normalizes blood pressure, strengthens blood vessels
- barberry compote is famous as an effective antiviral agent. It is good for respiratory problems
- plant-based medicines normalize metabolic processes, remove toxins and toxins. They increase appetite and help food to be properly digested.
- there are studies proving the effectiveness of barberry treatment of malignant cancers
- tea eliminates headaches, improves mood, acts as a good anti-stress agent
Delicious and healthy fruits will improve the health of the whole family, and homemade seasoning from dried berries will add an exquisite and unusual taste to new dishes.
The plant is included in the list of components that contribute to healthy longevity.
Planting a barberry in your garden is within the reach of even a novice gardener. Minimal care for most varieties will not cause trouble, and will not take much time. The picturesque coloring of the shrub all year round will delight with its appearance.
Watch a short video on the simple rules for planting a candy plant:
The most interesting varieties of barberries. top 10
Barberry: description, types and varieties, planting in the open field, care, features for different climatic conditions including Siberia (65 Photos & Videos) + Reviews