The best bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools
Private houses and garden houses often cannot be connected to a centralized sewerage system. Then come to the rescue septic tanks, which accumulate liquid and solid waste products, organic and inorganic waste. In order to less often call vacuum trucks and prevent the formation of an unpleasant odor, fatty deposits and blockages, bacteria are used for septic tanks, the best of which we will discuss in the material.

Table: general characteristics
The table shows 10 tested products, distributed in ascending order of the volume of the septic tank, for which a single dosage of the drug is calculated.
Product | Packing 1 pack, g | Action time, days | Septic tank volume, m3 | Price for 1 package, rub. |
Doctor Robik 109 | 75 | 30–40 | 1,5 | 150 |
Septic-Biogranules | 25 | 14 | 1,5 | 45 |
Bioactivator Live bacteria Biosept | 25 | 14 | 2 | 45 |
ROETECH 106M | 50 | 30 | 2 | 190 |
Sanfor Bioactivator | 40 | 30 | 2 | 90 |
Ecocycle | 75 | 30 | 2 | 100 |
Expel | 20 | 14 | 3 | 70 |
BioExpert | 40 | 30 | 4 | 215 |
biofos | 25 | 14 | 4 | 30 |
Likvazim | 1100 | 7 | 3 | 1700 |
Doctor Robik 109

Doctor Robik 109
An environmentally friendly preparation in the form of a powder, produced in the USA, is used to reduce the volume of waste in septic tanks and cesspools, to decompose feces and fats, it easily copes with paper, starch and urea.
It contains 6 strains of biologically active bacteria for the soil in the form of spores. In 2 weeks, it reduces the volume of waste in the septic tank by 30-40%, accelerates the natural processes of decomposition.
Recommended for monthly use. The tool works most effectively when starting a new septic tank or after pumping out all the contents.
To activate the composition, it is necessary to pour the contents of the sachet into the toilet or sink drain and pour in plenty of water. If the product is used for a cesspool, then a single dose of the product is pre-dissolved in 10 liters of water, which is poured into the container.
- used not only for septic tanks, but also for cesspools
- fights silting and dry crusting
- no chemicals in the composition - the product is safe for people and representatives of the animal and plant world
- it is used only for existing septic tanks, the contents of which are constantly replenished, otherwise the bacteria cease to exist

The anaerobic agent is produced by Sannitree (South Africa), and imported by the Russian concern Himola. The composition of the product includes only enzymes and microorganisms.
A granular preparation is used to launch new septic tanks (calculated as 2 bags per 5 liters of water) and normalize the operation of existing septic tanks (the contents of 4 bags are diluted in 3-4 liters of liquid).
Once activated, it eliminates fetid odors and improves the natural processes of reclamation of the contents of anaerobic and mixed treatment systems. Already after 1 month, old organic formations turn into a cloudy liquid substance, which is pumped out and used as organic fertilizer.
- eliminates odor, destroys sediment, prevents the formation of sludge in a septic tank, in siphons, pipes
- clears drains and seepage fields
- do not destroy plastic pipes and rubber elements of cleaning systems
- the drug is incompatible with chlorine-containing substances and phenols, modern detergents and household cleaners
Bioactivator Live bacteria Biosept

Bioactivator Live bacteria Biosept
The product, made in France, is available in the form of powder and granules. It begins to act within 2 hours after activation - getting into the sewer after flushing the water in the toilet, sink, shower drain or bathroom. The tool is used regularly, with a break of 2 weeks.
The bioactivator is used to prevent siltation of the contents of septic tanks and the destruction of pathogenic microbes. Able to decompose fecal matter, toilet paper residues (cellulose), as well as greasy deposits and residue from detergents.
The composition of the biologically pure agent includes enzymes and microorganisms specially grown to destroy unpleasant odors and reduce the volume of the contents of septic tanks.
The package contains 12 or 24 sachets of 25 g each. One dose of the drug is enough for 7 days, provided that the waste of three people is disposed of.
- versatility - works both in an oxygen environment and as an anaerobic product
- able to decompose sludge
- cannot be washed off with hot water
- chlorine and antibiotics reduce the effectiveness of bacteria
- not effective for working with dried waste
- it is forbidden to use household chemicals at the same time (washing powders, liquids for cleaning toilet bowls, washing dishes)

Means for maintenance of septic tanks and biological treatment plants is available in the form of a powder in 50 g packaging or a suspension of 950 ml. Produced in Russia using American technology. In addition to the decomposition of solid and liquid waste products, preventing the formation of greasy deposits, it effectively neutralizes hydrogen sulfide.
1 g of the substance contains at least 109 colony-forming units of 6 types of bacteria that act in anaerobic and aerobic environments. The dry product in the amount of 1 package is dissolved in a bucket of water, flushed into the toilet in 2-3 flushes. The drug in sealed packaging is stored for no longer than 2 years.
- removes blockages at the inlet and outlet of treatment systems
- effectively cleans wastewater
- able to neutralize chemical compounds harmful to the soil
- operating temperature is designed for a range of +5 to +55 degrees - it will not be possible to use a product for cleaning cesspools in winter
Sanfor Bioactivator

Sanfor Bioactivator
A product that is safe for humans, plants and animals, consisting of 30% wheat bran, sodium bicarbonate and 5% biological microorganisms. The drug is produced according to Russian technologies, is able to effectively deal with unpleasant odors, deposits of fat, feces, accumulations of cellulose and phenols.
A 40 g package lasts for 1 month, after which the amount of waste in the tank is reduced by 25-30% due to natural decomposition processes.
- availability, low price
- decomposes even soap solutions
- suitable for country toilets
- if the cesspool is dehydrated, then the product is ineffective
- in winter it does not cope well with sewer smell

Universal biocomposition Ecorecycle
Powder concentrate with a universal composition, designed to clean and reduce the volume of deposits in septic tanks, cesspools and treatment tanks.
The tool effectively eliminates fetid odors from sewer systems, while reducing the volume of solid organic waste, preventing blockages in pipes.
- environmentally friendly drug
- low price
- decomposes only organic waste

Bioactivator Expel
The bioactivator for septic tanks and country toilets has the form of a compressed tablet, the manufacturer of which includes enzymes (5%), soda ash (30%), dry bacteria, fragrances, dyes and surfactants.
The concentrated product inhibits the growth of colonies of pathogenic bacteria, eliminating sewer odor, reducing sediment of organic and inorganic origin.
At the first application, it is recommended to use 2 tablets at once, and then prophylactically use 1, 2 or 3 tablets every 2 weeks for cesspools and treatment tanks up to 9 m3.
- the product is non-toxic
- Tablets are easy to use - no need to dilute with water
- with regular use, it is less necessary to resort to the services of a vacuum cleaner
- the product works only in liquid medium and at temperatures above +5 degrees
- disinfectants and chlorine kill bacteria - the product loses its effectiveness
- contains chemicals

Biological tablets BioExpert
Biological effervescent tablets produced in Poland contain enzymes and selective microorganisms, enriched with minerals. Contains no acids or harmful chemicals. More than 1 billion living bacteria are concentrated in 1 tablet weighing 40 g.
The product is used for septic tanks, autonomous sewerage and drains, and is effective in cleaning cesspools. Thanks to the use of the product in the septic tank, an unpleasant odor, greasy coating and sediment from detergents disappear.
The tablet is simply flushed into the toilet with 2–3 flushes of water, and before activation in the cesspool, it is dissolved in 5–7 liters of water. To maintain the effect for tanks up to 3 m33 apply 1 tablet 1 time per month, and for containers 4–6 m3 – the same dose every 2 weeks.
- after using the tablets, there is no need to pump out the contents of the waste tank
- the drug is harmless to humans and nature
- does not destroy plastic sewer pipes
- bacteria-recycled fecal matter, fat and paper, eventually become an organic mineral fertilizer
- the agent is effective only for a liquid medium

Powder Biofos
The product, intended for small volume treatment plants and septic tanks, is available in powder form. In 1 spoonful of the drug (about 25 g), according to the manufacturer - the Polish concern INCO S.A., contains 5 billion bacteria and probiotics.
Able to liquefy wastewater and destroy any sedimentary organic deposits. Thanks to the use of the drug, the frequency of pumping out the contents of sewer tanks is halved.
- safe and non-toxic, contains natural lavender extract
- used as a prophylactic against blockages
- only suitable for domestic septic tanks up to 4 m33

Liquid concentrate Likvazim
A liquid designed to clean sewer and drain pipes, when it enters a septic tank, improves its operation. The preparation of 8 types of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, enzymes effectively fights fat deposits and organic substances, splitting them into water and carbon dioxide.
The product has a cumulative effect: the more often it is used, the faster it destroys the sediment. It works best as a prophylactic, which is used before the first start-up of treatment systems.
Eliminates the odor characteristic of sewer systems in 3 days, is used to activate the processing of waste in septic tanks, treatment tanks of houses, baths, toilets and saunas. Fat deposits are destroyed 15-20 days after the start of the concentrate.
- used for both domestic sewer systems and industrial wastewater treatment plants
- available in concentrated form
- fully biodegradable, pipe safe
- cleans inlet and outlet drains and pipes along the entire length
- it is necessary to calculate the amount of the applied drug depending on the volume of wastewater
- the drug is recommended to be applied to the sewer system daily
- fights only organic substances
- the agent works only at temperatures above +5 degrees and the acidity of the substances to be cleaned is from 5.5 to 8

How to choose bacteria for septic tanks

There are no universal products, for each treatment system it is necessary to select its own biological agent
When choosing a reliable biological agent for cleaning and improving the performance of home septic tanks, the following criteria are followed:
- Safety for humans, nature and the sewer system itself. The product must be non-toxic, biodegradable and will not corrode plastic and rubber pipes.
- The volume of waste to decompose or the volume of the septic tank. The more effective the product, the greater the amount of the contents of the treatment plant will be able to process
- Long term. Optimal application of a single dose of the drug 1 time in 3-4 weeks
- Versatility. The presence of both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in the composition guarantees effective work in closed and open systems.
- Ease of use. Some of the funds are produced ready-made, while others must be diluted with water.
The products presented in the rating help fight blockages, deposits, unpleasant odors and siltation of the contents of septic tanks. When choosing the best composition, it is recommended to take into account the volume of your own septic tank, the nature of the waste and the optimal working time of the preparations.
The simplest and most effective septic tank (explanation and diagram). Part 1
The best bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools: TOP 10 effective products to improve the performance of treatment systems + Reviews
Bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools My unusual method
The best bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools: TOP 10 effective products to improve the performance of treatment systems + Reviews
You are comparing the same thing “sucking out of your finger” the pros and cons, because they apply to every drug.
As a minus, write down that “the product only works at temperatures above +5 degrees” when it comes to use in the sewer system. Have you ever had a minus in the pipes? They are in the room! In the septic tank, it is generally more than +10 even in severe winter due to the processes taking place in it.
The considered drugs do not cost money, although they are cheap. Of the entire range of biological products on the market, Biolatik and Bionex really work, but for some reason they did not get into your review, although they enjoy great prestige among consumers.
I used biogranules a few years ago. The assessment on the site is quite true (7). The time has come to fight the bottom sediment (drainage has silted up), the store advised the Polish "Sanex". Got it, tried it, it worked! The price is comparable to biogranules, but additional. I was pleased with the option to clean the drainage.
In my opinion, Sanex could be included in your review. As it turned out, many of us at work use it.
I have been using Russian-made DROP-U for many years. Development of Kazan University. Microbes are turning pig manure and chicken manure into high quality fertilizer!
And where is the promoted Bogatyr in your review, it’s also interesting.
Here Vladimir mentioned the Polish “SANEKS” in his review, and so for ten years now I have been using it not only in my septic tank, but also in my parents’ cesspool, where he not only very successfully fights siltation, but also the formation of dry crusts. And, most importantly, we have long forgotten about the sewers. And what else do you need!
I, too, have been “sitting” on Sanex since the beginning of the 2000s. In all this time, I haven't tried anything yet. I will not argue, there are very worthy drugs on the market, but they are all much more expensive than my “time-tested” (as it is written on the package) “Saneks”. And if the result is the same, why pay more? Yes, and finally bring it into consideration on the site. It is Polish, and not fakes with the same name that have appeared on sale.
I skimmed through the comments and wanted to express my opinion. In the first, Anton writes about Biolatika and Bionex that have appeared on the market. I will not argue about their real work. Most likely it is, I personally have not tried it. But why should we forget about the Biogranules (made in South Africa) and SANEX (made in Poland) that appeared back in the 90s, which have been on our market for more than 20 (!) years and have overwhelmingly positive reviews not only from those who have been using them for a long time, but also from those who buy them “on the advice of friends”.
And this year we bought a bioactivator for septic tanks from Expel. Our friends praised him directly. Means in tablets, threw it simply into the toilet, let it dissolve and flushed the water several times. This method allows you to keep the septic tank in order. Due to the tablets, the volume of waste in the septic tank is reduced, and an unpleasant odor is eliminated.