Garden Azaleas: description, varieties, planting and care in the open field, preparation for wintering (50 Photos & Video) + Reviews

azalea planting and care

Our climatic conditions for azaleas are not ideal. To grow beautiful shrub, it is important to remember that the azalea, planting and caring for which is different from most ornamental plants, requires special conditions.

Read more about how to grow rhododendrons so that they open up in all their glory in our article. There is an opinion that garden azaleas are capricious and unpredictable. Such a conclusion scares gardeners. It is often believed that caring for plants is troublesome. Actually it is not. Planting and growing will be easy if you follow some rules.

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Selection of varieties by groups and growing characteristics

In order not to make a mistake with the choice, it is important to familiarize yourself with the individual properties of each instance before buying. First, learn everything about the type and variety, and then purchase it.

Hybrid rhododendrons - the most popular in ornamental gardens

Hybrid rhododendrons - the most popular in ornamental gardens

Azalea garden - an outdated name for open ground shrubs. Recently they are called rhododendrons.

For the convenience of cultivation, experts divided the bush according to the following criteria:

1Deciduous, those that lose their leaves in autumn, like most shrubs of the botanical department of angiosperms
2evergreens covered with leaves all year round. Growth renewal occurs gradually, replacing old leaves with young shoots.

According to the results of sales statistics, it was found that domestic gardeners are willing to buy hybrid rhododendrons. Thanks to the selection, you can choose varieties of different colors and sizes. Among them there are dwarf forms and large shrubs.

The following range is popular:


Variety Golden Eagle


Berryrose - azalea with a wide, straight silhouette of a dense crown. The flowers are pink with yellow spots.

Kilian, Il Tasso, Strawberry Ice have different shades of pink.

Canon Double -triple colored variety. Flowers with shades of yellow, cream and pink. Green buds are reddish.

Xardas - light-loving shrubs of medium size, up to one and a half meters. Spectacular double flowers are filled with fiery orange color. They have a strong pleasant aroma.

Diorama, Doloroso, Fireworks, Fireball, Gibraltar, Golden Eagle - varieties with different shades of orange.

Janita, Nabucco - hybrids with red flowers.


Variety Rococo


Allotria, Bubushka, Eisprinzessin, George Ahrens, Roccoco - differ in bright raspberry shades.

Elsie Lee, Ladycanens - varieties with lilac flowers.


Variety Alfred


Album Novum 3 m high, blooms in May, June with white flowers.

Alfred - the average size of the bush - 1.5 m, purple flowering.

america - a vigorous shrub up to 4 m high, with bright red large flowers, an exceptionally frost-resistant variety.

Belcanto - an evergreen hybrid with an average growth force of 1.20 m in height. Inflorescences are golden yellow. It is recommended to plant in cozy places protected from the wind.

Kolsap - shrub with a dense crown, a wide straight silhouette. The average height is 1.30 m. The color of the flowers is double, the middle of the bud is ruby ​​​​violet, the edges are white. The outer side of the petals is purple. Blooms much earlier than most rhododendrons in early May. Differs in good frost resistance.

Eskimo - a bush with a dense crown, spherical in shape. By the age of 10, it grows up to one and a half meters. Large light green leaves fall in winter. The flowers are white with a delicate purple hue and a greenish-yellow speck in the middle of the inflorescence.

Evergreen Foresta

Variety Scarlet Wonder

Evergreen Foresta

Bad Elsen - evergreen undersized bush, hemispherical shape. The leaves are light green, leathery, small. Intense red bell flowers bloom in the first half of May. Needs shelter for the winter.

Scarlet Wonder - squat rhododendron with lush evergreen foliage. By the age of 10, it grows up to 50 cm in height and 120 cm in width.

Late spring frosts are extremely dangerous for a hybrid!

Yakushimanskaya (dwarf varieties)

Yakushiman rhododendron

Yakushiman rhododendron (dwarf varieties)

Daniella - Shrub in the form of a flattened ball, up to 1 m high. Salmon pink flowers along the edge with a white center inside the bud.

Nicoletta. The color of the flowers changes as they bloom. Initially white-pink, then become pure white.

Blue Tit, Buchlovice, Elite - represent lilac-flowering varieties of azaleas.

Prince Anne with pale yellow flowers.

The listed hybrids bloom towards the end May, beginning of June. The assortment is selected according to the “Plant Catalog of the Union of Polish Nurseries”, Warsaw – 2013.

Despite the huge variety of breeding forms, their requirements for growing conditions are similar to each other, but differ from most garden plants. For this reason, they are planted separately from other crops. The exception is coniferous trees and deciduous shrubs growing on acidic soil.

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Choosing a suitable plot in the garden, taking into account individual characteristics

Large varieties of azaleas grow over three meters in height and width.

Large varieties of azaleas grow over three meters in height and width.

In nature, rhododendrons grow in forests under openwork shade trees and shrubs.

Modern garden hybrids with bright flowers need:

  • a lot of lightbut they can't stand the scorching heat. Light application is preferred, direct sunlight in the morning is allowed, and protection from heat in the afternoon. It is better to place the plant on the northeast side of the fence or house, then it will be protected by the shadow in the afternoon. In an open area with bright light, flowering does not last long, about a week. In partial shade, the flowers will last about a month.
  • azaleas cannot stand strong winds and occasional drafts. For successful growth, they need a cozy place protected from turbulence, moreover, at any time of the year. Therefore, it is important to take into account seasonal changes in the wind rose.
  • large specimens are negatively related to the high location of groundwater. Prolonged flooding of the roots leads to the death of the plant. If in the spring on the site the water rises above 1 m to the surface of the earth, it is better to choose low-growing varieties. For large rhododendrons, it is necessary to carry out preliminary drainage of the territory.

The area around each heat-loving azalea should be sufficient for the free shelter of the bush for the winter.

garden azalea planting and care

Garden azaleas: planting and care

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Preparing the soil mixture for planting

There is a wide range of soil mixes for rhododendrons on sale.

There is a wide range of soil mixes for rhododendrons on sale.

When the place for the azalea is successfully selected, you should take care of the soil that is optimal for it. EIts composition is radically different from the universal soil for most ornamental plants and is a peat-coniferous substrate of an acid reaction.

The easiest way to buy it in specialized garden stores. It is usually sold under the name "Rhododendron soil". If it is not possible to buy a ready-made mixture, you can prepare it yourself, taking as a basis the natural land in your summer cottage.

The main component of the nutrient soil for azaleas is high peat. It is a semi-decomposed mass of plant residues, with a coarse, fibrous structure. With further oxidation, fermentation, decay, acidic substances are released, which is necessary for the full growth of heather.

However, azaleas will not bloom on peat alone. They, like other profusely flowering plants, need a lot of nutrients. Therefore, the composition of the mixture includes components to increase fertility. What is their number in different substrates we will tell in more detail.

Sandy soil optimization

Horse peat - the basis of the soil mixture for all types of azaleas

Horse peat - the basis of the soil mixture for all types of azaleas

The structure of the soil for azaleas provides high aeration and prevents stagnant water. At the same time, all heathers are moisture-loving plants, so you need to provide conditions that do not dry out like sand, but also do not get wet like clay.

To achieve the required state to improve the sandy soil, add:

  • turf or garden soil -2 hours
  • high-moor peat -2 hours
  • bottom peat - 1 hour
  • humus or compost 1 hour
  • rotted needles - 1 hour

It is not necessary to make fresh spruce or pine needles. There is little benefit from them. For top dressing, rotted coniferous forest litter is suitable.

How to improve heavy soil

Heavy Soil Improvement

Heavy Soil Improvement

Clay soils need to be loosened. For this, peat is best suited. To save valuable raw materials, it is pre-mixed with coarse sand. Fertility is increased with the help of organic fertilizers.

As a result, the substrate includes such additives:

  • coarse sand - 1 hour
  • high peat - 2 hours
  • rotted manure – ½ hour
  • decomposed remains of coniferous trees - 1 hour

Before planting, all components must be thoroughly mixed.

What to do if the natural land on the site, peat

Rhododendrons in the garden

Rhododendrons in the garden

In such a situation, the entire garden can be planted with rhododendrons and other heathers, since such conditions are most favorable for them.

If groundwater floods the site, reclamation drainage will have to be carried out. Rhododendrons will not withstand even a short-term flood. Another option is the construction of bulk terraces for planting azaleas.

The height of the elevation depends on the size of the variety. For undersized ones, it is enough to raise the plot by 30 - 40 cm. Tall hybrids need to ensure a soil depth of at least 1 m.

Organic fertilizers in the form of humus and garden soil are added to natural peat to retain nutrients.

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Landing technique, features of pit preparation

Azaleas do not tolerate stagnant water, so drainage is built in the planting pit

Azaleas do not tolerate stagnant water, so drainage is built in the planting pit

The place where azalea grows in open ground can be compared to a large flower pot.

Beginning gardeners are confused by the miniature size of seedlings. Often they dig small holes for them. But, for full growth and colorful flowering, rhododendrons need good nutrition.

Therefore, the planting pit is prepared taking into account the size of an adult plant that has been growing in one place for several decades. This means that optimal conditions for planting an azalea and future care must be provided for the rest of their lives.

The root system of azaleas is not deep, but highly branched. Unlike other shrubs, the pits are wider in width than in depth.

Experts recommend the following hole sizes:

plant heightWidthLengthDepth
Dwarf 30 - 40 cm 50 - 70 cm 50 - 70 cm 50 cm
Medium height 80 - 120 cm 70 - 80 cm 80 cm 70 cm
Large 1.5 - 3 m and more 1 - 1.2 m 1 - 1.2 m 80 cm

Work order:

1dig a hole of the right size
2drainage from crushed stone and sand is placed at the bottom, with a layer of 10 - 15 cm
3the side walls are separated from the natural soil so that during irrigation the fertile substrate does not mix with the poor soil. This is especially important if the land on the site is sandy, during compaction it displaces clay substances, and with them the nutrient medium.
4the pit is filled with a pre-prepared fertile mixture pH 4.5 - 5

It is better to make preparations in the fall, and rhododendron plant in the spring. Over the winter, the soil will compact, nutrient fertilizers will perepere and get the perfect environment for the azalea.

Immediately before landing, a recess is formed in the landing pit. Its size is twice as large as the size of an earthen coma of a seedling. The depth is such that when installed, the root neck is at the level of the edge of the pit. It is impossible to deepen the plant, otherwise it will die.

To remove the lump from the container without destroying it, briefly submerge it in a bucket of water. As soon as air bubbles cease to stand out, the plant is removed from the bucket. Holding with one hand, they tip it upside down, with the other hand they remove the pot.

A lump is placed in a recess and sprinkled with soil mixture, which was dug out of a hole or with a special substrate for rhododendrons. After planting, water abundantly so that the soil is wet to the entire depth of the pit.

After the water is completely absorbed, the trunk circle is covered with a thick layer of mulch. It is best to use bark, wood chips, dry sawdust of conifers. Cones and rotted spruce (pine) litter will do a good job.

Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are added to the soil mixture for successful rooting. If mineral compounds are used, then this superphosphate and potassium salt.

Rhododendrons do not tolerate chlorine, so potassium chloride is not used for feeding.

From organic fertilizers, wood ash is used, rich in phosphorus, potassium, calcium and trace elements. When fertilizing, you need to control the acidity of the soil, since the ash neutralizes the pH level.

When preparing the soil for planting, either mineral salts or organic fertilizers are added. It is not recommended to combine them.

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Recommendations for choosing seedlings

Azalea seedlings are sold in containers at garden centers and nurseries.

Azalea seedlings are sold in containers at garden centers and nurseries.

Garden azaleas take root slowly. It is all the more important to purchase high-quality planting material. The success of cultivation largely depends on the seedling. The good condition of the plant and professional advice are guaranteed only by proven nurseries and experienced gardeners.

Often, novice gardeners, in pursuit of cheapness, fall into the trap of spontaneous markets and random sellers who offer suspiciously fabulous discounts. This should be a concern. For the reproduction of rhododendrons, they make a lot of effort and money, so the plants cost a lot. It is better to buy one reliable seedling than several dubious ones.

For planting choose three, four-year-old plants with densely branched shoots. In high-quality azaleas, tillering begins immediately at the root neck.

Carefully inspect the seedling. If spots or blotches are noticeable on the leaves, the shoots are thickened in places, the roots are knotty, which means that the bush is not suitable for planting.

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seasonal care

When the azalea has taken root, caring for it comes down to watering, fertilizing, mulching and pruning. Heat-loving varieties need winter shelter. Learn more about each type of garden work at different times of the year.


Preserving biological memory, rhododendrons "remember" the natural conditions in which their ancestors grew up, in partial shade and with good humidity. This does not mean that modern varieties grow in a swamp.

Although they are demanding on watering, soil moisture should be moderate. Do not allow sudden changes between drought and stagnant water.

Sprinkling of the crown in summer is carried out before sunset

Sprinkling of the crown in summer is carried out before sunset

The break between irrigations is determined individually. A signal that the plant needs water is a slightly dried topsoil.

It is better to water less often, but more abundantly, than more often and little by little.

You need enough water to moisten the root system to its full depth and width.

Guided by this rule:

  • 10 liters of water moisten 1 square meter of soil to a depth of 10 cm
  • in order for the roots of the dwarf variety to get wet completely, you will need 5 - 8 liters of water per watering
  • medium-sized plants are watered by 8 - 10 liters
  • large bushes - 15 - 20 l

With frequent watering, only the topsoil is wetted with a small amount of water. Roots rise to the surface of the earth. And with the onset of the first autumn frosts, they freeze together with the soil and the plants die. Improper watering adversely affects the winter hardiness of azaleas.

In summer, at high temperatures, the crown is sprinkled, the leaves are sprayed with warm water. Irrigation is carried out in the evening at sunset. In the scorching heat, the ground part of the plants cannot be watered, otherwise burns form.

The natural color of rhododendron leaves is dark green.. If the shade is too light, it means that the plants are hot and need to be watered and sprinkled. When irrigation does not help, it is better to arrange shading, for example, in the form of a vertical support, with grassy vines. They grow quickly and protect the bushes from excessive heat.

From mid-summer, the frequency of watering is sharply reduced to stop the growth of green mass.

Mulch is used to conserve water and extend the intervals between waterings.

Mulching Features

For mulching rhododendrons, it is better to use fine bark.

For mulching rhododendrons, it is better to use fine bark.

Unlike other horticultural crops, plant residues are used for azaleas, which, when decomposed, acidify the soil.


  • bark
  • wood chips
  • carefully dried sawdust
  • forest floor of their needles and cones

It is important that the listed raw materials belong to coniferous trees and shrubs.

Another useful material is horse peat.

Mulch greatly facilitates the care of the azalea:

  • retains moisture by reducing evaporation
  • constantly acidifies the soil and feeds the plants
  • protects against weeds, which is especially important because rhododendrons have a superficial root system that does not tolerate competitors

From time to time, the mulch needs to be loosened. From overconsolidation, fungal pathogens develop that love moisture and heat. If mold appears, the material must be replaced.

In addition to mulching, the azalea needs additional nutrition. In different periods of the growing season, the composition of fertilizers changes.

Top dressing in spring, summer, autumn

Garden centers sell special formulations for the care of rhododendrons. At first glance, it seems that there is nothing difficult in feeding azaleas. However, common mistakes are common.

Mineral fertilizers are easy to use, you just need to strictly follow the instructions.

Mineral fertilizers are easy to use, you just need to strictly follow the instructions.

To avoid them, you need to take into account the following features of care:

1young plants are fertilized exclusively with liquid solutions. Then the nutrients are absorbed evenly and do not cause root burns.
2it is important to adhere to the desired composition of dressings in different periods of the growing season
3do not exceed the application rate, this leads to the death of plants
4it is strictly forbidden to use ammonium nitrate because of its explosiveness when interacting with dry peat, bark, needles
5the introduction of calcium-containing substances neutralizes the acidic soil environment necessary for rhododendrons. Therefore, they are excluded from care.
62 - 3 times a year you need to check the acidity of the soil, and if necessary, adjust the pH level
Ash, calcium nitrate, lime, chalk, dolomite flour, limestone powder, ground bird's egg shells are never used.

Read more about what fertilizers, and in what quantity, azaleas need.

  • spring after the snow melts, when the earth warms up to + 100, a complex composition is applied, for example, Amofoska, NPK - 22:11:11. N - nitrogen improves the growth of stems and leaves. P - phosphorus activates the growth of the root system and flower buds. K - potassium, strengthens plant tissues, protecting against diseases and pests. Fertilizer is applied before flowering.

On the roots of rhododendrons, a special microflora is formed, called mycorrhiza. For its growth and distribution, a special solution is needed, which contains a nutrient medium for beneficial microorganisms. They often contributeRhodo Azalea Azet» at the beginning of flowering. Feeding is enough for four months.

  • Summer, immediately after flowering, it is important to take care of the flower buds of the next year. The laying process takes place shortly after the buds of the current year wither.
During this period you will need:

If there are no special fertilizers for azaleas, you can use universal formulations for flowering woody plants, for example, Clean Leaf for Ornamental Shrubs.

Beginning with july, it is important to ensure that nitrogen is absent in the composition of complex fertilizers. From mid-summer, the “biological program” of azaleas switches to preparation for winter. The growth of green mass is completed, moisture is retained in the tissues and the root system is strengthened. The processes are facilitated by the introduction of phosphorus and potassium, in the same doses as the previous top dressing.

In addition, potassium is considered a drought-fighting agent.. Forming the outer shell of the cell, it reliably retains moisture in the tissues of the plant. Between summer top dressing, the acidity of the soil is controlled and, if necessary, the pH is adjusted to 4.5 - 5.

Garden colloidal sulfur is sold in different packaging from a few grams to 5 liters

Garden colloidal sulfur is sold in different packaging from a few grams to 5 liters

The following substances are used:

  • colloidal sulfur, at an application rate of 100 g per 1 m2. At the same time, the acidity indicator is removed from the initial mark by 2.5 units towards acidification;
  • iron sulfate changes pH by 1 scale unit, at a dosage of 500 g/m2;

Do not rush to acidify the soil if top dressing is carried out with potassium sulfate or ammonium sulfate. These salts cause acidification of the soil.

The composition of the water for irrigation affects the frequency with which the acid-base balance needs to be adjusted. Rain collection is considered ideal, it contains a minimum of salts that affect the condition of the soil.

Constant monitoring of the soil will be needed if the area has hard water. It is she who changes the acidity most quickly.

The end of summer, the beginning of autumn is the time of the final fertilizer session. During this period, superphosphate and potassium salt are added again. Nevertheless, ready-made mixtures for rhododendrons are often used, but unlike spring compositions, they do not contain nitrogen salts, or they are contained in small quantities. If nitrogen provokes the growth of young shoots in the second half of summer, they will not have time to gain strength before the cold weather and die.

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Preparing for the winter

Work begins in the summer, immediately after flowering, wilted buds are removed. The procedure contributes to the laying of flower buds for the next year.

If the flowers are not cut off, seeds will begin to ripen in them. If they are not needed, then it is better to redirect the nutrition to strengthen the roots and woody stems.

Popular modern polymer - spunbond

Popular modern polymer - spunbond

In autumn, after the final feeding, water-charging irrigation is carried out, because it is the last one this season. And moisture should be enough for 5-6 months, because the next irrigation will be only in the spring of next year. Therefore, water will need three times more than with conventional irrigation.

Until the end of summer, leaf and flower buds form on the bush, it is important to preserve them in winter. In other words, you need to create all the conditions so that they do not freeze, do not get burned by the sun's rays and do not dry out.

Some measures are the same for all species and varieties - this is mandatory mulching for the winter, even if protection was not applied in summer.

Then you should decide on the shelter of plants.

It depends on which group the azalea belongs to:

  • in the conditions of the cold climate of the Moscow region, the Leningrad region, the Urals and Southern Siberia, evergreen species wrap up, they winter worse. Poorly tolerate temperature changes in the off-season. Afraid of burns from the harsh winter sun
  • deciduous shrubs are more resistant. It is enough to spud them with a thick layer of mulch - peat, heather, coniferous litter

You can not form a cone from the layer that surrounded the bush in summer. This exposes the roots and freezes the plant.

Popular modern polymer - spunbond.

It is released under various names:

  • Agrofibre
  • Agrotex
  • AgroSUF
  • Lutrex
  • Agil

For insulation, you need a white canvas.

Lately spunbond is the most popular material because:

  • good air permeability
  • does not impede moisture exchange, providing optimal aeration
  • protects from frost and wind
  • increases the temperature under cover by 3 - 90, depending on the thickness
  • saves plants from sunburn
  • the canvas can be used for several years in a row - 3 - 5 years

Plants covered with spunbond do not disturb the decorative effect of the garden in winter.

Garden Azaleas: description, varieties, planting and care in the open field, preparation for wintering (50 Photos & Video) + Reviews

VIDEO: Ornamental shrubs that bloom all summer

Garden Azaleas: description, varieties, planting and care in the open field, preparation for wintering (50 Photos & Video) + Reviews

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8 Total Score
Azalea garden

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Ease of maintenance

  1. a typo in the norm of top dressing?

    DURING THIS PERIOD YOU WILL NEED: superphosphate - 20 g / m2 potassium sulfate - 400 g / m2

    400 grams? yeah well…..40….

  2. Answer
    Vladimir Serchenko 06/06/2019 at 11:12

    Yes thanks a lot! Already fixed.

    Leave feedback



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