Asters decorate autumn flower beds. Late flowering saturates gray everyday life with bright colors until the onset of frost. Planting and caring for them is not difficult, subject to the basic conditions. You can learn more about them from the article.

Asters - These are herbaceous perennial plants, belong to the family Asteraceae or Compositae. The genus consists of more than 200 species. Annual plants called "Chinese aster" are callistefuses. They were brought from China in the 18th century.
The name of the flower in Greek means star. The homeland is the Eurasian continent, it is also common in Africa, South and North America.

In the world of botany, asters are rhizomatous herbs.
Their leaves are simple. The height of the bush is from 10 to 150 cm. Their inflorescences are baskets, collected from various lengths of petals that have the shape of a tongue. The central ones are short, they are painted, as a rule, in yellow. The color of the extreme petals is varied: white, pink, raspberry, lilac and other colors.


Asters are a very numerous genus of perennials.
Consider the varieties that have become widespread in the temperate climate zone:

Asters perennial varieties description and photo
One of the most common types. It is also called astra Korzhinsky. The height of the plant is from 20 to 30 cm. It has horizontal roots and many shoots.
It blooms at the end of May. The duration of flowering is about a month. The flower is 4-6 cm in diameter. There is one flower on each peduncle.
Outwardly, the inflorescences resemble daisies. The view is replete with many colors of petals: pink, orange, purple, lilac and others.
The frost resistance of the variety is high.
Common varieties of alpine aster:
- Albrus - a low variety up to 20 cm, with white flowers. Blooms in June - July.
- Gloria - the variety is distinguished by small flowers up to 3 cm in diameter. Their color is blue.
- Goliath - the variety has light purple flowers that bloom in June. Their diameter is 6 cm.
- Happy end - blooms in May. Pink flowers are crowned with strong peduncles covered with abundant leaves.
New Belgian
Native to North America. This variety is also called virgin. Her bushes grow up to 50 - 150 cm. Their shape is an inverted pyramid. The plant grows very quickly. This is facilitated by a creeping root system.
Paniculate inflorescences, consisting of many baskets, their number can reach up to 200 pcs. The main color is lilac, but breeders have bred varieties of other shades. Some of them have several rows of petals. Their diameter varies from 2 to 4 cm.
Flowering begins in early autumn and continues until frost. There are varieties with a summer flowering period. It tolerates cold winters well. Does not require shelter.
The variety is widely used under the cut. In vases, it lasts up to two weeks, subject to regular water changes and removal of the lower leaves.
Some varieties related to the New Belgian species:
- Mont Blanc - the variety has white flowers that bloom for up to two months in the autumn. The height of the bush is about 130 cm.
- Amethyst - blooms flowers in August. Blooms until frost. Their color is purple. Outwardly, they resemble daisies.
- Ballard - has bushes up to a meter in height, abundantly sprinkled with flowers up to 3.5 cm in diameter. They are painted pink.
- Saturn - the variety differs greatly - branched bushes, up to 1.5 m high. The flowers are painted in light blue. Their diameter is about 4 cm.
It grows no more than 100 cm high. It blooms profusely. Her flowers are small, with a diameter of no more than 1.5 cm. They are pink, white, blue.
The flowering period is long, up to two months. It begins in September, continues until frost in November.
The variety is highly drought tolerant. It calmly withstands frosts down to -35 degrees. In the countries of the post-Soviet space, it is not very common.
A feature of the variety are the branches sloping down. It can be used as a groundcover.
Description of several varieties of heather aster:
- Herbstmirte has paniculate inflorescences. They consist of small baskets, no more than 12 mm in diameter. Their color is blue and white. The flowering period is 45 days. It runs in September-October.
- The blue star is a creeping variety of asters. It blooms from August until the onset of frost in blue.
- Lady in black - this variety captivates with its color. Flowers consist of white petals with a pink-brown center. Used as a groundcover.
This species strongly resembles a peony in its flowers. This feature gave the species its name.
Flower petals have different lengths: outer ones are longer, inner ones are shorter. Their edges are bent inward. The inflorescence has a spherical shape.
Bushes grow no higher than 70 cm. They are distinguished by strong shoots, but few of them grow in number. The flowering period is July-October.
Description of varieties of peony aster:
- silver tower - a variety with petals turning from blue to white. The diameter of the inflorescence is 10 cm. The flowering period falls on August-September.
- red tower - the variety has compact bushes, up to 70 cm high. Flowers of a bright crimson color, terry. The diameter is 8 - 10 cm. Suitable for cutting. The flowering period begins in July and ends with the first frost in autumn.
- Annushka - the variety blooms with a rich carmine hue. Flower diameter is about 10 cm. Flowering occurs in August-September.
- Duchess - the variety is distinguished by lush, double flowers. Their color is bright pink. The diameter of the inflorescence reaches 12 cm.
It grows from 30 to 60 cm. The bush has the shape of a hemisphere. This variety is also called the European aster. It is widely distributed in Europe and the Caucasus.
The inflorescences are loose, consist of flowers up to 5 cm in diameter. Each of them contains up to 15 pcs. baskets. The flowering period is from mid-summer to September, averaging 65 days. The shade of flowers depends on the variety.
Several popular varieties of Italian aster:
- Dwarf - a variety with purple flowers. It is used as casing and for cutting. Stands very well in water.
- Herman Lehne - pleases with abundant flowering. Its flowers are light purple.
- Cobola - a variety with flowers with a diameter of 4 cm. Their color is dark purple. Flowering is 55 days, begins at July.
It grows upright, spherical or hemispherical branched bushes. They grow up to 100 cm.
Shoots have dense pubescence. The diameter of the flowers is from 3 to 7 cm. It depends on the variety and the conditions in which the plant grows. The flowering period begins in August. Its maximum duration is 45 days.
Common varieties of bush aster:
- Kristina - This is a low-growing variety, its bushes do not grow more than 30 cm. Its flowers are pink with a yellow core. It blooms later. It starts in September and ends with the onset of cold weather.
- Jenny - this variety has lush bushes, with a large number of side shoots. The average height of the plant is 40 cm. The flowers are painted red. It blooms in the summer, for a long time.
- Blue Boakuef - the variety grows in a hemispherical bush, up to 60 cm high. Its flowers are blue with a lilac tint and a yellow center.
New England
Differs in high growth of bushes up to 200 cm.
Shoots crown inflorescences in the form of panicles. They are baskets. One inflorescence contains up to 30 of them. The diameter of the average flower is 4 cm. The size depends on the variety, as well as their color.
The variety begins to bloom from the onset of autumn until frost. It calmly withstands temperatures down to -5 degrees. At the same time, it does not lose the elegance of the bushes.
For regions with severe winters, it is recommended to cover the plant for the winter.
Consider several popular varieties of New England aster:
- Gerberose - the variety has inflorescences - brushes. The flowers are dyed pink. Bushes reach a height of 150 cm.
- Constance - The flowers of this variety have a lilac color. The flowering period does not exceed 40 days. This variety has high frost resistance.
- Braumann - the variety grows in lush bushes, with a large number of branches. It blooms profusely with purple and lilac inflorescences.
Originally from the Far East, Amur and Primorye.
The stems of this variety begin to branch at the top. Their lower part is smooth. Their height is approximately 1 m. Flower petals look like rays. Their length is 2 mm. They are painted in pale blue or white.
The flowering period lasts from August to October. Tolerates drought well. It is rarely used in cultivated plantings. The ground part of this type of asters is medicinal.
The native distribution environment is the Eurasian continent. Most often found in southern Europe and Asia. The average height of the bush is 60 cm. The flowers of this species have a color from light lilac to purple. Their core is yellow. Inflorescences are collected in baskets or corymbs.
The flowering period falls on July-August. The ground part of the plant is widely used in folk medicine. It contains alkaloids and saponins.
Native to North America. Its height is 100 cm.
The species is distinguished by foliage. It is of two types:
- The lower leaves are large, ovate in shape. Their length reaches 14 cm.
- The upper ones are lanceolate with a rough surface.
The leaves grow on purple petioles.
The inflorescences are baskets with a diameter of 3 cm. They can be painted in all shades of purple. They bloom at the end of summer. The flowering period lasts about 75 days.
The variety has increased frost resistance. Withstands temperatures down to -40 degrees. Rarely found in garden plantings. Large-leaved aster bushes most often bloom on one side. This minus is not particularly liked by flower growers.
Distributed in Europe and post-Soviet countries.
Bushes grow from 30 to 100 cm. In shape, they resemble a hemisphere. They are abundantly dotted with small flowers. Their diameter does not exceed 2.5 cm.
Inflorescences are represented by loose baskets. Outwardly, they look like daisies. Blooms for about 60 days, from August to early October.
The foliage of this species is small, openwork. Thanks to her, the bushes seem airy. The variety is drought tolerant. She can't stand drafts.
It can be either dwarf 15 - 30 cm tall, or medium up to 150 cm. The inflorescences of this species are small, with a diameter of no more than 2 cm. Their petals can be painted white, pink, blue.
The heart-leaved variety blooms profusely and for a long time.Flowers bloom in the summer and wither by the onset of frost. The species tolerates frost well. He is not afraid of temperatures up to -40 degrees.
Native to Siberia, found in Japan and China. Almost never used in culture. Medicinal properties widely used in alternative medicine are of particular value.
The bushes are small, grow no higher than 50 cm. The inflorescences are baskets up to 4 cm in diameter. They grow alone. They are painted in purple or pink tones.
The variety perfectly tolerates frosts down to -40 degrees. In winter, it does not need shelter. He is not afraid of drought. Differs in unpretentiousness.


Astra is not only beautiful, but also a strong plant.
She is one of the few that can bloom at sub-zero temperatures.. For its colors, a temperature below -7 will be a critical mark on the thermometer.
Its seeds are highly viable. They can be stored for a long time, while they do not require special conditions.
Astra quickly takes root. It can be transplanted even during the period of active flowering. She quickly restores her root system.
cooking place

Like any plant, before planting asters, you need to choose and prepare a comfortable place for them.

For asters favorable places caressed by sunlight
Its flowers and foliage are not afraid of direct rays. However, it can grow in partial shade. This will affect flowering. It will become less abundant.
The soil
Aster bushes need slightly acidic soil. It should be sandy or loamy. These flowers do not like to grow where tulips or gladioli were previously planted, but after marigold it grows very well.
The plant does not need very moist soil. And stagnant water will lead to his death. Therefore, at high humidity, it is necessary to remove the top layer and lay a drainage layer under it. You can use gravel for this.


Asters can be grown from seeds or dividing the bush
seed method
Seeds can be purchased at the store or collected on your own in the fall, after ripening. This method is reliable because the seeds have a high germination rate.

Aster seeds
You can grow flowers in seedling and seedless way.
Growing seedlings
Seeds are sown in March - early April. For them, flower pots or special containers for seedlings are suitable.
Sowing is carried out in a universal substrate. You need to deepen the seeds by about 0.5 cm.The first watering is carried out immediately after sowing, with a pinkish solution of potassium permanganate. It will disinfect both the soil and the planting material itself.
Then cover with foil and put in a warm place. The temperature should be at least +20 degrees.

Asters seedling
Shoots appear in a week. After that, the seedlings need to be placed in a well-lit place. If necessary, organize additional lighting. This is done so that the sprouts do not stretch. The temperature drops to +18 degrees.
After the first full leaf is formed, you need to pick. In cases where the sprouts are still stretched. When transplanting, they are deepened into the soil up to the leaf.
After a week after planting, you need to start fertilizing the seedlings. This is done with a complex fertilizer. Further, top dressing is carried out at intervals of a week.
In open ground can be planted in May. Seedlings calmly tolerate frosts down to -4 degrees. She doesn't need to be covered.
Before planting asters, the soil must be fertilized with rotted manure, or compost. Wouldn't hurt, wood ash. It is added at the rate of 150 gr. per square meter.
Watering should be moderate, only in dry times.. Dried earth will serve as a signal for the need for moisture.
seedless way

This method involves planting seeds immediately in open ground. You can sow them both in spring and autumn.
Spring planting:
Planting in autumn:
Vegetative way

Asters can be propagated vegetatively by dividing the bush or using cuttings.
These methods allow you to save the variety, unlike seeds. Since the bred hybrids, planted with their own seeds, do not retain varietal affiliation.
The division of the bush
Bushes can be divided at any time. Asters have a good survival rate. But the best time is still early spring.

The bush can be dug up and divided
But you can carry out the procedure without a complete dig. With a sharp bayonet shovel, cut the root system into several parts.
In turn, the excavated parts can also be divided. The main thing is that each division has from 1 to 5 shoots. Flower bushes grow well. When landing, a distance of 30 cm must be observed between them.
Reproduction by cuttings
The optimal time for cuttings is May-August.

The upper parts of the shoots are cut off. There must be at least three leaves on the handle
Rooting is carried out in the ground. They can be planted in a purchased universal substrate, or mixed with garden soil with peat and sand. The proportion should be 2:1:1.
On top of the landing you need to cover with a film. You need to keep them in a shady place. The root system of asters is formed within a month. After that, they can be transplanted into open ground to a permanent place.

Caring for asters in a flower bed
Asters are unpretentious flowers. They require very little attention.

Watering is carried out approximately 1 time per week
This plant does not like a lot of moisture. In rainy weather, watering should be stopped altogether.
In order for the flower bed to look well-groomed, regular weeding is mandatory. During the formation of buds, it is necessary to spud the bushes by about 7 cm. This will increase the abundance of flowering.
Adult bushes fertilize in spring and autumn. To do this, you can use humus, compost or purchased complex fertilizers.
It is optimal for a bush to grow in one place for 5 to 6 years. Further, it begins to degenerate. It is recommended to replant it every 5 years. When digging, the bush can be divided and transplanted to a new place. For the next 5 years, there is no need to plant them in the place where asters have already grown.

Growing asters in pots

Despite the fact that asters are garden flowers, they can be grown as a pot plant.
Growing conditions in pots:
- In room conditions, the main thing is to create a sufficient amount of light for the plant. Put them on the south windows and provide additional artificial lighting.
- Seeds can be planted at any time of the year. Although, it germinates better in the spring.
- From the moment of sowing to the appearance of buds, it will take from 3.5 to 5 months.
- When choosing a variety, it is preferable to choose undersized.
- The depth of the planting container should be at least 20 cm. Ordinary 2-liter flower pots will do. There must be drainage holes at the bottom.
- Drainage is laid as the bottom layer. For it, you can use expanded clay or medium-sized crushed stone. The layer thickness must be at least 3 cm.
- Seeds are disinfected before planting. To do this, they are kept for 2-3 hours in a solution of potassium permanganate.
- After soaking, they are filtered and laid out on napkins so that they dry out a little. Dry seeds are easier to plant.
- The substrate can be used universal. Or a mixture of coconut fiber and biohumus.
- After filling the planting containers with the soil mixture, it must be well watered. This will allow her to settle down.
- Seeds deepen by 2 cm.
- After planting, watering is repeated.
- Crops should be covered with foil. Until sprouts appear.
- As soon as the asters hatch, the film is removed, and the pots are placed in a well-lit place.
- The first month should be watered regularly. Asters do not like a lot of moisture, so it is important not to overfill and prevent stagnant water. Further, watering is carried out less frequently, as the soil dries. In winter, it is reduced to a minimum.
- Pots need to be rotated around the axis every day. This is done so that the bush grows even. Because, receiving light from only one side, it will begin to roll towards the light source.
- Top dressing of indoor flowers is carried out once every two weeks. For this, both organic and mineral fertilizers are used.
- Varietal asters bush on their own. If ordinary ones were sown in a pot, then to create a lush bush, on each shoot you need to pinch the top.

Asters in landscape design
Asters are widely used in landscape design. Their place in the composition directly depends on the height of the bush.
Tall bushes will decorate the center of circular compositions. Low grades can be planted at the edges. Asters are suitable for both alpine slides, and for microborders.

Gorgeous garden arrangement
They go well with marigolds, yarrow, carnations and ornamental grasses.

Diseases and pests
Asters are prone to a variety of diseases. They can be affected by 24 viruses. Signs of the disease can be seen on stems, foliage, and flowers.

affected plant
A dangerous disease for asters is fusarium. The infection comes from the soil. The causative agent is the Fusarium fungus. He is very tenacious. In the ground, he can wait for his moment for several years.
The first signs appear on the foliage. They turn yellow, curl and fall off. The stems are covered with dark spots. Sometimes spores of the fungus appear on the surface, they look like a pinkish coating.
A feature of this disease is the defeat of one part of the plant. Most often, they are affected during the formation of buds.
Favorable conditions for the development of the disease:
- The formation of a crust on the top layer of soil.
- The optimum temperature for the fungus is 20 - 27 degrees.
- Dense plantations.
- Heavy, acidic soils.
- Excess fertilizer.
The affected bush must be destroyed. There are no effective methods of treatment, but it can infect neighboring plants. The earth needs to be treated with foundation.
It is manifested by blackening of seedlings, seedlings and the base of the stem of an adult plant. Then they start to rot. Young seedlings die in 2-3 days.
The disease is in the soil, it spreads from it. The reason for it is wet soil and dense crops.
The prevention of this infection will be the disinfection of the land before planting. To do this, it is shed with a thick solution of potassium permanganate.
Diseased plants must be removed. Sprinkle the soil surface with wood ash. Reduce the frequency of watering. Thin out dense plantings. If possible, transplant the plants into a new substrate.
This virus is carried by cicadas and aphids. A sign is the brightened veins of the leaves. The buds turn green, the plant stops its growth.
To fight the disease, you need to remove its carriers. Spray the bushes with special means, for example, Primorye. Affected plants cannot be saved, they are subject to mandatory burning.
It is also called septoria. Manifested during the formation of buds. Brown spots appear on the leaves. They gradually dry up and fall off.
Weakened plants that are not cared for according to the rules are susceptible to attack. Spraying with a solution of Bordeaux liquid or copper oxychloride helps.

Beautiful tree aster bush
In addition to diseases, aster bushes can be attacked by harmful insects:
Perennial asters: description of 13 species, care and planting at home, methods of propagation and cultivation from seeds (Photo & Video) + Reviews