Asparagus room: types, rules of care and methods of reproduction at home, benefits and harms | (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

asparagus room


Asparagus is an ornamental culture, the main feature of which is the presence of lacy shoots. This plant can be called a unique element of decor for any room.

Indoor asparagus is used by florists for landscaping an office, apartment, and composing various flower arrangements. Bright openwork branches look gorgeous in bouquets.

The plant is very undemanding, even an inexperienced grower can take care of it.

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general description


For the first time, asparagus was brought to Europe more than 2 centuries ago. The plant is native to Asian and African countries.

In its natural habitat, this culture grows in the dry climate zone. The plant is saved from drought thanks to the moisture accumulated by the tubers of the rhizome. Despite this, today asparagus can be found on absolutely any continent.

Outwardly, the culture is very similar to a fern, which is why the people call it that. However, you should pay attention to the fact that asparagus belongs to the asparagus family, so it has nothing to do with ferns. About 300 species of plants are known to science, including poisonous ones.

Some species are edible for example, asparagus, which can be found on the shelves in stores. There are also herbaceous medicinal varieties.

The root system of a perennial plant is a powerful root with tubers extending from it. The stem of asparagus is quite flexible, branched. It has a large number of small leafy shoots. Outwardly, lush cladodes resemble spruce branches. However, to the touch, the shoots are quite soft, tender, the thinnest. Asparagus has unusual leaves - brown and tiny scales that are barely visible.

An indoor asparagus flower blooms, a photo of which can be found in the article, with the advent of spring. However, the culture must reach the age of six.

The small flowers are white and have a slight scent. They can bloom as whole inflorescences, and one by one. Depending on the species, asparagus blooms with pink, beige or greenish flowers with the thinnest petals.

aspargus berries

At the end of the flowering period, small red berries are formed, which give the culture a special uniqueness.

Each fruit contains a seed, which is covered with a black shell. In some berries, there may be several of them at once.

An unpretentious specimen in care will feel great not only in room conditions, but also outdoors. However, not all varieties can withstand outdoor temperatures. After winter frosts, young shoots are born in place of fallen stems.



Common varieties are:

  1. Crescent (Asparagus falcatus). Crescent asparagus is a perennial bright green vine. The main difference between falcatus lies in elongated leaves located on a strong and long shoot. Crescent asparagus grows up to 15 m in length

  2. Sprenger (Asparagus sprengeri). Another name is dense-flowered Sprenger. Outwardly, it is a fluffy bush that resembles a Christmas tree. The stems are like feathers. However, tender leaves are located on the stem of densely flowered asparagus.This type of plant can grow up to 1 m in height.

  3. Asparagus (Asparagus asparagoides). Climbing perennial culture with stems that grow up to 3 m long. They are covered with bunches of cladodes up to 3 cm

  4. Racemosus (Asparagus racemosus). Racemosus asparagus can reach two meters in length. Inflorescences have fragrant flowers

  5. Cirrus (Asparagus plumosus). Also known as Asparagus setaceus. An ornamental plant with lacy shoots. A strongly branching subshrub with soft, slightly curved central branches and delicate phylloclades.

  6. Meyer (Asparagus meyeri). A variety with a chic crown and many spindle-like side shoots. In height, the culture grows up to 50 cm, and in width it grows up to 6 m

  7. Medeoloides (Asparagus medeoloides). Branched tall plant. Due to its size, this variety is practically not grown indoors.

  8. Eucharis. A bulbous plant that also attracts with its delicate white flowers. it is distinguished by a delicate delicate aroma during flowering

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Growing Features


To grow asparagus successfully, home care involves following some rules. However, even a beginner can do it. Growing rules will be the same for all types of plants

The main criterion is regular watering and the correct location. If you follow the recommendations for the care of room asparagus, then it will decorate any room.

The soil

Aspargus in pots

In any flower shop you can buy a special substrate designed for plants of the asparagus family.

but soil can be prepared independently at home. To do this, take an equal amount of sheet or greenhouse soil, as well as sand.

If possible, a small amount of forest turf or peat can be added to the resulting mixture.



All crops belonging to the asparagus family are photophilous plants.

In room conditions, asparagus should be placed in the most lit rooms. The best place will be windows that face the northeast or northwest side.

If you place a copy on the north side in the shade, then it will grow and develop poorly. You should also avoid direct sunlight on a houseplant.

On the southern windowsill it is allowed to keep only Sprenger's asparagus, as this variety tolerates the sun very well. Other specimens should be shaded if they are located on the south side.

Indoor plants located on the western or eastern window should be protected with tulle. Cultures purchased in specialized stores, or after wintering, need to gradually adapt to lighting: from low to high intensity. In this case, it will be relevant to apply phased shading.

Temperature and humidity

Aspargus in a pot

Temperature is an important point when growing a crop

Indoor asparagus will feel great at room temperature from +15 to +25 degrees.

If the room is constantly hot, then the perennial stems will begin to dry out, which negatively affects the condition of the leaf plates. To avoid this problem, asparagus should be sprayed regularly.

It is important to observe not only the temperature regime, but also monitor the humidity. A tropical plant loves an increased rate.

Spraying is carried out throughout the year, as in winter the air in the room becomes too dry due to the included heating devices. To increase the humidity of the air, a flower pot can be placed in a container of sand for several hours. If possible, it is recommended to place a humidifier in the room with asparagus.

A tropical plant will not be superfluous to periodically harden. In the summer, indoor asparagus is taken out for several hours on a loggia or balcony, gradually increasing the duration of its stay there up to several days. But it is necessary to protect the ampelous plant from drafts.


Aspargus in a pot

aspargus in pots

Asparagus needs abundant and frequent watering with the advent of summer. However, it should be controlled so that moisture does not accumulate in the pot.

The ampelous flower is watered moderately, about 2-3 times a week. You should focus on the top layer of the substrate: it should have time to dry before the next watering. In winter, watering will be less frequent - once a week.

After the procedure, all excess water must be drained from the pan, so that rot does not form in the root system. With the advent of winter, the frequency of irrigation and the amount of water used is reduced.

For the convenience of watering, you can use special devices for automatic watering "Ol G".



The growing season for asparagus begins with the advent of spring

At this time, the plants require additional feeding. Complex mixtures are used as fertilizers.

Top dressing is applied once every 2 weeks. The procedure is carried out after watering, since moist soil absorbs all minerals much better.

Once in the summer, organic fertilizers should also be applied. If this is not done, then the leaves of the plant crumble, turn yellow, and no new ones form on the shoots.

Foliar top dressing is very useful for indoor asparagus. To spray the leaves of this plant, you can use the Bud growth stimulator. To prepare this solution, 1 g of the substance is diluted in 1 liter of water. After such a manipulation, shoots with leaf plates become more saturated in color, fresh and healthy in appearance.

Transplant rules

aspargus transplant

aspargus transplant

Caring for asparagus is simple, but care implies a mandatory transplant. Young specimens need it every year, because they grow quite quickly, and it becomes difficult for an overgrown root system to develop in a cramped pot. As for adult plants, they should be transplanted once every 2-3 years.

If the transplant procedure is not carried out at all, then the tubers will come out to the surface of the soil, and the culture will be deficient in moisture and nutrients.

During transplantation, it is recommended to carefully examine the leaves, shoots and root system of asparagus. Thanks to this, it will be possible to identify diseases and pests in time, and then take appropriate measures.

It is best to transplant indoor asparagus with the advent of spring. At this time, the culture will gradually adapt to new conditions.

The pot for asparagus should be larger than the previous one by a couple of centimeters in diameter. The main feature of this tropical plant is that its greenery does not grow until the root system of the crop completely fills the entire pot.

Asparagus. Transfer.

Asparagus. Transfer

It is also important to know how to transplant indoor asparagus. During transplantation, the following steps must be followed:

  1. Moisten the soil

  2. Carefully remove the asparagus from the pot

  3. Carefully inspect the root system, get rid of rotten roots, dry branches. You can cut off long protruding roots to give rise to new shoots.

  4. Pour a drainage layer of about 2 cm into a new pot. For this, expanded clay, small stones, broken bricks, shells can be used. Pour the prepared substrate on top

  5. Place the plant in a pot, sprinkle with soil

  6. Moisten the substrate

  7. Place indoor asparagus in a not too lit place for several days so that it gets used to new conditions

You should pay attention to the fact that asparagus purchased in a flower shop also needs to be transplanted. To do this, you can use the transshipment method: without reducing the volume of soil in the root system and without getting rid of the old earthy clod, carefully move the plant to a new larger pot.


branch of aspargus

branch of aspargus

If desired, asparagus can be trimmed to form a crown of a certain shape. However, you should pay attention to the fact that the procedure can slow down the development of the plant, as the flower expends energy and strength on the formation of new branches. But if you want to rejuvenate and give room asparagus a decorative look, then pruning is necessary.

With the advent of spring, old and dried up unattractive shoots can be removed. The cut stems will no longer grow, but this manipulation promotes the growth and development of young branches.

Winter Care

Indoor asparagus

In order for indoor asparagus to gain strength for the growing season, in winter it must rest

The dormant period of this plant begins in mid-autumn, and ends with the onset of March. To prevent the leaves from falling off, it is recommended to keep asparagus at this time in a cool room, where the air temperature is no more than +12 degrees. There should be enough light in the room.

During the dormant period, the culture is not fed, and watering is carried out a maximum of 1 time per week. If it is not possible to provide such conditions to a tropical specimen, then it should be sprayed. Thanks to this procedure, it is possible to prevent the appearance of spider mites, which more often attack indoor plants if they are kept in dry air.

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Breeding methods

Growing aspargus

Growing aspargus

There are three ways to propagate asparagus at home. The most experienced flower growers choose a method depending on the plant variety. For example, asparagus Meyer, Sprenger, pinnate is recommended to be grown from seeds.

The fact is that these species have very good germination, the root system develops quickly, and new shoots grow green in a short period. But some flower growers do not want to wait a long time, so they use the division method for reproduction. This method is suitable for those varieties that quickly regain strength after a similar procedure.

The division of the bush

The division of the bush

It is not difficult to transplant and propagate homemade asparagus. The simplest and fastest method of reproduction is the division of the bush. It is necessary to apply this method during plant transplantation in the spring.

The root system of an overgrown flower is divided into several parts, each of which is subsequently planted in a separate pot. Tubers and shoots must be sprinkled with the substrate at the same level as before transplanting. Upon completion of the procedure, the soil is moistened.

New copies are placed in a shaded room, where the optimum air temperature is no more than +20 degrees. The substrate is regularly moistened, but the soil should not sour. After a month, the plant will get stronger, after which it can be rearranged in a bright room or on a windowsill.

It is best to use this transplant method for old perennials, which rejuvenate after such manipulation.


aspargus seeds

When propagating asparagus seeds, you need to be patient

Seedlings can be purchased at a special store, or you can collect yourself. To do this, they should be extracted from the fruits of an adult plant. But in order for them to form, artificial pollination is required.

Germination can be maintained for several years if the seeds are kept in a dry room. Before planting, the seed is soaked for a couple of days in water.

Seeds go deep into the substrate by no more than 1 cm. The soil mixture should be light, fertile. The soil should be moistened first.

After sowing, seedlings need to create greenhouse conditions. To do this, the container with seedlings is covered with glass or plastic wrap. Periodically, a homemade greenhouse should be ventilated, as well as control soil moisture.

Instead of watering, it is recommended to use spraying. Under all conditions, seedlings should appear in a month. When the height of new seedlings is 10 cm, they must be dived into separate small containers.

You can grow indoor asparagus from seeds both in summer and in winter. However, the best result from what has been achieved will be if the sowing was carried out in early March.


asparagus cuttings

asparagus cuttings

Cuttings of asparagus are considered to be an ineffective method of reproduction. This planting material is quite difficult to take root. But it's still worth trying.

To do this, you must follow a certain step-by-step procedure:

  1. In the spring, cut shoots from an adult specimen, the length of which should be about 10 cm

  2. Fill the pot for seedlings with moistened sand

  3. Place cut shoots for rooting in a moist substrate, deepening each branch by about 1.5 cm

  4. Create greenhouse conditions for seedlings: place the specimens in a warm room, cover the top of the container with a jar or half a plastic bottle

  5. Daily cuttings must be sprayed and ventilated

Practice shows that it takes at least 2 months for cuttings to take root. If the root system has developed, then the seedlings can be planted in separate containers.

Previously, a drainage layer is laid in new pots. For planting, it is recommended to use a universal substrate.

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Healing properties

dug up aspargus

dug up aspargus

Almost all representatives of asparagus are rich in mineral salts, vitamins, amino acids. In Chinese folk medicine, asparagus is used to treat many diseases.

The benefits and harms were known to the people hundreds of years ago. For example, the dried roots are used as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent. Also, this product is antiseptic and diuretic.

Asparagus can be used to treat lung and stomach ailments.

From the roots, you can prepare a remedy for the treatment of diabetes mellitus, diseases of the central nervous system, migraine and multiple sclerosis. Indoor asparagus is able to cleanse the human body of various toxins.

It should be remembered that taking any drugs that contain this plant should only be prescribed by the attending physician.

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Folk omens


Many folk signs and superstitions are also associated with this plant.

Keeping asparagus at home should be for those who want to get rid of negative energy. The plant is able to defuse a heated situation, extinguish conflicts in the family, and relieve tension after a hard day.

But there is also an unpleasant belief associated with room asparagus: if the plant suddenly dies, then someone living at home may suffer the same misfortune.

Video: Asparagus. Care

Asparagus indoor: types, rules of care and methods of reproduction at home, benefits and harms

Asparagus. Care

Asparagus room: types, rules of care and methods of reproduction at home, benefits and harms | (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

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