New Year - not the only reason to decorate a home with a Christmas tree. A beautiful coniferous plant indoor araucaria at any time of the year will be a spectacular and original element of the interior.
And during the winter holidays, you can dress her up instead of spending money on buying live spruce. In addition, the plant is unpretentious and easy to care for.


tree appearance
The name of this dioecious plant of the Araucariaceae family was given by the province of Arauco in Chile. In its natural environment, araucaria is found in South America, Australia, New Guinea, the Crimea and the Caucasus. But the birthplace of the plant is the Pacific island of Norfolk, for which it is also called the "Norfolk pine".
Araucaria is a coniferous evergreen plant with stiff light green leaves (needles) that exude a strong smell of needles and densely cover the branches. In nature, its height is on average 50-60 m, but sometimes it reaches 90 m. Domestic araucaria rarely grows above two meters.

Young cones
The cones of the plant are spherical or ovoid, up to 30 cm long. The cones have fused seed and covering scales, so the seeds fall off along with the scales as they mature. You can not wait for flowers at home: flowering occurs only in the natural habitat.

Benefit and harm, application

In natural habitat
Home-grown indoor araucaria is especially valued for its common coniferous ability to filter and humidify the air. This contributes to a healthy microclimate in the apartment. It is also believed that the plant enhances the positive energy of the home, improves brain activity and thought processes, and improves mood.
It is not recommended to start araucaria at home for people with arterial hypertension. But with reduced pressure, it will benefit. It is undesirable to place the plant in a room where people spend the night.
In nature, araucaria is used for decorative purposes to form green areas. The seeds of the tree can be eaten, they taste like pine nuts. Fine araucaria wood is used to make furniture, musical instruments and paper.

Signs and superstitions

Although it is believed that the plant has a positive effect on the energy of the apartment, some superstitious people do not recommend growing a Christmas tree at home or in the yard. If you still plant, then make sure that it does not grow above human height. According to another belief, by planting an araucaria in a cemetery, you can protect yourself from dark forces during the funeral.

Types and varieties of araucaria

Araucaria (indoor spruce)
In nature, there are approximately 18 varieties of wood. Below are the types of araucaria suitable for breeding at home, and a photo with names.
Araucaria heterophylla (Araucaria heterophylla)

Araucaria heterophylla
The young plant is very reminiscent of a Christmas tree, thanks to the horizontal branches arranged in tiers: they form an almost regular pyramidal shape. In adulthood, the lower part of the trunk becomes bare, giving the tree a resemblance to a pine.
In nature, it grows up to 70 m, the diameter of the trunk is up to 2 m. The bark is dark brown, flaky and rough to the touch. The needles are light green with a sharp tip, soft.
Araucaria narrow-leaved, or Brazilian (Araucaria angustifolia)

Araucaria angustifolia
It grows in the mountainous regions of Brazil, reaches 50 m in height. It has hanging thin branches. Needles up to 5 cm long, deep green.
It is this araucaria that is more often used in the furniture industry.
Araucaria columnar, or Araucaria Cook (Araucaria columnaris)

Pine Cook
Short lateral branches grow almost at right angles to the trunk, because of which the tree really resembles a green column. The narrowing towards the top of the crown is weakly expressed.
Araucaria Cook grows in the New Hebrides and New Caledonia. Cones up to 10 cm long, subulate. The tree is often used in urban landscaping.
Chilean Araucaria (Araucaria araucana)

Araucaria araucana
It grows in Chile and some regions of Argentina. The height of the Chilean araucaria reaches 60 m, the diameter of the trunk is 1.5 m. In young trees, the branches are located perpendicular to the trunk, in adulthood they begin to hang down.
Needle-shaped leaves are dark green, arranged in a spiral. Large and tasty seeds of the plant are used for food.
Other types of wood:
- Araucaria bidwillii (Araucaria bidwillii)
- Araucaria high (Araucaria exselsa)
- Cunningham's Araucaria (Araucaria cunninghamii)


If you are going to start this beautiful southern "herringbone" in the apartment, you can buy a young tree in a store or order it online. And you can grow araucaria "from scratch" on your own: it's more difficult, but more interesting. Flower growers propagate the plant by cuttings and seeds.

Photo of a plant in stable pots
It is necessary to responsibly approach the size of the pot for a young plant. In a container that is too small, the growth of araucaria will be slow, in a container that is too large, it will begin to stretch upward and lose its shape.
It is better to purchase a wide flowerpot with a height of at least 25-30 cm. The preferred material is ceramics: such a pot is more stable. There should be a drainage hole at the bottom of the container so that moisture does not stagnate.

The main requirements for the soil are its acidity and softness.
The soil in which araucaria is planted should be taken slightly acidic, with a pH of 5.3 to 6.2. The substrate must be loose, well drained and breathable.
You can purchase a special soil mixture for conifers or take a universal soil for house plants. Before planting, a layer of drainage must be laid at the bottom of the pot.
If you prepare the mixture yourself, add to it in equal proportions:
- Deciduous soil
- Soddy soil
- peat soil
- Sand
Another option for soil a mixture of sand, humus, peat substrate, coniferous and leafy soil.
Reproduction by seeds

The appearance of the seeds
It is necessary to take only fresh araucaria seeds in order to successfully propagate it. Pre-planting material is soaked in water for 1-2 days.
Then the seeds can be stratified - artificially simulate winter conditions. To do this, they are placed in wet sand and cleaned for 10-14 days in the refrigerator. This method improves germination.
Then the seeds are planted each in a separate pot. Germination rates are different: some can sprout in 15-20 days, others in 1-2 months. Seedlings, due to the large size of planting seeds, increase in size in the early stages quite quickly.
Reproduction by apical cuttings

Cuttings are another popular way to grow araucaria at home. The procedure is carried out in the spring. Semi-woody upper branches are used, cut with a sharp sterilized knife just below the whorl.
Before planting, the cutting must be dried from the resinous juice, and treat the cuts with charcoal. Also, the lower parts can be sprinkled with a root growth stimulator.
The cuttings are planted in separate pots filled with a mixture of sand and peat. Keep them in a warm (about +25°C) well ventilated area.
The pots are topped with a glass jar or cut plastic bottle to maintain constant temperature and humidity conditions. But regularly, the shelter is removed for a short time to ventilate the seedlings. With a suitable temperature regime, rooting of seedlings can be expected in 1-2 months.

Care rules

Araucaria indoor Christmas tree
In order for the plant to develop normally, be healthy and live for many years, the owner will have to take care of the issues of proper maintenance. Fortunately, caring for araucaria is not difficult.

Plant Compositions – Araucaria Bonsai
The tree likes a little coolness. In summer, it is permissible for the temperature in the room where araucaria grows to be + 22-23 ° C. In such conditions, the Christmas tree will develop well.
In the cold season, it is necessary to provide it with a lower temperature - about + 15-16 ° C. If you do not underestimate the temperature for the cold season, the araucaria will not be able to rest. Growth will continue throughout the year, the tree will soon begin to weaken.

Tree growing by the window
Araucaria is a photophilous tropical plant. Therefore, for the formation of a beautiful and lush crown and the well-being of the tree, it is necessary to provide maximum illumination all year round. In partial shade, araucaria will also grow, but more slowly.
For a harmonious appearance, the plant needs to be rotated 90 degrees once a week, so that the entire crown receives enough light. Or you will have to choose a place with uniform diffused two-way lighting.
But araucaria needs to be protected from bright sunlight. In summer, the plant can be taken out to the balcony or loggia, he will like it. But the place must be chosen so that the sun does not burn the tender young shoots.
Watering and spraying

Young seedlings need frequent watering for the first couple of months after planting.
With insufficient moisture, room araucaria will begin to lose needles and dry out. The plant in nature lives in a humid climate, so too dry air in the apartment will be harmful. The optimum air humidity is 75-80%.
Araucaria is watered only with well-settled soft water at room temperature. Drying and waterlogging of the earthen coma should not be allowed, excess water is drained from the pan. In warm seasons, watering is plentiful, in autumn and winter it is reduced.
Also, the plant requires humidified air. Therefore, it is necessary to spray the tree from the spray gun with settled water. In winter, the procedure is carried out with the same regularity: heaters dry the air a lot.

Phosphorus-potassium fertilizer
For the full development of the tree, you need to feed it with useful elements. Araucaria suitable mineral fertilizer with a high content of phosphorus and potassium. It is undesirable to give a lot of calcium to the plant: it slows down the pace of development. The dosage of mineral fertilizers is needed half the recommended. Mullein is used as an organic top dressing.
Fertilizer is applied twice a month. You need to feed araucaria from spring to autumn, when the tree is actively developing. In winter, fertilizers are not needed: the plant needs rest.

Transplanting to a larger pot
Conifers do not tolerate transplanting very well. For a young tree, the procedure is carried out annually, but for the first time it is possible to transplant araucaria only when the roots are completely covered with an earthen ball. In the future, adult plants are transplanted no more than once every 3.5-4 years.
Transshipment is suitable as a transplant method: the tree, together with the earthy clod, is carefully transferred to a new larger pot, fresh soil mixture is poured on the sides, and compacted tightly. The roots cannot be cleaned from the soil, and the root collar is placed at the same level.

Removing affected branches
Trimming araucaria is usually not required. It is enough to remove dried branches or those on which there is damage.
It is unacceptable to touch the top of the tree, otherwise the araucaria will stop growing in height. The top pruning procedure is performed only if the tree is already strongly stretched upwards and further growth is undesirable. Then it is enough to maintain a symmetrical shape.
Also, with the help of pruning, you can arrange an araucaria like a bonsai composition.

rest period

Araucaria heterophyllous
From autumn, araucaria begin to prepare for winter rest, so that the plant gains strength. For this:
- Gradually reduce watering to 1 time in 7-10 days
- Create cool conditions: lower the temperature to +15°C
- Stop fertilizing

Potential Growing Problems

The plant does not receive moisture: drying branches
In general, indoor araucaria rarely gives the owner trouble. With careful and caring care and taking into account the recommendations, it will grow quickly and delight with the aroma of resin and ozonizing properties.
Certain symptoms suggest problems in the well-being of a tree:
- In araucaria, the needles turn yellow and fall off. This indicates a lack of moisture, dry air around the tree. Need to adjust watering and spraying
- The plant thins and weakens the branches. This means that he lacks micronutrients and needs top dressing.
- Slow growth. The plant is "overfed" with calcium, you need to reconsider the fertilizers used
- The needles are too light. Araucaria lacks light, should change location
Pests are not a common problem for a home Christmas tree. Sometimes araucaria is affected by aphids, mealybugs, root bugs and scale insects.
The affected parts of the plant must be removed, and the araucaria isolated from other plants to prevent their infection. Then the tree is treated with a soap-alcohol solution. No less effective are insecticides that are sold in flower shops.


Young tree decorated for winter holidays
Indoor araucaria is an excellent choice for those who want to grow coniferous trees at home. The plant is easy to care for, has filtering properties and fits perfectly into the home interior. For more information on the content of araucaria in the apartment, you can find out by watching the video below.
VIDEO: ARAUCARIA | All home care tips
ARAUCARIA | All home care tips
Araucaria room: description, cultivation and secrets of care, reproduction | (65+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews