Pansies: 10 species, a description of the process of growing from seeds in the open field and seedlings at home, the use of flowers (60+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

pansies growing

Pansies, thoughtfully, look into the distance, looking for their beloved in the crowd. They are one of the most romantic flowers. There are many legends about them. These flowers from ancient times fascinate with their beauty. Growing them is available to any grower, even without experience. You can learn the subtleties from this article.

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Legends of pansies

Previously, they were bewitched. It was believed to evoke love. It was necessary to sprinkle a sleeping person with their juice. Upon awakening, he or she must fall in love with whoever they see first.

People made up legends about their origin. So, according to one of them, Anyuta loved a guy, and he was forced to marry another. She died of grief during the wedding and turned into a flower.

Pansies symbolize true love

Pansies symbolize true love

According to another: Anyuta was waiting for her beloved, who was killed in the war. Looked through all eyes. After death, she was reborn as a flower by the road. And to this day, he peers into the distance, looking for the eyes of his betrothed.

The colors of the petals are also endowed with a special meaning. Blue or purple - means the collapsed hope of the girl. White, symbolizes the hope for sincere and mutual love. Yellow - expresses surprise that the young man did not return.

In the Christian religion, the flower was endowed with a religious meaning. The dark eye in the middle was considered the all-seeing eye of God. This is only a small part of the legends about these romantic flowers. All of them contain the same meaning.

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The botanical name for pansies is viola. It is a herbaceous plant, it is annual and perennial. Part of the Violet family. The genus includes about 400 species.

Veit Wittrock, a professor of botany, wrote a book about this plant; in his honor, pansies are also called Wittrock's violet.

The plant has a fibrous rhizome. Depending on the species, it can be sprawling or compact.

The plant has a fibrous rhizome. Depending on the species, it can be sprawling or compact.

The height of the bushes varies from 15 to 40 cm. Leaves grow on petioles in a regular sequence. Their shape is oval or ovoid.

The peduncle crowns one flower with a spur, nectar is collected in it. The diameter reaches 10 cm. They are usually painted in three colors, the middle is contrasting. Due to this feature, the flower is called pansies.

The fruit is a box with three chambers. Seeds are small, 1 gr. contains about a thousand seeds. Shelf life 2 years.

Viola grows on almost the entire Eurasian continent: Europe, Russia, Asia Minor. These flowers can be found along roads, in forest clearings, fields, wastelands and even in landfills.

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There are many varieties of viola in order to write about all of them in one article. Consider the most popular with flower growers:


Tricolor pansies

Tricolor pansies

  • Rarely found in cultivated plantings. This wild species can be found in meadows and ravines.
  • The height of the bush is 15 cm. The leaves are collected in a rosette, placed at the base of the stem.
  • The flowers are small, their diameter does not exceed 1.5 cm. The main colors of the color are: white, yellow, purple. Blue.
  • The flowering period begins in April and continues until September. Bushes growing for more than two years begin to lose their decorative effect.
  • This species is widely used in folk medicine.


Violet Wittrock

Violet Wittrock

  • It is a hybrid variety.
  • It was obtained by crossing the Altai, tricolor, yellow viola. This species is most often found in flowerbeds.
  • Bushes upright up to 30 cm tall. They have a large number of branches.
  • This variety is distinguished by large flowers, up to 11 cm in diameter. They can be monophonic, with colored strokes, spots.
  • In addition to the usual varieties, bred - ampelous.
  • I grow them either in pots or as a groundcover. One bush is able to create a flower carpet with a diameter of up to 70 cm.

Table 1 Popular varieties of Wittrock violets

Variety nameColoring flowers
Adonis Pale blue
Cardinal Dark red
Lord Beaconsfield Upper petals white, lower petals purple
Firnengold Yellow with brown spot
Strawberry The color of the petals changes with the change of weather. In hot weather, they are bright. When cold, the shades become more saturated. They can be painted in any color characteristic of violets.
Mahogany Purple with yellow
Pink Pink

Viola Wittrock is a biennial plant. With a seedling method of sowing, it can bloom its flowers in the first summer.


Viola Altai

Viola Altai

  • Herbaceous perennial. The species is poorly distributed in culture.
  • Wild specimens grow in Altai, Crimea, Kazakhstan, Central Asia.
  • It is represented by undersized bushes, up to 20 cm tall. Her root system is creeping.
  • Its flowers are blue, or white with blue strokes and a yellow center.
  • The flowers have a cross-sectional size of 2.5 to 4.5 cm.

During the season, the Altai variety blooms twice:

  • April June
  • From August until the first frost

The species has a high frost resistance.


Viola yellow

Viola yellow

  • Distributed throughout Europe. This species is a perennial.
  • Dwarf bushes from 7 to 15 cm tall. The flower petals are yellow.
  • They are up to 4 cm in diameter. The flowering period falls on May - July.
  • Tolerates frost well. This species is not afraid of air temperatures in winter up to -29 degrees.


Viola horned

Viola horned

  • Native to the Iberian Peninsula. Refers to perennial species. Varieties of this species are widespread in floriculture.
  • Bushes grow up to 10 - 30 cm. Flowers in species representatives have a diameter of 3.5 cm, in hybrid varieties - 5 cm.
  • They are painted in different shades of purple, in the middle they have a yellow or white eye.
  • The spur is 1.5 cm long. It has a horn-like shape.
  • The flowering period continues throughout the summer months.
  • The frost resistance of the variety is average, up to -18 degrees. In regions with severe or little snowy winters, it is necessary to insulate it for the winter.


Viola Williams

Viola Williams

  • This is a hybrid; to obtain it, botanists crossed the Wittrock violet and the horned viola. Refers to biennial varieties.
  • The height of the bush is 30 cm. Blooming bright, painted in two colors, there are many strokes on the petals.
  • Both ordinary and ampelous varieties of Viola Williams have been bred. Many of them have a pleasant aroma.

table 2 Popular varieties of viola Williams

Variety namebush shapepetal colors
pearl waterfall Ampelny Blue with white
Sparkler Ampelny Burgundy with yellow
Amber Kiss Bush bronze yellow
Froze chocolate Bush Brown. peephole yellow


Viola Sororia

Viola Sororia

  • Native to the eastern part of the North American continent. It has a second name - moth viola.
  • The species is widely distributed as a horticultural crop. Used as a groundcover.
  • The bushes of this species are dwarf, the height does not exceed 12 cm. It has beautiful foliage, it is wide, heart-shaped.
  • Their diameter is about 11 cm.
  • The flowers of the variety are small. Their diameter is 2-2.5 cm. They are plain with a small white eye.
  • The color of the petals can be blue, purple, white, lavender. Their spur is small, up to 0.3 cm.
  • The flowering period is April - June. The species boasts high frost resistance, up to -34 degrees.


Fragrant violet

Fragrant violet

  • It grows almost throughout Eurasia. Perennial compact plant.
  • The height of the bush is 15 cm. Most often it is grown as a biennial plant.
  • The flowers are small, up to 2.5 cm in diameter.
  • Colors can vary: purple, yellow, white, lilac. They exude a delicate fragrance.
  • Flowering occurs in spring in April-May. It happens that it blooms again in the summer.
  • This is a heat-loving variety, it will withstand temperatures only up to -15 degrees. For the winter, a warm shelter is a must.
  • Fragrant violet is widely used.
  • This species combines many varieties that differ not only in the flowers of the petals, but also in the exhaled aroma.


Viola canine

Viola canine

  • It grows in the northern and temperate latitudes of the Eurasian continent. These perennials are practically not used in cultural floriculture; they can be found growing wild in forests and ravines.
  • The bushes are loose miniature, their height is only 7 cm. Peduncles can stretch up to 30 cm. The flowers have no smell, they are small, 2 cm in diameter. The petals can be blue or white.
  • The flowering period is May-June.
  • The variety withstands frosts down to -23 degrees. In regions with colder winter temperatures, shelter is required.

short haired

Viola shorthair

Viola shorthair

  • Distributed in Central and Northern Europe, Siberia, the Caucasus. This is a rare perennial with a creeping root system. Miniature in size, the height of its bushes is about 10 cm. Peduncles stretch up to 25 cm. This species has no stems.
  • Young leaves are densely covered with short hairs, with age they remain sparsely pubescent.
  • Flowers up to 2 cm in diameter, exude a subtle pleasant aroma. The color of the petals is lilac, blue or white.
  • The flowering period is April-June. Beginning gardeners often confuse this variety with fragrant viola.

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Growing from seeds

Viola seeds

Viola seeds

The seed method of propagation of pansies is quite simple. First you need to choose the time of sowing.

It depends on when you want to see the first flowers:

  • In order for the plant to bloom the next year, it must be sown in the fall in open ground. This should be done in August or September. Viola will have time to ascend, her root system will begin to form. By the onset of frost, it will represent a fully formed bush. Having overwintered, it will give you flowering in April, which will continue until autumn.
  • If you plant pansies in the spring, they will bloom in the year of planting.. Here it is necessary to use the seedling method. We will consider it below. Such a landing is carried out at the end of winter.
  • If you sow the seeds in May or June immediately into the ground, then the viola will begin to bloom in September. Winter will find her blooming, but next year she will bloom again.

Step-by-step instructions for growing seedlings:

The first shoots of viola seedlings

The first shoots of seedlings

  • Before sowing, it is recommended to treat the seeds with a solution that stimulates growth, for example, citron can be used. If the seeds are purchased from an unreliable seller, they must be disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
Pansy seeds can be stored for no more than two years, then they lose their germination.

  • Soil plays an important role. For viola, you can use purchased peat tablets or substrate for violets.

You can make your own mixture. For this, garden soil, peat and rotted compost are mixed. The proportion should be 2:2:1.

Self-prepared soil mixture must be spilled with a hot solution of potassium permanganate.This will kill fungal spores that may be waiting in the garden soil.

  • Pansy seeds can be sown on top of the substrate or embedded in the soil.

First way: lay out planting material on moist soil. Cover with foil and keep until sprouts appear in a dark place at a temperature of 22 degrees. Every day you need to remove the film for 10 minutes for airing.

Second way: Seeds are sown in furrows. The depth, which should be about 0.5 cm. The distance between them must be observed 1-2 cm.

The step between the seeds should also be 1 - 2 cm. After the grooves are sealed, you need to water the viola. Cover with foil and put in a warm place.

Such sowing does not require keeping in the dark. The film also needs to be removed every day, for 10-15 minutes. Depending on the variety and quality of the planting material, the first shoots will appear in 2-4 weeks.

viola seedling

Viola seedling

  • After the emergence of seedlings, the container with seedlings should be placed in a well-lit place.. Viola is not afraid of the spring sun, so the south window sill will suit her.
  • The film from the seedling container cannot be removed immediately. It is necessary to accustom shoots gradually. To do this, increase the ventilation time during the week.
  • Pansies can feel quite comfortable at a temperature of + 5 + 10 degrees. Therefore, during the day, seedlings can be taken out to the balcony, terrace or courtyard. Fresh air will contribute to its rapid strengthening and growth.
  • Viola needs regular watering.. It is produced by drying the top layer of soil. In this case, you can not pour, excess moisture will lead to rotting of the plant.
  • Picking is done after 2-3 full-fledged leaves grow. Transplantation is carried out in separate cups. Viola takes root well, so if the spine is damaged, it's not scary. From this, the health of the plant will not deteriorate, only growth may slow down a little.
  • If the stalk of dived pansies stretched out. It can be deepened into the ground almost to the leaves. This will improve the appearance of the plant, make the root system stronger. New roots will grow on the surface of the deepened stem.
  • After the formation of several pairs of leaves, you need to pinch the top of the stem. This will make the bush lush.
  • Landing in open ground is carried out after the establishment of stable weather, without frost. The distance between the bushes should be at least 10 cm.

Pansies have the ability to self-pollinate.

Therefore, there is no need to be surprised when you see flowers of an unexpected color in your flower bed. By the way, it can be propagated by collecting seeds.

Sowing seeds in open ground:

  1. Make shallow grooves. The gap between them should be 10 cm.
  2. Spread the seeds, keeping a distance of about 1 - 2 cm.
  3. Water the crops and cover with foil.
  4. After the emergence of shoots, the film is removed. Seedlings need to create penumbra conditions. For this, a canopy is being built. Or along the perimeter of the beds, tree branches with foliage are installed.
  5. Transplantation to a permanent place is carried out after the appearance of 3 leaves.
In order for the next year the bushes to bloom profusely, it is not necessary to allow flowering in the first year. To do this, all the buds are cut off.
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Outdoor care

Pansies in the open field

plant in the open field

In the care of any plant, you must follow the rules. Create the most comfortable conditions.

Consider the requirements of pansies for light, soil, watering and fertilizers:

  1. Viola can grow in the sun and in the shade. The best place will be a place that is illuminated by direct sunlight only part of the day. Too much light can speed up the flowering process. By the middle of summer it will be over.
  2. The soil for pansies must be fertile. The brightness of the color of the petals depends on it. Flowers growing on sparse land will be faded. Their size will be greatly reduced.
  3. Viola is very demanding on watering.. It must be regular. As the top layer of the earth dries, it must be moistened and immediately mulched. This will stop moisture from evaporating. At the same time, you can't spill it. Otherwise, the root system will begin to rot. The process is irreversible, leading to the death of the bush.
  4. Top dressing should be carried out during the growing season and flowering. The first procedure is carried out 2 weeks after planting seedlings in the ground. Complex fertilizers for flowers are suitable, for example, kemir. It is brought into the ground during the next watering.

Pansies respond positively to foliar fertilizers. These are mixtures intended for spraying bushes.

Manure cannot be used as top dressing. Viola can't stand it.
To prolong the flowering period, you need to regularly remove faded flowers. This procedure will direct the energy of the bush not to the ripening of seeds, but to the formation of new buds.
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Vegetative reproduction

In addition to the seed method, pansies can be propagated by cuttings or layering.

In addition to the seed method, pansies can be propagated by cuttings or layering.

These methods are used to preserve the varietal identity in a new plant.

Hybrid varieties, when planted with self-collected seeds, most often lose the qualities of the mother bush:

  • Cut cuttings must have at least two nodes. They are planted in a prepared substrate and shaded. Conduct regular watering and spraying. You can plant them in greenhouses. They are transferred to a permanent place in open ground after the root system is formed.

For a season from one bush you can get up to 40 pcs. cuttings. Florists, however, do not recommend cutting more than 10 pieces at a time. from one bush.

If you plant cuttings in May or June, then the young bush will begin to bloom in late summer or early autumn. If you plant them in the fall, then the first flowers will appear in the spring.

  • To propagate the bush by layering, you need to shade it. Twigs will begin to stretch in search of the sun. They need to be pressed to the ground and dug in with soil.

It is best to carry out the procedure in the fall.. During the winter, roots will form in the dug area. In the spring, a rooted plant can be planted elsewhere.

Reproduction of pansies by layering is suitable for hybrid varieties. It, like cuttings, retains varietal affiliation.

Vegetative propagation rejuvenates the plant. Despite the fact that most varieties of viola are perennial, already in the third year of life they lose their decorative effect. Their bushes grow, flowers become smaller, fewer buds form. The optimal period for the growth of the bush is 2 years.

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Not all varieties of pansies are frost hardy. To prevent the bushes from freezing, they need to be covered.

viola under the snow

They winter well under a snow cap or spruce branches.

In no case should the viola be covered with foliage and sawdust. They absorb moisture well, creating a favorable atmosphere for rotting the root system. Such shelter will destroy the plants.

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Growing in pots

pansies in a pot

Viola grown in a pot

Pansies can grow not only in the backyard, but also on the balcony, terrace, veranda and even in pots in the room. Moreover, you can sow the seeds at any convenient time.

Step-by-step instructions for growing viola in a flower pot:

To grow pansies in pots, you can use one of the above methods:

  • Planting seeds
  • Planting with cuttings or layering

  • Pots are chosen not very large. A layer of drainage is laid at the bottom. Expanded clay or crushed stone is suitable for this. The substrate is poured on top. The same mixture as for growing viola seedlings is suitable.
  • The plant needs good lighting. Although, the grown bush is contraindicated in direct sunlight. They will leave burns on the foliage.
  • It is better to keep the temperature in the room cool from 15 to 20 degrees. Warmer conditions favor stretching of the stems. This will negatively affect flowering.
  • Soil moisture needs to be monitored.. It must be constantly slightly moistened. Both drying out and overwatering will lead to pansy disease.
  • During the formation of buds and during the flowering period, you need to feed. You can use complex fertilizer. It should be borne in mind that viola does not like fresh manure and nitrogen. You can use superphosphates and nitroammofoski. The proportion is 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water.

Pansies do not always bloom in the first year.. Therefore, if you don’t see flowers right away, with proper care, you don’t have to be upset. In the second year of life, they will surely give abundant flowering.

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Diseases and pests

Pansies are in good health.

Pansies have good health

However, they are also attacked by various infections. Most often, hybrid varieties of plants are sick.


Root and stem rot

  • Very dangerous diseases, affected plants cannot be saved.
  • The causative agent is fungi. They are active mainly during the winter.
  • The plant overheats, which creates favorable conditions for the growth of the mycelium.
  • In summer, this infection can damage young, fragile bushes.
  • Affected pansies begin to wither, their growth stops, spots appear on the stems and leaves.
  • Affected specimens are removed.
  • The soil should be sprinkled with wood ash or calcined sand.
  • Be sure to let it dry, for this the intensity of watering is reduced.

Powdery mildew and rust

  • Powdery mildew and rust rarely infect pansies.
  • The first attack settles on the leaves with a white bloom similar to flour, the second is expressed as rusty spots on the surface of the leaf plate.
  • With a small lesion, only infected leaves are removed. With a strong - the plant is completely destroyed.
  • You can fight them with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid.

Viral diseases

  • Carried by leaf-sucking insects such as aphids.
  • Signs are manifested in the yellowing of the stems and leaves, the appearance of mosaic spots, the development of the buds is defective.
  • The diseased plant must be removed from the flower bed, then burned.
  • Treat the land where it grew with a hot, saturated solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Take measures to control possible carriers of the virus so that they do not infect neighboring plants.

dark violet, viola

Pansies can be attacked by pests


Attacking the plant, sucks the juice out of it. In this case, the leaves are deformed, young bushes die. Insecticides, a soapy solution, a decoction made from tobacco leaves or potato tops help to fight it.
spider mite
Attacks pansies during times of drought. The leaves of the damaged plant begin to curl, dry at the edges. Plants are sprayed with a lime-sulphur solution. Damaged parts of the plant must be removed.
gall nematode
Stops the development of pansies. It affects the root system. Blisters up to 5 mm in size are formed. There are no methods of dealing with it, the affected bushes must be removed.
It is manifested by reddening of the leaves, their subsequent drying. The causative agent is rot fungus. The plant must be removed, and the place where it grew should be disinfected. To do this, use a 2% solution of formalin.
This disease damages the buds. She fills them with a black mass containing spores. For prevention, the seeds are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or formalin. If a pansy bush is affected, it must be dug up, then burned.
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Medicinal properties of viola

health benefits of pansies

Pansies have beneficial properties for the human body

Traditional medicine uses pansies to treat the following diseases:

  • Arrhythmia
  • neuroses
  • Depression
  • Pneumonia
  • Inflammation of the genitourinary system
  • Skin diseases
  • Measles
  • Joint diseases
  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema
  • Diseases of the gums and teeth

Decoctions are used as a diuretic, diaphoretic, hemostatic agent.

It is impossible to use pansies for medicinal purposes in diseases such as:

  • Hepatitis
  • Glomerulonephritis

It is also not recommended for children under three years of age, pregnant and lactating women. With any use of plant materials for medicinal purposes. A doctor's consultation is required.

Procurement of raw materials

For medicinal purposes, both the root and ground parts of the viola are used.

For medicinal purposes, both the root and ground parts of the viola are used.

The grass is collected in the summer during the period of active flowering. It needs to be dried, for this it is decomposed in a well-ventilated area. The layer should not be very thick, otherwise it will start to rot and become moldy. Do not dry in direct sunlight.

The roots are dried in an oven at a temperature of 40 degrees. Dried raw materials should be stored in cotton bags.

Medicine prescriptions

Dried viola can be used to make an infusion

Dried viola can be used to make an infusion

. It is used for gargling the throat and mouth, as baths and lotions.

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials
  • 200 gr. boiling water


Pour boiling water over pansies and leave for 15 minutes in a warm place. You can use a thermos, or a water bath. After that, strain, cool and can be used.

Cough syrup recipe:

  • Water - 1 l
  • Sugar - 125 gr
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Dried pansies - 1 tbsp. a spoon


Boil water and pour dry grass into it. Insist during the night. Then add sugar and cook the syrup until it thickens. A few minutes before the readiness, squeeze the juice from the lemon and add to the syrup. Take 1 - 2 times a day for a tablespoon.

Pansies are not harmful to health if used in moderation. Their flowers are used in cooking to decorate dishes and confectionery.

Pansies: 10 species, a description of the process of growing from seeds in the open field and seedlings at home, the use of flowers (60+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

How to grow a plant

Pansies: 10 species, a description of the process of growing from seeds in the open field and seedlings at home, the use of flowers (60+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

7.8 Total Score

Pansies are unpretentious. Growing them will bring a lot of pleasure. They will delight with their flowers, similar to cheerful butterflies. Believers in beliefs, they will bring happiness and love to the house. Adherents of folk methods of treatment will help get rid of ailments. In conclusion, we suggest watching a video about these poetic flowers. Feedback from our readers is very important to us. If you do not agree with these ratings, leave your rating in the comments with the reasoning for your choice. Thank you for your participation. Your opinion will be useful to other users.

Ease of maintenance

1 comment
  1. Thanks for the article. Very interesting

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