What is the main decoration of the table? That's right - TV - as they say: "bread and circuses." You fully realize this old truth when you leave your urbanized home and find yourself in the “wild” territory.
The TV itself is not a luxury today, but when there is no reliable reception of a television signal, then you don’t really want to look at continuous interference. However, there is a way out - antenna from a cable with your own hands. It is elementary to do it in 5 minutes, and all you need for this is a piece of coaxial cable and a sharp knife.

What will be required?
For manufacturing, we need an antenna cable. It can be anything: old, new, 50 or 75 ohm resistance - anyone will do. The structure is the same for all:
- outer shell
- shielding copper braid
- foil screen
- core dielectric
- center conductor
Know these conceptsthey will meet us again.
In order to make an antenna, you need exactly 50 cm of cable. However, in order to take it outside for better signal reception, the segment should be much larger.
You will also need a clerical knife and a ruler for marking.
Step-by-step instruction
Before assembling the antenna, you need to markup and remove all unnecessary. We start the marking from the edge of the segment of the coaxial cable - we measure 5 cm.
We remove the outer sheath of the cable and the dielectric of the central core. It should remain: the central core, the shielding braid and the foil screen - these elements must be twisted tightly with each other.
We make the second markup. From the edge of the outer insulation we measure 22 and 24 cm, - 2 cm, which turned out between the markings are needed for further work.
Carefully using a clerical knife, so as not to damage the dielectric of the central core, remove the outer and shielding braid from the cable.
We measure 22 cm from the edge of the removed two-centimeter segment of the braids.
From the edge of the 3rd marking, we remove only the outer shell. We cut it very carefully so as not to damage the foil screen.
You should get the following (starting from the edge of the cable segment):
- 5 cm twist of the central core, shielding braid and foil
- 22cm solid cable
- 2 cm of intact dielectric with a central copper conductor
- 22cm solid cable
- 1 cm of cable with outer sheath removed
Now everything is ready for the final stage of manufacturing the antenna. From the prepared piece of cable (50 cm) we form a ring. We combine the solid ends of the cable with each other, and, holding them with the thumb and forefinger of the hand, with the other hand we wind the twist of the central core with a braid (5 cm) onto a segment (1 cm) without an external braid.
The coaxial cable antenna is ready to use. It remains only to connect it to the TV. This homemade confidently receives a digital TV signal.
Manufacturing of a fixed antenna
For convenience in handling the antenna: searching for a repeater and fixing it in the desired position, it can be attached to a dielectric frame. For example, you can make a wooden ring with a stand, and attach our homemade product to it - it will be more convenient to adjust the signal.
In conclusion, it should be noted that at a great distance from the repeater, the signal level is weak, therefore, to increase the latter, the receiving devices must be taken out into the street. Enjoy watching your favorite TV programs.
Do-it-yourself digital TV antenna from cable for T2