Anemones: 25 species, features of reproduction and care, planting in open ground, forcing in winter, description of the medicinal properties of the plant (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews


Anemones delicate flowers. They are able to decorate both the bouquet and flower bed. Knowing the rules of care, planting in open ground and reproduction at home, it will not be difficult for you to grow them. After reading the article, you will find out all the information you need for this.

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Anemone flowers belong to the genus Anemonoides of the same name, which belongs to the buttercup family. Botanists number about 150 species, each of them is divided into varieties.


The name of the flower has Greek roots, its translation means "wind". Hence it has a second name "anemone"

There are 2 reasons for the origin of the name:

  • Scientific: with the help of wind, anemones are pollinated and spread their seeds.
  • Romantic: the flower is so delicate that even with a slight breeze, it begins to sway in different directions.

Anemone flowers bloom on a long stalk. Their petals can be of different colors. The flowering period depends on the variety, it can take place in spring, summer, or autumn.

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Description of varieties

Coppice noble

Coppice noble

Coppice noble

Coppice noble

  • She hails from the countries of the northern hemisphere. The height is 12 cm.
  • Leaves and peduncle come out of the tuber. The leaves of this variety are painted in two colors: the outer side is green, the inner is purple. They are covered with small hairs.
  • Flowers with a diameter of no more than 2 cm. Bloom in mid-April.
  • Flowering lasts a month. The color of the petals can be blue, lilac, pink, white.
  • Naturally growing specimens bloom 7 times a year, domesticated only 3.

Baikal anemone

Baikal anemone

Baikal anemone

Baikal anemone
  • Under natural conditions, it is common in Mongolia, Korea, China, Siberia. Prefers grassy areas.
  • Plant growth 18 - 40 cm. Leaves of two types.
  • Basal have long petioles, on the stem the leaves are located on short ones.
  • Peduncles are long, one can have up to 3 flowers. Their color is white. The diameter is 3 cm. They bloom in June - July.

Canadian anemone

Canadian anemone

Canadian anemone

Canadian anemone

  • Its homeland is North America. Height varies from 30 to 60 cm.
  • This variety has a well developed root system. She can sprout on her own.
  • Growth occurs throughout the season.
  • Flowers have 5 white petals, the core consists of yellow stamens.
  • The shape of the flower resembles a star. Diameter 2.5 - 3 cm.
  • The flowering period is May - June. Sometimes blooms a second time in autumn.
  • The variety is frost-resistant. If you cover the plant for the winter, it will withstand temperatures down to -34 degrees.

Pulsatilla ordinary

Pulsatilla ordinary

Pulsatilla ordinary

Pulsatilla ordinary

  • The peculiarity of the shot in the silver cannon, on the outer side of the petals.
  • This variety is also called sleep-grass. The growth of the lumbago is not more than 15 cm.
  • Flowers bloom in early spring. They are blue or purple in color.
  • Grow in sunny forest glades. At home, partial shade is preferred.
  • The species has a fragile root system. Reproduction is recommended to be carried out by seed.
  • Flowering occurs in the second year. For the winter it needs to be covered so that the roots do not freeze.


Anemone Tender


Anemone Tender

  • This is a compact plant. Its height does not exceed 10 cm. The species includes 3 varieties that differ in shades of flowers.
  • It can be white, blue, pink.
  • Blooms for about 2 weeks in May. The flowers are like daisies. Their diameter is 2 - 4 cm. In June, its leaves dry up.
  • Re-flowering occurs in a year.
  • Frost-resistant type. It is rarely attacked by harmful insects. The plant is unpretentious.
  • If the tubers have sprouted, then you can forget about caring for them. It is preferable to plant in partial shade.


Crown Anemone


Crown Anemone

  • She hails from the Mediterranean. The most capricious variety of plants. Does not tolerate drafts.
  • Grows well in warm temperatures and good light. Maximum height 30 cm.
  • Flowers can be different both in color and appearance. Varieties with terry petals, interspersed, bordered.
  • Color is possible red, white, pink, lilac. The middle is decorated with stamens and a pistil of black color.
  • They are large in size, up to 8 cm in diameter.
  • Blooms in spring and autumn in warm climates. Does not tolerate frost.


oak anemone


oak anemone

  • A local beauty, her homeland is the central part of Russia. The height of the bush does not exceed 30 cm.
  • Flowering lasts three weeks in April - May. Flower diameter is about 3 cm.
  • The color is mostly white. Varieties with blue, pink, beige petals have been bred.
  • The species has an extensive root system. Grows well on its own.
  • In the middle of summer, she begins a period of rest, the ground part dries up.
  • The people called it "night blindness" because it is poisonous. Despite this, it is used in homeopathy.
  • It is also known for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.


anemone buttercup


anemone buttercup

  • Another native of Russia. An undersized species, its bushes do not exceed 25 cm in height.
  • The flowering period lasts 2 weeks. It comes in May.
  • Flowers are colored yellow. Varieties with double petals have been bred. The diameter of the flowers is 1.5 - 3 cm.
  • This variety has creeping roots. Unpretentiousness to growth conditions, allows it to grow actively.
  • The buttercup anemone is poisonous, like many other species.
  • Traditional medicine uses it in the treatment of gout, whooping cough, menstrual disorders.
  • It is believed that it can improve the sight and hearing of a person.


Anemone forest


Anemone forest

  • The species is rare, listed in the Red Book. The bush grows 25 - 50 cm.
  • Flowering takes place in May. The average size of flowers is 5 cm in diameter. They are only white, slightly drooping.
  • Breeders bred terry varieties. They have a delicate aroma.
  • The variety is undemanding to care. Due to the high frost resistance, shelter is not required for the winter.


Anemone Hybrid


Anemone Hybrid

  • The tallest variety, the stems reach a height of 60 cm to 120 cm.
  • The leaves appear in spring and do not dry out until the first frost.
  • The variety has late flowering, proceeds in late summer and autumn. Their diameter is 6 cm.
  • Petals are painted in all shades of pink: from light to deep crimson.
  • In the middle of the flower are yellow stamens and a pistil. Flowering proceeds within a month.
  • The variety has creeping roots. It is recommended to plant it in the shade.
  • Frost resistance is weak, for the winter it is required to cover.


Anemone udinskaya

Anemone udinskaya


  • Miniature variety, stem height 10 - 20 cm.
  • Peduncles are thin, they have one flower. Its diameter is about 3.5 cm. The petals are painted white.
  • Flowering occurs in the second half of May. Its duration is 20 days.
  • It reproduces well, thanks to running roots.


 Anemone apennina

Anemone apennina


  • Homeland are the Balkans and southern Europe. Bush height 15 cm.
  • The leaves grow on long petioles. They are cut almost to the base.
  • The root system is powerful. She hardly crawls.
  • Flowers bloom in April - May. Their diameter is not more than 3 cm.
  • The petals are painted in a soft blue light. They prefer to grow in the shade, in the sun they fade, become almost white.
  • Frost withstands up to -23 degrees. In regions with more severe winters, it needs shelter.


Anemone eranthoides

Anemone eranthoides


  • Undersized variety. The height of the bush is 20 cm. The flowers have a paired arrangement on peduncles.
  • The buds are brown in color, and the flowers that bloom from them are yellow. Their diameter is 1 - 3 cm.
  • For good growth and abundant growth, fertile soil is needed.
  • Before planting, it is recommended to mix the soil with humus.
  • Lighting should be bright, diffused.


Anemone garden



  • The variety has a height of 15 - 30 cm. It blooms early, immediately after the snow melts. Flowers diameter 5 cm.
  • The garden anemone has a pronounced dormant period. By mid-summer, its foliage dies off. Comes to life next spring.
  • Does not tolerate frost well. She needs warm shelter for the winter.


Anemone Blue



  • Homeland of the Sayan Mountains and Western Siberia. Blooms in mid-May. Her flowering period is 2 - 3 weeks.
  • Flowers may be white or blue. Their diameter is 1.5 - 2 cm.
  • Creeping roots. New plants sprout over a fairly large area, but sparsely.
  • For planting it is better to choose shaded places.


Anemone rock



  • A species native to the Himalayas. She is not whimsical, perfectly survives on poor soil. She is not afraid of drafts.
  • The petals are white inside, and the outer side has a soft purple tint.
  • On the peduncle bloom 2 - 3 flowers. Flowering lasts about 30 days.
  • The height of the bush is 20 - 30 cm. The root system is compact, grows weakly.


Anemone Altai



  • Inhabitant of the forests of Altai. Prefers to grow near trees and in meadows. Rarely found in nature. The variety is under protection.
  • The leaves are oval-shaped with serrated edges. Plant height 10 - 20 cm.
  • Her flowers are solitary white. Meet with a pinkish tint.
  • Their diameter is 4 - 5 cm. This is a honey variety.
  • It blooms its flowers in April - May.
  • The plant has a poisonous juice that causes burns on the skin. However, it is used for medicinal purposes.
  • It has anti-inflammatory, diuretic and analgesic effect.


Anemone Smooth



  • In nature, it is common in the Far East. The variety is miniature, its length is from 6 to 20 cm.
  • The bush has no more than 2 peduncles. The flowers are small, 1.5 - 2 cm in diameter.
  • Their color is white. They bloom at the end of April.
  • Propagated only by roots, does not set seeds.

De Kaen

Anemone De Caen

De Kaen

De Kaen

  • The variety is quite high. Its stems grow up to 70 cm.
  • Her petals are simple, the color can be any.
  • Flowering is long. Under favorable conditions, it lasts more than a month. They have a pleasant smell.
  • The species is resistant to adverse environmental conditions.
  • Rarely sick and almost never attacked by pests.

Japanese anemone

Japanese anemone

Japanese anemone

Japanese anemone

  • The homeland is Japan. The variety blooms flowers in autumn, flowering can continue until frost.
  • The height of the bush can reach 1.5 m. Along with the usual varieties, terry and semi-double varieties are bred.
  • The color of the petals is varied: white, red, burgundy and others.
  • This is a sun-loving species. In winter, the Japanese anemone needs to be covered, she does not like frost.


Hubei anemone



  • In nature, it is distributed in China, its homeland is Hubei Province. The height of the bush can reach 120 cm.
  • The root system is creeping. The leaves of this species are large. They are dark green in color.
  • Flowering takes place in August - September. There are varieties with white and pink flowers.

long haired

Anemone crinita

Anemone crinita

long haired

  • She comes from Siberia. Stem height 12 - 45 cm.
  • The leaves grow on long petioles. They are richly covered with hairs.
  • The lower leaves have very long hairs. Hence the name of this species.
  • The bush can produce up to 5 peduncles. The flowers are medium in size, their diameter is 4 cm.
  • Flowering period May - June. It lasts up to 30 days. Petals are white, elliptical in shape.
  • Tolerates drought well. It is better to plant in the sun or in partial shade.


Anemone Beam


Anemone Beam

  • It occurs naturally in the Caucasus, Europe and North America. Stem height 30 - 60 cm.
  • Flowers bloom at the end of May. Flowering continues up to 30 days. The bush produces up to 8 peduncles.
  • Umbrella inflorescences consist of small flowers up to 2.5 cm in diameter. They are white and pink in color, depending on the variety.
  • It reproduces both vegetatively and by seeds.
  • Minus the seed method, a long wait for flowers, 4 - 6 years.
  • Loves the sun and tolerates the cold well. Shelter is required only in areas with very severe winters.


forked anemone

Anemone dichotoma L

forked anemone

  • The birthplace of this species is Russia. Prefers to grow in wetlands, water meadows and sparse forests.
  • Stem height - 30 - 80 cm.
  • The leaves are covered with adpressed hairs on the underside.
  • They grow opposite each other.
  • Peduncles long, crowned with flowers, 3 cm in diameter. They bloom in the middle of summer.


anemone lipsiensis

Anemone lipsiensis

Leinzig anemone

  • The variety has the second name of the Zeeman anemone.
  • This is a hybrid obtained by crossing ranunculus and oak species.
  • Her flowers are solitary. They are yellow in color. The average diameter is 2 cm.
  • Flowering occurs in early spring. The species has a pronounced period of dormancy, starting in mid-summer.

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Features of care

Anemones are mostly unpretentious. However, you need to follow some simple rules. This will ensure their active growth and flowering.

Location selection

They can be planted under the crowns of trees and shrubs. Moreover, the petals will have a more saturated color, as they fade under the sun's rays.

All anemones grow well in partial shade.

All anemones grow well in partial shade.

There are species that love the sun - crowned and tender. If during landing the choice fell on them, then the place must be chosen open. Otherwise, they may not let the peduncles, or the flowers will be small.

The soil

At the same time, different acidity of the soil is suitable for varieties. Crown, Apennine, Caucasian anemones need alkaline earth, the rest is suitable for neutral acidity.

Anemones prefer loose, rich soils.

Anemones prefer loose, rich soils.

Few representatives of the genus grow on poor soils; these include the forest variety. But even they bloom more abundantly on fertile ones. You need to fertilize the soil with wood ash, humus, manure, compost. This will enrich them and make them more comfortable for plants.


Adult anemones do not like transplantation. They take root in a new place for a long time. Often it ends with the death of the plant.
flower transplant

Transplantation is best done during the dormant period.

If you still need to carry it out, then you need to do it in early spring. It hasn't started flowering yet. For ephemeroid species, a transplant procedure is possible in the summer. When the leaves dried up, the flower began a dormant period.


decorative mulch

decorative mulch

Flower beds with anemone must be mulched. Suitable for this:

  • Humus
  • Peat
  • Fallen tree leaves
  • Decorative mulch

In their natural environment, anemones grow under trees. And the leaves will emit a natural pillow. Mulch helps retain moisture in the soil and prevents the growth of weeds. The layer should be 5 cm.


Anemones do not need regular watering. This allows them to be planted in hard-to-reach places. They have enough natural precipitation and moisture extracted from the soil.

Watering plants

Watering plants

In dry weather, water the flowers every day, it is better to do this in the morning or in the evening. During the day, with the scorching sun, moisture will evaporate. It can harm the plant.

The exception is the crowned variety. It must be watered regularly during flowering. The rest of the time, it also does just fine without additional moisture.

top dressing

Anemones need to be fertilized during flowering. Any organic fertilizer will work for this. Except for fresh manure.

organic nutrition

organic nutrition

In the autumn, it is recommended to make mineral top dressing. It will nourish the root system before the long winter.

Planting tubers

Inexperienced flower growers can often find that the tubers do not germinate. They are considered corrupted. Or not suitable landing conditions. Stop trying to plant the anemone.

planting anemone tubers

For the enterprise to bring success, you need to know the rules of germination

Step-by-step instruction:

  • You need to pour some water into a flat plate and add a stimulant for the formation of roots. Suitable epin, zircon.
  • Wet gauze with the solution, squeeze lightly. A tuber is wrapped in it and placed in a plastic bag.
  • Keep them for 6 hours.
  • Fill the box with sand or a mixture of earth and sand, moisten, put the bulbs on top.
  • Cover with foil and put in a cool place.
  • You need to plant after the emergence of sprouts. First, this must be done in separate pots.It is recommended to keep at 12 degrees. At elevated temperatures, the sprouts will grow weak.
  • Plant in open ground when outside temperature equals room temperature.

Tubers cannot be soaked in water. They absorb water like a sponge. This will cause them to rot, not germinate.


Anemones do not tolerate cold well. For the winter, they need to be covered with leaves and spruce branches. The most delicate species is the crown anemone.

Shelter with needles of plants for the winter

Shelter with needles of plants for the winter

Its tubers need to be dug up in the fall. Be sure to dry at a temperature of 20 degrees, then put in boxes and stand for several weeks at a temperature not lower than 10 degrees.

In winter, they are stored in a cool room at 5 degrees. Damp rooms and basements are not suitable. They also need to be protected from drafts. Flower growers recommend storing tubers in the sand.

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Anemones reproduce in four ways:

  • seeds
  • part of the root
  • By dividing the bush
  • tubers

Let's consider each in detail:

seed propagation

Anemone seeds have extremely poor germination. Only a quarter of them will germinate, provided they are fresh. Germination can be increased by stratification.

anemone seeds

anemone seeds

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Put in refrigerator for 4-8 weeks. Mix them with peat or sand. Moisturize well.
  • Every day the mixture is checked and sprayed with water.
  • After the seeds swell, a substrate is added. Re-moisturize.
  • Move them to a well-ventilated place. The temperature must be maintained no more than 5 degrees.
  • After the appearance of the first sprouts, they are buried in the ground or snow. From above, the planting must be covered with foliage or straw.
  • After the emergence of seedlings, they are seated.

For those who find the process complicated, you can use the second method:

  • In autumn, sow the seeds in boxes with loose soil.
  • Bury the boxes in the garden and cover this place with spruce branches.
  • In the spring they dig up and sit down.

Thus, natural stratification takes place in winter. The first flowering occurs on average after 3 years. It depends on the variety. Some may bloom a year earlier, some later.

Propagation by roots

Anemones with creeping roots can be propagated by dividing them:

  • After the plant blooms, it is dug up.
  • The roots are divided into segments. Each of which has a renewal kidney. They usually form by the end of July. These buds are responsible for the growth and flowering of the plant for the next year.
  • The members are seated.They are insulated for the winter so that they do not freeze.

In this way, you can propagate the Altai, Amur, smooth, oak, buttercup, Udin varieties.There are types of anemones capable of producing root offspring. These include forked, hybrid, Canadian, forest anemones.

Anemone in natural habitat

Anemone in natural habitat

Their roots give offspring, it develops from the adventitious buds of the root system. Harvesting root cuttings is recommended in early spring or late summer. Such cuttings take root only 50%.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • The plant is dug up.
  • Wash the roots.
  • The cut is made near the root collar.
  • The plant is returned to the ground. It takes root during the growing season.
  • The roots are cut into cuttings 5 ​​cm long.
  • Planted in pots filled with loose soil mixed with peat and sand. The distance between the cuttings should be about 4 cm. The upper part of the cutting should stick out of the ground.
  • A layer of sand is poured on top, covered with a film or placed in a greenhouse. Watering should be moderate, otherwise the cuttings will begin to rot.
  • The film should be removed when green sprouts appear.
  • Planted outdoors the following year.

Tuber division

Apennine, Caucasian, tender, crown anemones have tuberous roots. They can be propagated by dividing the tuber. Each separated part must have one or more kidneys.

anemone tubers

anemone tubers

Division is done while the plant is dormant.. This period is at the end of summer.

By dividing the bush

By dividing the bush, you can propagate the daffodil-flowered and long-haired species. A prerequisite is a vertical root system.

Division of a plant bush

Division of a plant bush

The bush is divided, each part should have a part of the root and kidney. The separated parts take root quickly, they practically do not get sick.

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Diseases and pests

Autumn flowering anemones

Autumn flowering anemones

Anemones generally have good disease resistance. However, they can also get sick or be attacked by pests:

Manifested by spots on leaves, greening of petals on anemone flowers, abnormal growth slowdown or acceleration. There is only one method of struggle - the infected plant must be destroyed until the disease affects neighboring plants.
The root collar rots and the plants die. Damaged bushes need to be dug up, the planting site should be poured with Rovral.
The fungus causes curling of the leaves of the plant and anomalies in the growth of the anemone. Special means help to get rid of it, for example, Cumulus. The seller of a specialized store, according to the signs, will be able to pick up other drugs.
downy mildew
It appears as a dirty white bloom or spots on the leaves. Appears on anemones due to high humidity. It is necessary to remove damaged leaves, and, if possible, provide ventilation. Of the drugs, bactofit, and some others, can help.
Gray rot
Affected areas of the plant become watery. Appears due to high humidity. Remove damaged leaves and stems. Minimize moisture ingress. Make a canopy so that morning dew does not settle on the bushes. You can buy drugs in stores. One of them is a pure flower.
It is expressed by yellowing and twisting of the leaves, the appearance of a sticky coating. If this is one focus, then the sheet is simply removed. With mass character, one cannot do without medicines, for example, biotlin, tobacco dust and others.
They appear as spots on the foliage. Spread during spraying. It is difficult to get rid of them, you need to remove the damaged parts of the anemone, do not spray. A diseased bush should not be used as a mother plant for propagation. It is better to destroy the bush, and replace the substrate or pour it with a solution of potassium permanganate.
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Forcing flowers in winter

For distillation, flowers that reproduce by corms are suitable.Anemones are no exception. The most suitable types: soft and crowned.

anemone at home

Anemone in a pot

For distillation, tubers can be planted from September to December. Planting time depends on the date when flowers are needed. The tubers must first be germinated.

This is done in the same way as when planting them in open ground. The procedure is described above.

  • Pots need to be prepared small. Do not fill with a mixture of fertile soil and sand. You can use store-bought substrates for flowers by mixing sand into it.
  • The tubers are placed on top of the ground, slightly pressing into it.
  • Pots should be kept in a well-lit room at a temperature of 12 degrees.Lack of light will weaken the sprouts. They will start to stretch. Therefore, it is desirable to include additional lighting.
  • After the appearance of the buds, the temperature must be increased to 17 degrees.
  • Watering is carried out very meagerly, only after the soil has completely dried.
  • During flowering, fertilizing with organic mixtures should be carried out.

After the flowers have faded, you need to let the leaves dry. Get the tubers out of the ground. Dry well and store before planting in open ground.

For forcing to be successful, two basic rules must be observed:

  • Provide bright lighting
  • Observe the temperature

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The benefits and harms of anemones

Many of the anemone species are actively used in folk medicine. They have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect, are a diuretic and diaphoretic, relieve pain symptoms.


anemone blossom

For women, the anemone will help restore the menstrual cycle. In men, it will increase potency. It is also used to improve vision and hearing.

The use of anemones for medicinal purposes should be strictly carried out under the supervision of a physician. It contains poison and can cause serious complications.


Anemones are used in floristry. For bouquets, varieties with white flowers are most often used. They last up to 10 days in a vase if cut at the bud stage.

Vase with anemones

Vase with anemones

In mixed flower beds most often planted blue, oak, Altai, buttercup anemones. They go well with peonies, scilas, primroses, phloxes. Often they are planted along paths near shrubs.

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Anemones: 25 species, features of reproduction and care, planting in open ground, forcing in winter, description of the medicinal properties of the plant (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

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