Cherry plum: description of the 23 best varieties with reviews from gardeners | (Photo & Video)

cherry plum description variety photo reviews

Cherry plum (Prunus cerasifera) and plum belong to the same biological genus. Sometimes they are even mistakenly considered one species, but this, of course, is not so.

Domestic plum was obtained by crossing cherry plum and blackthorn. Being originally a wild plant, cherry plum, unlike plums, has greater frost resistance, better adaptability to environmental conditions, resistance to diseases and pests.

Due to this, the area of ​​distribution of cherry plum (albeit in the form of a home plant in gardens) is much wider than the area plums.

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cherry plum

yellow cherry plum

But every medal has two sides. The disadvantages of cherry plum traditionally were the small size of the fruit and a noticeable sourness in taste. However, nowadays, during the development of breeding selection, it was possible to obtain many varieties that are practically devoid of these shortcomings.

In terms of varietal diversity, cherry plum surpasses many tree crops and provides gardeners with options that have almost any color, taste, weight of fruits and yield. In addition, cherry plum is used in landscape design.

Caring for cherry plums is similar to caring for plums, but, in general, it is much simpler. Seedlings should be planted in fertile soil in sunny areas with fertile soil. A pit for cherry plum is made the same as for a plum - 60 x 60 x 50 cm. A layer of humus is laid on its bottom.

The main task in creating a cherry plum garden is Proper placement of crop varieties and pollinators. The latter should be planted at a distance of no more than 50 m from pollinated trees.

Directly caring for mature trees involves timely abundant watering (this is very critical for most varieties), fertilizing at least 2 times per season and regular pruning.

For air nutrition of the roots after watering, it is recommended to loosen the soil to a depth of 5-10 cm. Fertilizing with organic matter should be done in early spring and late autumn. It is recommended to introduce mineral fertilizers and nutrients into the soil in the middle of the season only in case of poor soils.

Cherry plum large-fruited

Cherry plum large-fruited

Pest control is less relevant for cherry plum than for plums, as the species has much greater immunity. However, you should not relax, the plum codling moth, in the absence of the main diet, can quickly switch to cherry plum.

Therefore, insecticides should always be at hand. For prevention against fungi, it is recommended to treat the branches and bark of the trunk with copper-containing preparations, for example, a solution of copper sulfate, before opening the kidneys. Cherry plum is also rarely affected by viral diseases.

A separate problem is clasterosporiosis. To combat this fungal disease, Horus, Skor, Kuproksat are used.

The reproduction of cherry plum is carried out mainly vegetatively, using grafts from young shoots in split wild crops or acidic varieties. In rare cases, propagation by cuttings is used, since this process is longer. You can get cherry plum seedlings with the help of seeds, but this process is also not fast.

cherry plum

cherry plum

Describing varieties, they are systematized mainly according to consumer characteristics, since it is often even difficult to determine how a particular variety or hybrid was obtained. Gardeners are comfortable with a classification in which plants are broken down by maturity.

It is she who is considered the main one for cherry plum. In cases where the ripening time is not critical, cherry plum can be systematized according to fruit size, frost resistance zones, self-fertility, etc.

The article describes the currently most popular cherry plum varieties for the following categories:

  • early, mid and late maturing
  • large-fruited
  • frost-resistant
  • self-fertile

For each of the varieties, the features of their cultivation are indicated and its photo is presented.

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Early ripe varieties

cherry plum

cherry plum

Almost all representatives of the Plum genus ripen late. Therefore, for plums and cherry plums, "early" means ready for harvest in late July/early August.

The specified terms correspond to the Middle lane or the Moscow region. Depending on climatic conditions, the ripening time may shift by 1-2 weeks (the further south, the earlier).

july rose

july rose

july rose

july rose

Record holder in terms of ripening (2-3 decades of July). High frost resistance and drought resistance. Fungal resistance. Has stable fruiting. Easily adapts to new climatic conditions.

Skin red, thin. The pulp is dark yellow, of moderate density with a rich and pleasant sweet and sour taste. The versatility of the use of fruits.





A tall tree with a flat, rounded crown. Buds with flowers bloom relatively early in spring, sometimes even in April. It is self-infertile, requires pollinators (for example, Vladimirskaya comet, Timiryazevskaya, etc.)

A high-yielding mid-early variety that begins to bear fruit in the second year of life. Possesses average immunity. The top of a mature tree should be trimmed regularly.

The fruits are large and egg-shaped. The peel is strong, not cracking even when dropped. Its color is purple, the flesh is orange. The taste is sweet, dessert. The bones are small, practically not separated from the pulp.





A self-infertile variety that blooms in mid-May with fruiting in the third decade of July. It has a dense, spherical crown with a large number of branches and young shoots that requires regular pruning. It is desirable to remove young growth around the trunk constantly. Winter hardiness is average (up to -20-25°С). Resistant to drought and most diseases.

Medium sized oval fruits with sweet and sour plum taste. The color of the skin is purple-blue, the flesh is yellow. The bones are very poorly separated from the pulp. The crop does not crumble and can be stored for up to 3 months. Has good transportability.





Tall trees with a sparse and spreading crown. Its shape is round, sometimes pyramidal. Fruiting occurs in the second year of life. It is self-infertile. Increasing yields gives the planting of pollinators. The best are the Comet, the Gold of the Scythians and the Sun.

The fruits are egg-shaped. The skin is light yellow in color, relatively thin. Her blush is completely gone.. The flesh is yellow-green, aromatic, with an excellent sweet taste with a barely noticeable sourness. The consistency of the pulp is loose, with a small amount of fibers, the juiciness is low. The bones are separated from the pulp poorly.

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Mid-season varieties

cherry plum

cherry plum

The ripening time of these plants falls on the second half of August. Fruits are mainly used for universal use - they are used both fresh and canned (jam, jams, compotes, etc.)





Medium-late variety, characterized by large fruits and early fruiting. The crown shape is spherical, the foliage is medium.

The fruits are red in color and have a peach flavor. The mass of fruits in some cases reaches 70 g. The peel of the fruit is thick, it is covered with a wax coating on top.

The variety is self-fertile. For pollination, varieties similar in terms of flowering and ripening should be used - Chuk, Nesmeyana, Tsarskaya or Lama.





Received about 40 years ago as a result of crossing the Excellent student and the Early Chinese. Compact but relatively tall tree with a pyramidal crown. Requires pollinators. Winter-hardy and drought-resistant plant with good immunity.

Medium-sized fruit with burgundy skin and reddish-orange flesh. Their shape is oval. Bones are poorly separated from the dense pulp. The taste is sweet and sour.

Giant garden gift

Giant garden gift

Giant garden gift

Giant garden gift

Frost-resistant variety, which is a hybrid subspecies of the Russian plum. A low-growing fruit tree (stem no more than 1.2 m), with a medium-dense crown of a flat-round shape. It has good frost resistance and medium immunity.

The fruits are large, with a purple skin covered with a waxy coating. The flesh is yellow, turning red as it approaches the skin. The consistency of the pulp is dense, dryish. Taste - standard sweet and sour. The bones separate well. The pulp freezes well without cracking.





Low trees with high yield parameters for their size. They bear fruit in their second year. Winter hardiness is increased. They can be grown in the harsh conditions of Siberia and the northern regions. An additional advantage is good resistance to drought and diseases. The variety requires pollinators of other varieties, flowering at the same time, optimally - Mara.

The fruit has a sweet and sour taste and an oval shape. The color at the beginning of ripening is purple, fully ripe fruits change color to burgundy. The flesh is pink, fibrous, slightly crispy. The bones separate well. The productivity of the variety is very high - I take off the trees up to half a centner of the crop.





Medium-sized trees with a compact crown of an overestimated pyramidal shape. Young trees look like shrubs. They have good unpretentiousness: winter hardiness, the ability to tolerate drought. Disease resistance is also high. They are self-fertile, therefore they require the planting of pollinators (Soneika, Lama, Mara, Asaloda).

The fruits are large, oval. The skin is rich red, dense and elastic. The pulp is slightly loose, tender and dryish. The color of the pulp is reddish-yellow. The taste is dessert, the acid is felt weakly. Possesses good keeping quality and transportability.

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Late-ripening varieties

cherry plum

cherry plum

The ripening period of these varieties stretched from September to October. Traditionally, their fruits are stored for the longest time, and they are not used for canning for the winter.

Gift to Primorye

Gift to Primorye

Gift to Primorye

Gift to Primorye

Tree of medium height with a pyramidal crown. The density of the crown is medium. Ripening time - 1st decade of September. It has good frost resistance and disease resistance. Suitable for cultivation in Siberia. Requires planting other varieties for cross-pollination.

Fruits are oval, purple in color. The flesh is red in color and fibrous. Under the weight of the fruit, the branches can break.





Late-ripening plant with increased frost resistance (up to minus 38°C). Has good immunity to diseases. The crown is formed spherical. An early-growing variety that can bear fruit in the second year of life.

The color is bright orange-yellow. The fruits are round in shape. The taste of the pulp is dessert, with a slight aftertaste of grapes. The stone is separated from the pulp with difficulty.

This variety has a very long (for cherry plum) shelf life, reaching 2.5-3 weeks.
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Large-fruited varieties of cherry plum

Large-fruited cherry plum

Large-fruited cherry plum

These varieties have fruits of large mass, but their overall yield per tree is low. Nevertheless, such varieties are quite popular, since the collection and processing of the crop is greatly simplified. The taste qualities of such subspecies are traditionally high.





Another name for the variety is "Russian plum". Bred by breeders relatively recently. It is a tree of medium height with a flattened crown.

It has oval-shaped fruits of a fairly large size. The fruit lacks symmetry. The skin is yellow, with a slight pink blush. Inside contains dry granular pulp, poorly separated from the bone. The harvest is taken in early September.





The variety was bred in the middle of the twentieth century. Refers to early ripening, so it can be used in regions with a short summer. Fruits in the second year. Requires pollinators.

It has large fruits of round shape and yellow color. At the end of ripening, the fruits are covered with a purple blush. The skin is dense, not cracking. The taste is sweet and sour, nutmeg. Fruits have good keeping quality and transportability.





A self-infertile variety resulting from Fibing's hybridization. According to gardeners, it is one of the best varieties that can be planted in Central Russia, Belarus and the Western Urals. Possesses early terms of maturing.

Purple fruits have green-yellow flesh. The density of the pulp is medium, while it itself is very juicy. The bones separate easily. The winter hardiness of the variety is increased (up to -35 ° С). Fruit keeping and transportability are good.

the globe

the globe

the globe

the globe

A plant of medium height (grow up to 3-4 m) and an average crown density. Crown shape is ellipsoid. Ripening occurs in the third decade of August. Winter hardiness is average, it is not recommended to grow the plant in regions with cold winters (below -20 ° C). Disease and drought tolerance is also average.

The fruits are very large and almost perfectly round in shape with a diameter of up to 6 cm. Some specimens of fruits reach a record 100 g, which is unattainable even for most plums. The peel has a purple color, it is covered with wax with white dots. The pulp is yellow-red, dense. The bone separates well. Dessert taste with very slight acidity. The taste rating is 4.5 points on a five-point scale. Good keeping quality and transportability.





A partially self-fertile variety that produces relatively good yields without pollinators. However, their landing is highly recommended. The growth of trees is medium, the crown is oval. Fruiting occurs at 4 years of age. Immunity to diseases is high.

The skin is red-violet, the flesh is red, dense. Fruits are universal in application. The shelf life of fruits before consumption is up to 1.5 months.

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Frost-resistant varieties

cherry plum

cherry plum

Plum and cherry plum are classified as heat-loving trees. However, there are many varieties that can get along well in relatively cold areas. Frost resistance of some of them reaches -35°С.





Tree of medium height with a spherical crown. Crown density is low. The variety is able to withstand frosts down to -30 ° C. Harvest takes place in mid-late August.

The fruits are small and round in shape. The skin is thin, dark scarlet. The pulp has a yellow tint. The juice is practically colorless. The pulp is dense with a well-separated bone. The taste of the pulp is slightly sour.

Gift to St. Petersburg

Gift to St. Petersburg

Gift to St. Petersburg

Gift to St. Petersburg

Frost-resistant variety of decorative species.Able to tolerate significant temperature fluctuations. The crown is extensive, with a high degree of foliage. Ripens in the second decade of August. Requires pollinators, the best of which is Rocket Seedling. Possesses good immunity.

The fruits are small, slightly elongated. Color - dark yellow or orange. The taste is considered very good.





A fast-growing winter-hardy variety with high growth. The crown has an oval shape and medium density. Plant immunity is good, diseases and pests rarely affect it. Harvesting falls on the third decade of July.

The fruits are spherical, sometimes slightly flattened. The skin has a dark red hue with a sheen, the flesh is orange. The density of the pulp is medium. It is fibrous and juicy with a poorly separating bone.

Rocket Seedling

Rocket Seedling

Rocket Seedling

Rocket Seedling

A variety that can withstand temperatures down to -35°C. The tree is stunted with a dense squat crown. Leaves are high. It tolerates temperature fluctuations in the summer. It is considered one of the best varieties for growing in the Urals.

Large fruits with a slight pointed end. A relatively small number of cherry plum varieties (in particular, Melon) have a similar shape. The skin is dense, red. the pulp is yellow, moderate density. The taste is sweet with slight hints of sourness. Has good keeping quality.

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Self-fertile varieties

cherry plum

cherry plum

Most garden trees require pollinators for high yields, and cherry plum is no exception. However, there are some varieties that do not need pollinators.





An early variety that is a descendant of the Chinese plum. It has an average height and early fruiting (2-3 years). It has high frost resistance (but the fruits fall off when frost) and disease resistance.

The fruits are round. The skin is yellow with a large purple blush. The pulp is orange, moderately juicy. There are banana notes in the taste.

The plant needs regular watering.





Early ripe frost-resistant tree of low growth. The crown is spherical, dense. Foliage is average.

Medium sized fruit with thick purple skin. The pulp is dense, the bone is well separated from it. Ripens at the end of July/beginning of August. The variety is characterized by stable yields even in old trees.

Kuban comet

Kuban comet

Kuban comet

Kuban comet

A variety obtained by crossing Pionerka and an early plum. Possesses the increased winter hardiness and average terms of maturing. The crown is rare and wide.

Fruits are egg-shaped, covered with a wax coating. The color of the skin is burgundy, the flesh is rich yellow. The pulp is juicy and tasty with a hint of apricot. The bone is separated with difficulty.

The plant requires regular and abundant watering.

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pivot table

The technical characteristics of the considered varieties of apple trees are summarized in the table below:

Variety nameSpecifications

july rose

Tree height, m: 3-3.5
Fruit weight, g: 29-32
Productivity, kg: 30-40


Tree height, m: up to 4
Fruit weight, g: 70
Productivity, kg: 50

Gift to Primorye

Tree height, m: 3-4
Fruit weight, g: 35
Productivity, kg: 30


Tree height, m: 3-5
Fruit weight, g: 15
Productivity, kg: 30-45


Tree height, m: up to 4
Fruit weight, g: 30 (45 max)
Productivity, kg: 35-40


Tree height, m: until 3
Fruit weight, g: 19-28
Productivity, kg: up to 40


Tree height, m: 2-3
Fruit weight, g: 23
Productivity, kg: 25


Tree height, m: 2
Fruit weight, g: 25-30
Productivity, kg: 30

Kuban comet

Tree height, m: 3
Fruit weight, g: 30-45
Productivity, kg: up to 50


Tree height, m: 3-5
Fruit weight, g: 30
Productivity, kg: up to 100


Tree height, m: 3
Fruit weight, g: 30
Productivity, kg: 45-60

Gift to St. Petersburg

Tree height, m: 2-3
Fruit weight, g: 20
Productivity, kg: up to 60


Tree height, m: 3
Fruit weight, g: 20-25
Productivity, kg: 30-40


Tree height, m: 3-4
Fruit weight, g: 28
Productivity, kg: 25-32


Tree height, m: 4
Fruit weight, g: 35-40
Productivity, kg: up to 40


Tree height, m: 3-5
Fruit weight, g: 25
Productivity, kg: up to 50

rocket seedling

Tree height, m: 2
Fruit weight, g: 30
Productivity, kg: 40


Tree height, m: 3-5
Fruit weight, g: 20
Productivity, kg: 35-40

Giant garden gift

Tree height, m: 2-2.5
Fruit weight, g: 30-35
Productivity, kg: up to 30


Tree height, m: 2
Fruit weight, g: 30-40
Productivity, kg: up to 50

the globe

Tree height, m: 3-4
Fruit weight, g: 40-60 (up to 100)
Productivity, kg: 40-50


Tree height, m: 2.5-3
Fruit weight, g: 40
Productivity, kg: 30-50


Tree height, m: 3-4
Fruit weight, g: 30
Productivity, kg: 25-35
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cherry plum seedlings

cherry plum seedlings

Over the past few decades, cherry plum breeding has produced varieties that can satisfy almost any desire of gardeners. Currently, there are many varieties of this crop that have the necessary growing conditions and ripening periods.

Even with minimal care (in which only watering is required), they are able to produce stable yields for decades.

Thematic video: Varieties of cherry plum plentiful

Cherry plum: description of the 23 best varieties with reviews from gardeners

Varieties of cherry plum plentiful

Cherry plum: description of the 23 best varieties with reviews from gardeners | (Photo & Video)

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Description and photos of the best varieties of cherry plum

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