Breathalyzer is a device designed to measure the level of ethyl alcohol in exhaled air. Such devices are used not only by traffic police officers, but also at checkpoint enterprises, as well as drivers for domestic purposes. In the latter case, the breathalyzer allows the motorist to play it safe before getting behind the wheel of a car. Breathalyzers in stores are presented in a huge assortment, the price for them varies significantly, as well as their functionality. We will analyze how to choose the right device for certain purposes, what to look for when buying, present a rating of the best models in different price categories.

Ranking table
Place in the ranking / Name | Expert evaluation | Price range, rub. |
Rating of personal breathalyzers | ||
Ritmix RAT-310 | 79 out of 100 | From 673 to 1013* |
Inspector AT500 | 82 out of 100 | From 3 1 86 to 3 920* |
Ritmix RAT-740 | 85 out of 100 | From 5 268 to 6 233* |
Inspector AT750 | 92 out of 100 | From 4,399 to 6,637* |
Rating of semi-professional breathalyzers | ||
Dingo E-010 | 90 out of 100 | From 9 970 to 23 490* |
ALCOSCAN AL-1100 | 95 out of 100 | From 11 970 to 13 990* |
DRIVESAFE II | 97 out of 100 | From 20,990 to 25,990* |
Rating of professional breathalyzers | ||
AlcoHunter Professional+ | 90 out of 100 | From 9,970 to 15,688* |
Drager Alcotest 5510 | 94 out of 100 | From 39 700 to 49 190* |
Dingo E-200B | 99 out of 100 | From 28,700 to 68,490* |
* Prices are valid for August 2020

How many ppm is acceptable for drivers? Currently, the degree of intoxication should not exceed 0.35 ppm or - 0.16 mg / l. For measurement, devices are used - breathalyzers. They can be of the following types:
- Semiconductor;
- Electrochemical;
- Spectrophotometric.
In semiconductor devices, the level of ethyl vapor is determined using a sensor made of tin oxide. After turning on the meter, it heats up. If there are alcohol vapors in the processed air, they burn out on the surface of the sensor, thereby increasing the level of conductivity. The advantages of such devices include the simplicity of design and low cost. However, their accuracy leaves much to be desired, in addition, external factors influence the indicators, in particular, the use of certain products, the presence of ammonia or hydrogen sulfide in the ambient air, smoking before measurement, and the use of kefir. On average, such a device is designed for 300 measurements, after which it should be calibrated. In testers of the electrochemical type, measurement is performed using a catalyst. When ethanol vapor enters, a chemical reaction occurs, as a result of which free electrons are released. These models are highly accurate. It is almost impossible to fool them.
Spectrophotometric devices are not so common. In this case, the amount of alcohol vapor is measured using infrared radiation. Such models do not require calibration, but the results of the study depend on the air temperature.

Breathalyzers can also be non-contact and contact. In the first case, the device refers to the lips at a distance of approximately 20 mm. The user then blows forcefully into the hole. The use of such devices is characterized by increased tightness. Their main disadvantage is that wind or the presence of foreign odors can affect accuracy.

Contact devices are much more accurate. In this case, the measurement must be blown into a special mouthpiece. Usually, several are included in the package; on the case of some models, a special place is provided for storing them.

Manufacturers produce breathalyzers for personal, semi-professional or professional use. The first group usually includes inexpensive devices with a semiconductor sensor. They are mainly used by drivers for self-control, do not have built-in memory, and have little functionality. Such devices are designed for several measurements per day. Professional and semi-professional models have a large set of functions. Semi-professional devices are designed for use at checkpoints of small industries or for checking drivers. However, their results cannot form the basis for litigation. Such devices use semiconductor or electrochemical sensors. As a rule, they allow you to take from 5 to 30 measurements during the day.
What breathalyzers does the traffic police use? Professional devices operate on the basis of a spectrum of photometric or electrochemical sensors. Allows you to make up to 300 measurements during the day.

When choosing a breathalyzer, the user should pay attention to the characteristics of the model:
- Measuring range. The blood alcohol content is indicated in ppm; for domestic and semi-professional use, devices with an interval of 0 to 4 ppm are suitable.
- The level of error depends on the device's sensor. For semiconductor models, this figure can reach 10-20%. For electrochemical devices, the error is much lower - up to 5-10%.
- Display. Most breathalyzers have a display. It should be bright enough, contrasting. Existence of illumination will allow to carry out measurement even in a night-time.
- Measurement time. The more time the instrument takes to analyze, the more accurate the result will be. Sometimes professional devices take up to 30 seconds to measure.
- The presence of memory. The number of cells depends on the model. Self test function. Usually it is present only on professional devices.
Additionally, devices can be equipped with a built-in flashlight, alarm clock, clock, self-diagnosis function.

Rating of the best breathalyzers
We offer the TOP 10 best breathalyzers for various applications. When selecting a model, not only their technical characteristics were taken into account, but also the cost, as well as customer reviews.

Rating of personal breathalyzers
Such measuring devices are intended for personal use by drivers. They allow you to take only a few measurements per day.
Ritmix RAT-310

- Price - 673 - 1,013 rubles;
- User rating - 4.1;
- Sensor type - semiconductor;
- Measurement range - up to 1.9 ppm;
- Measurement step - 0.1 ppm;
- Power supply - 2 AAA batteries;
- Additional features - automatic shutdown
It is a means of driver self-control. The device allows you to estimate the alcohol content in the exhaled air. The case has a backlit display. The delivery set includes interchangeable mouthpieces.
Inspector AT500

- Price - 3,186 to 3,920 rubles;
- User rating - 4.2;
- Sensor type - electrochemical;
- Measurement range - up to 4.44 ppm;
- Power supply - 2 AA batteries;
- Additional functions - sound and visual indication.
The device displays the measurement results on a three-line display. Visual indication and sound signal are provided.The warm-up time of the device is only 15 seconds.
Ritmix RAT-740

- Price - 5,268 - 6,233 rubles;
- User rating - 4.9;
- Sensor type - electrochemical;
- Measurement range - up to 4 ppm;
- Power supply - 2 AAA batteries;
- Additional features - automatic shutdown.
The device is designed for individual measurements. The results are shown on a backlit display. The model is characterized by fast response and output of results. The kit includes interchangeable mouthpieces.
Inspector AT750

- Price - 4,399 - 6,637 rubles;
- User rating - 4.6;
- Sensor type - electrochemical;
- Measurement range - up to 1.12 ppm;
- Power supply - 2 AAA batteries;
- Additional functions - automatic shutdown, sound and light indication.
The device allows measurements in the range from 0 to 2.5 mg per liter. To carry out the analysis, it is necessary to inhale air through the mouthpiece. The tester works on the basis of an electrochemical sensor. The results are displayed. Additionally, there is an acoustic indication. The device runs on batteries. To conserve battery power consumption, an automatic shutdown function is provided. The delivery set includes interchangeable mouthpieces, batteries, and a case.

Rating of semi-professional breathalyzers
Semi-professional breathalyzers are also called club breathalyzers. They are used to screen visitors, employees and drivers of small companies. Typically, such devices allow you to make several dozen measurements during the day.
Dingo E-010

- Price - 9,970 - 23,490 rubles;
- User rating - 4.3;
- Sensor type - electrochemical;
- Measurement range - up to 4 ppm;
- Error level - 0.05 ppm with a range of 0 to 1 ppm;
- Measurement step - 0.01 ppm;
- Power supply - 2 AAA batteries;
- Additional features - test counter, auto-off, the ability to connect to the phone through a special connector.
The device is easy to use and can be used with or without a mouthpiece. On the case there is only one button and a contrast display.

- Price - 11,970 - 13,990 rubles;
- User rating - 4.7;
- Sensor type - semiconductor;
- Power source - rechargeable battery;
- Additional functions - visual and sound indication.
The device will help you quickly determine the concentration of ethanol in the volume of exhaled air. It is designed to test employees of small enterprises. The model is designed to take up to five measurements per minute.It is powered by rechargeable batteries, there are 3 sensors on the body, with a clear light indication. When the green LED lights up, the alcohol content is less than 0.2 ppm. The yellow indicator indicates the ethanol content in the amount of 0.2-0.5 ppm. The red gauge indicates concentrations above 0.5 ppm. Additionally, there is a sound indication.

- Price - 9,970 - 23,490 rubles;
- User rating - 4.7;
- Sensor type - electrochemical;
- Measurement range - up to 9.99 ppm;
- Error level - 5%;
- Measurement step - 0.01 ppm;
- Power supply - 2 AA batteries;
- Additional functions - visual and sound indication of results, auto-off.
The device is able to accurately determine the amount of ethanol in exhaled air. It works on the basis of an electrochemical sensor, which significantly increases its accuracy. The device has a control system that protects against errors. The results are displayed on the screen with a color highlighting function.

Rating of the best professional models
The TOP 3 includes devices designed for professional use. They are distinguished by high accuracy, advanced functionality, such a device allows hundreds of measurements to be taken per day.
AlcoHunter Professional+

- Price - 9,970 - 15,688 rubles;
- User rating - 4.5;
- Sensor type - semiconductor;
- Measuring range - up to 5 ppm;
- Error level - up to 10%;
- Measurement step - 0.01 ppm;
- Power supply - 2 AAA batteries;
- Additional functions - the presence of sound and visual indication, charge level indicator, automatic shutdown.
It works on the basis of a sensor from a Japanese manufacturer. The device allows you to take up to 140 measurements during the day. Its design includes a reaction chamber, as well as an improved compensation system. The breathalyzers have a function for tracking the correctness and completeness of exhalation for accurate measurements. The analysis results are displayed on the backlit OLED display. The package includes AAA batteries, 5 replacement mouthpieces and documentation.
Drager Alcotest 5510

- Price - 39,700 - 49,190 rubles;
- User rating - 4.3;
- Sensor type - electrochemical;
- Measurement range - up to 4.44 ppm;
- Error level - up to 10%;
- Measurement step - 0.01 ppm;
- Power supply - 2 AA batteries;
- Additional features - memory for 10 measurements, the ability to use with a mouthpiece, and without it, automatic shutdown, automatic calibration.
The device is characterized by increased speed, is not sensitive to high humidity or temperature. It is possible to take measurements with or without a mouthpiece. The automatic sampling and calibration function makes the use of the device as simple as possible. And it has a memory of the last 10 measurements.
Dingo E-200B

- Price - 28,700 - 68,490 rubles;
- User rating - 4.8;
- Sensor type - electrochemical;
- Measuring range - up to 5 ppm;
- Error level - up to 10%;
- Measurement step - 0.01 ppm;
- Power supply - 2 AA batteries;
- Additional features - memory for 500 measurements, test counter, the ability to use with a mouthpiece, funnel mouthpiece, without it, automatic shutdown, Bluetooth module for data output.
Measurement results can be printed out. The device connects to a mobile printer via Bluetooth or a cable. There is a function to control the correct blowing, which increases the accuracy of the results, reduces the likelihood of error or deception. The tachometer is based on a wear-resistant electrochemical sensor. It can be used for pre-trip inspection of employees, as well as examinations in medical institutions and by traffic police inspectors and traffic police officers. The device can work with a mouthpiece, without it and with a funnel. On the body is a full-text display with a backlight function. The device is equipped with a memory for 500 measurements. The calibration interval is 15,000 readings. Calibration must be done at a service center.

Alcometer should be chosen based on the purpose of its application. Devices for home use can work on a semiconductor sensor. If you need a measuring device for semi-professional or professional use, you should give preference to devices with an electrochemical sensor. In addition, a professional breathalyser must be entered into the state register, as well as be verified. When buying, pay attention to models from Airline, AlcoScan, AlcoHunter, Inspector.