Ageratum: description, planting in open ground and caring for it at home (30+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

ageratum planting and care

If there is a desire to plant and grow an ornamental ageratum plant in a garden or on a balcony, then immediately think about whether you can provide it with proper care. It cannot be said that the flower is very demanding, but it will take some time to work. It is important to do everything in a timely manner. Having paid attention to planting material, soil preparation, and site selection, you can count on the fact that the flower will certainly be accepted with a bang. In the future, we will talk about rational watering, top dressing, pruning, disease prevention and pest invasion. As a result - the amazing beauty of the flowering ageratum.

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flower description

Ageratum (translation - "ageless"), tropical flower native to India, Central America. There the plant grows as a perennial, in our country it is an annual, because it is not used to even a slight frost.

Blooming ageratum

Blooming ageratum

The flower blooms for a long time, continuously pink, purple, blue or white. The flowers are pubescent, small, in inflorescences. Inflorescences come from the stem, their diameter does not exceed 5 cm. The shape varies depending on the subspecies.

The plant is bushy, spreading, there are many shoots. The rhizome is developed. The stem is erect, can reach half a meter in height. The foliage is dominated by a rich green color, its shape is oval, triangular, the edge with small notches.

In the foliage of the flower there are substances that irritate the mucous membranes and cause allergies.
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plant varieties

There are more than 60 different types of ageratum. All of them are not similar to each other. They differ in color, duration of flowering, height.


Ageratum Houston

Ageratum Houston

  • The most common is the Houston flower (Mexican). This name came from its discoverer W. Howson.
  • The foliage of the plant is in the shape of a heart without notches, covered with fluff. It can bloom in blue, purple, pink, white. Grows in height by 20-25 cm.
  • The flower is famous not only for its aesthetic beauty, but also for its analgesic properties. Ageratum juice can have an analgesic effect.


Ageratum Alba


  • It is characterized by white, lilac-blue flowering, bushiness not exceeding 30 cm (undersized variety).
  • It belongs to late-flowering plants, as it begins to please the eye at the end of the first summer month, after the 20th of June.

Blue Ball

Ageratum Blue Ball

Blue Ball

  • Low-growing variety, grows no more than 18 cm, spherical.
  • There are strong thick shoots, with dense pubescence. The foliage is large, fleecy below.
  • Inflorescence baskets are quite large (1.4-1.8 cm in diameter) with long stigma columns.
  • The color scheme is dark lilac, blue.
  • Refers to late varieties.Blooms in the 20th of June, lasts until the month of October. Drought tolerant.

Blue Mink

Ageratum Blue Mink

Blue Mink

  • The height of the bush is not more than 26 centimeters, compact, columnar.
  • It has thickened, strong shoots that go up.
  • Long internodes are slightly leafy.
  • There is a large foliage, rounded, fleecy.
  • Each inflorescence is large (1.6-2 cm in diameter), light blue in color.
  • Belongs to the middle grades. It blooms on the 15th of June, it lasts until the month of October.

Blau Sternchen

Blau Sternchen Ageratum

Blau Sternchen

  • Bushes are compact (no more than 20 cm). Shoots are pubescent.
  • It blooms in lilac color, less often blue, in the month of June.

Neptune Blue F1

Neptune Blue F1 ageratum

Neptune Blue F1

  • The hybrid known to many does not grow more than 15 cm.
  • The flowers are small, blue.
  • Inflorescences appear in early June.

Little Dorrit

Little Dorrit Ageratum

Little Dorrit

  • It does not grow more than 20 cm. The bush is compact, hemispherical.
  • Foliage in the form of a rhombus, small, with long petioles.
  • There are strong shoots, slightly pubescent. The inflorescences are characterized by light blue color, small size.
  • They are multi-flowered, loose. Moisture-loving early variety, requires abundant watering.

Summer Snow

Summer Snow Ageratum

Summer Snow

  • Reaches 50 cm in height.
  • Has white lush flowers.
  • Inflorescence corymbose, dense.
  • It is characterized by abundant flowering.

red sea

Red Sea Ageratum

red sea

  • This is perhaps the most unusual hybrid variety.
  • It has an impressive size - 50-60 cm.
  • The stem is directed upwards, powerful. Leafy bush.
  • It blooms red, and this is not characteristic of any ageratum variety.
  • Inflorescences are hairy. It can bloom all summer, until the first frost.

Fire Pink

Fire Pink Ageratum

Fire Pink

  • The variety has small foliage, the stems reach a height of 35 cm.
  • Blooms pink.

blue mink

Blue mink Ageratum

blue mink

  • It bushes up to 30 cm. The shoots are dense, the inflorescences are large.
  • Blue, lilac colors predominate. This variety is most loved by gardeners.
  • It normally tolerates heat, blooms for a long time.

Blue Perfection

Blue Perfection Ageratum

Blue Perfection

  • It is characterized by compactness, strong branching.
  • The plant is almost spherical, reaching a height of up to 30 cm.
  • The shoots are strong, strongly pubescent, have a purple tint.
  • The foliage is large, especially where the petioles are long.
  • The diameter of the baskets is from 1.4 to 1.6 cm, the color is lilac, blue.
  • Inflorescence medium dense, many-flowered.
  • This ageratum blooms early, in early summer.

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General recommendations for growing a plant

You can grow ageratum in the open field and on the windowsill, that is, at room conditions. In any case, for the active growth and flowering of a plant, certain rules must be followed.

In order for the flower to be accepted in the open field, you need to make sure that there will be no frost.

In order for the flower to be accepted in the open field, you need to make sure that there will be no frost.

For active growth, the ageratum needs the sun's rays, heat.

In addition, you should take seriously:

  1. Landing place. There should be no drafts and shade. Even a slightly shaded area will negatively affect the behavior of the plant. The stem will rush up, the foliage will thin out, there will be few inflorescences. The plant will tolerate a maximum of two hours a day of shading, but no more.
  2. Soil selection. The soil is desirable non-acidic, preferably light. Definitely nutritious, but in moderation. Otherwise, there will be no abundant flowering, everything will grow. It is not advisable to plant ageratum where it is damp and there are a lot of stones. In such a place, the plant will hurt. It is advisable to make drainage, carefully loosen the soil.
  3. The choice of time. The best planting period is the middle, the end of March, provided that frosts are not predicted.
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How does a flower reproduce?

The plant can be cultivated by seeds and cuttings. The seed method is simpler, but in this case it is important to calculate with the time of sowing in open ground. Even slight frosts will lead to damage to the seed material.

Ageratum room

Ageratum room

Cuttings will require preparation in advance (from autumn). Before you get the cuttings, you need to provide the plant with good care at room conditions throughout the winter.

planting material

Seeds are collected as soon as flowering occurs. Withering of the plant will occur three weeks after the buds bloom.

Seeds are elongated, smallish, light brown in color.

Seeds are elongated, smallish, light brown in color.

After the seeds have been collected, they must be placed in a paper bag (bag). It is important to keep them dry and cool. If we are talking about cuttings, then they are cut in the spring from a plant that overwintered in a pot. More details below.

Growing from seed

In this way, the bulk of flower growers grow. This process will take a little time, and most importantly, everything can be done in one season.

Preparation of containers, soil, drainage

The first thing to do is find a container for sowing. It is advisable to apply fertilizer to the soil. This is a mixture of sand, peat and humus. Everything is mixed in the same amount.

In order for excess water to come out of the soil, drainage must be done.

In order for excess water to come out of the soil, it is necessary to make drainage

Drainage will also allow the root system to breathe. It is advisable to do it both for flowers that will grow in room conditions, and for seedlings, which after that will need to be transplanted into open ground.

The plant is moisture-loving, watering will be done frequently, as a result of which air exchange will be disturbed. Under such conditions, harmful microorganisms begin to develop, and this negatively affects both the root and the growth of the plant. Holes are made in the container, a 2-centimeter layer of drainage is placed on the bottom (small stones, crushed stone, pebbles, expanded clay, etc.).


Ageratum loves long and bright light

Ageratum loves long and bright light

The container with seedlings should be installed in a well-lit area. The best place is the windowsill. If sunlight does not enter the room well, you may have to take care of additional lighting.


Sowing is carried out in a thin layer, so that the seed material is evenly distributed. Seeds must be placed on the surface of the soil, then crushed with the same soil composition.

First make sure that the planting material is in order (not damaged). If the seeds were collected from a healthy plant and stored correctly, then problems should not arise.

Temperature regime

After sowing, the optimum temperature is maintained at 17-22 degrees Celsius. The container is covered with film material or glass.


Optimum temperature is very important for seed germination

After 10-14 days shoots should appear.


Watering seedlings

Watering seedlings

Keep an eye on watering all the time, ventilate the crops. Do not make a swamp, the humidity should be in moderation. Frequency of irrigation 2-3 times a week, in the morning.


A pick is made when the seedling already has 2 leaves. Plants are more spacious. To do this, choose pots or containers (boxes) more.

Casting process

Casting process

Plants should be transferred carefully, always with a clod of earth, after which watering is done. The soil composition should be the same as the previous one.

This operation is carried out twice. When the time comes for re-picking, the seedlings are placed in separate containers (the best option is plastic cups). Water the flowers in the morning.


14 days before planting in open ground, the plants need to be hardened off.. If this is not done, the ageratum will hurt for a long time, until it is accepted, a lot of time will pass. Also, such flowers are more often exposed to various diseases. Some seedlings will die altogether.

For hardening, seedlings should be systematically taken out into the street.

For hardening, seedlings should be systematically taken out into the street.

Pre-putting the pickled cups in warm water. Initially, the duration of stay in such conditions is no more than half an hour, gradually the time period increases by a quarter of an hour.

In the presence of frost, it is strictly forbidden to take out seedlings.
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Landing in open ground

What should be the seat already described above. The distance between plants of undersized varieties is at least 10-15 cm.

In two months, ageratum should be expected to bloom.

Flowering should be expected in two months

If the ageratum is tall, then 25-35 cm. The seedlings do not go too deep into the ground. The hole is placed at the same depth as in the container. It is advisable to fill the wells with drainage to avoid stagnation of water in them.

Growing from cuttings

Thanks to cuttings, you can get a not very tall, but more bushy ageratum. Also, this particular method is necessary if the goal is to breed hybrids, because they do not reproduce with the help of seed material.

Procurement of cuttings

Procurement of cuttings

If reproduction by cuttings is preferred, then the flower should be taken out of the ground before frost (this is done together with a clod of earth). Place in a pot (container).

Further, it is cared for as a houseplant:

  • so that the ageratum can survive the winter period, it must be placed where there is a lot of light, there is no draft and the desired air temperature (19-23 degrees Celsius)
  • provide moderate watering (avoid drought and waterlogging)
  • apply complex mineral fertilizers

In the month of April, cut the cuttings. Their length should not exceed 15 cm. Treat the sections with an agent that accelerates growth (this is Heteroauxin or Kornevin).

Next comes the turn of rooting. Cuttings are planted in loosened, fertilized, moistened soil. After they are placed in a bright place.

Plants need warmth, so they are covered with oilcloth or glass. The temperature regime is maintained within 19-22 degrees Celsius.

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flower care

Well-groomed bushes of ageratum

Well-groomed bushes of ageratum

In order for the ageratum to make its owners happy with lush flowering, you should carefully look after it. You need to pay attention to watering, fertilizing, pruning, loosening, weeding.

top dressing

In order for the flower to actively grow and bloom beautifully, you need to regularly fertilize the soil. This is usually done once every 14-21 days. Here it is advisable to use humic, mineral top dressing. You can take organic - infusion on mullein.

Complex top dressing of flowers

Complex top dressing

The use of fresh manure is strictly prohibited! This will lead to negative consequences.

Many gardeners prefer complex fertilizers. Initially, the flower is fed with a minimum dosage. With an overabundance, the growth of ageratum slows down. A lot doesn't mean good.


Watering should be done systematically. It is important to ensure that the plant is not waterlogged. This will cause root rot.


On hot days, one plentiful morning irrigation is enough.

But in any case, you need to look at the circumstances. If there is no sun, then 3-4 times a week is enough.


To get lush and beautiful bushes, you need to periodically cut the plant. During pruning, only a few internodes remain (3-4, no more). This promotes flower growth. It is also necessary to regularly remove those inflorescences that have wilted.

Secateurs are an essential tool for a good gardener.

Secateurs are an essential tool for a good gardener.

If there are damaged parts of the plant, it is advisable to remove them immediately. If the cause of their damage is a disease, then they are burned, and the plant is immediately treated with a special preparation.


Constantly the gardener is obliged to weed the beds from weeds.

Constantly the gardener is obliged to weed the beds from weeds

If this is neglected, then the weed will take all the useful substances from the soil, respectively, the flowers will feel a lack of them. Also, pests appear much more often in the grass. All this will not only slow down the growth of the plant, lead to poor flowering, but can also contribute to its death.

It is important to systematically loosen the soil.This will allow oxygen to penetrate to the root, prevent the formation of an earthen crust, and various diseases.

After loosening, it will be useful to cover the soil with mulch. This will prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture.

It can be used here:

  • straw;
  • sawdust;
  • dry leaves;
  • compost;
  • husk, etc.

If you listen to all the recommendations, then the ageratum will bloom for a long time and actively.

What actions to take after the ageratum has faded?

Before the onset of the first cold weather, it is recommended to dig out the largest bushes, place them in separate containers. This beauty can be brought into an apartment, onto a balcony, etc.

The active phase of flowering ageratum

Active phase of flowering

After that, the ageratum is grown as a houseplant. With the advent of spring, flowers can be planted in their original place.

The plant is not frost-resistant and will not survive even light frosts. Leaving it in the ground for the winter, you can forget about it the next year.
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Indoor flower care

room ageratum

room ageratum

Ageratum can be grown not only on the street, but also indoors. For a flower you need a spacious pot with excellent drainage. In the summer, it should be taken out to the street, balcony, veranda or terrace. If you provide the plant with all the appropriate conditions, then it will bloom all winter and delight the eye.

The florist should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. The pot should be installed on the south side of the house. The place should be well lit and warm. To monitor the temperature, you can hang a thermometer nearby.
  2. Watering is carried out under the rhizome. No need for water to get on the foliage. Excess moisture is excluded. The best time for watering is in the morning.
  3. After watering, the soil loosens. This allows air to flow to the root. Neglecting this moment, you can destroy the flower.
  4. You do not need to feed the plant often. Once every 4-6 months is enough. A complex fertilizer will be suitable. It can be purchased at any flower shop. How to use it, dilute it will be indicated on the package.
  5. With a strong growth of ageratum, it should be seated in spacious containers (pots).

Based on all the above rules, we can conclude that this is an unpretentious (all of the above points are present in the cultivation of any flower), but a very beautiful plant.

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Pests and diseases

The ageratum flower is prone to damage by various diseases and harmful insects.

The ageratum flower is prone to damage by various diseases and harmful insects.

It may appear:

  • root rot
  • gray rot
  • bacterial wilt
  • cucumber mosaic

Only with proper care, diseases do not occur.

If we talk about harmful insects, then there are:

  • whiteflies
  • aphid
  • spider mites
  • scoops
  • nematoids

For prevention, it is advisable to treat the plant with insecticides.

Let us consider in detail what to do if the plant is nevertheless infected or struck by one or another insect:

root rot

root rot

root rot

Black leg or root rot often appears. The main symptoms of the disease:

  • plant wilting
  • drying of foliage
  • the occurrence of constrictions
  • color change
  • the appearance of brown spots
  • growth retardation

When this happens, nothing will help. The plant will have to be removed, and the soil, which is also infected, is removed. To prevent this disease, care should be taken to ensure that the soil is light, to avoid waterlogging.

In addition, systematic loosening is needed. Thanks to these manipulations, the appearance of rot is minimized.

Gray rot

Among the most dangerous plant diseases caused by fungi of the genus Botritis, there is also gray rot.Spores are spread by wind, also by contact (by the gardener's hands, through tools) while caring for the ageratum, on the paws of insects, by water droplets (rain or during irrigation). The disease is activated when moisture occurs.

 Dark spotting on the foliage indicates the defeat of the plant.

Dark spots on the foliage indicate the defeat of the plant

In the future, a grayish coating will appear - this is the appearance of spore-bearing mycelium. At the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to immediately treat all plantings with fungicides.

It is advisable to buy:

  • Fundazol
  • Topaz
  • Bordeaux liquid

If the situation changes for the worse, all affected individuals should be removed. You can't leave them. It is recommended to burn immediately.

bacterial wilt

In the southern regions, plants can also suffer from this disease. At the same time, the foliage cracks, the moisture evaporates from them, and the turgor decreases.

Yellow spots appear, they have a brown border.

Yellow spots appear, they have a brown border

When cut, it can be seen that the vascular plexuses have darkened. As a result, there is impaired sap flow. As a result, the plant dies.

To cure a flower, you need to treat it with Coronet. It's important to start right away. If you lose time, it is not possible to save the ageratum.

If you use wilt-resistant varieties, then you can not worry about infection.

cucumber mosaic

The virus is carried by sucking harmful insects. After infection, white or yellow spots appear on the foliage. It is impossible to eradicate the disease when it progresses, but it can be prevented.

cucumber mosaic

cucumber mosaic

It is important to weed the beds in time, plant healthy planting material and fight pests.


The size of the insect is small.

The size of the insect is small.

It ranges from 0.3 to 0.8 mm. The form depends on the type of aphid. It can be elliptical, ovoid, teardrop-shaped, etc. The color is the same as that of the plant on which it parasitizes.

To get rid of aphids, the flowers are sprayed with a special solution. You can cook it yourself.

To do this, take:

  • garlic cloves (200 g)
  • water (1 l)

The first ingredient must be chopped. This is done with a grater or meat grinder. Then the resulting slurry is filled with water. Infuse the resulting solution for five days.

After the prescribed time, the infusion is diluted with additional water. Here you should adhere to the following proportions: 300ml / 10l.

spider mite

The body is in the shape of an ellipse, covered with hair

The body is in the shape of an ellipse, covered with hair

The back is convex. Larvae have six legs, adults have eight. On the legs there are nails, it is with them that they cling to the plant. The coloration of young individuals is light green, darkens with age, becomes brownish. They reproduce by laying eggs.

Spider mites can be removed by treatment with insecticides.

These are drugs in the form:

  • Agraverina
  • Neoron
  • Nissorana




This insect is not large. Not more than 3 mm long. The wings are covered with a coating that has a certain resemblance to flour.

You can remove it:

  • Mospilan
  • Tanrekom
  • Commander


The owl belongs to Lepidoptera. In appearance, it resembles a gray butterfly. This insect lays its eggs on the underside of ageratum leaves. Caterpillars further spoil the buds, spread over all the flowers.



You can protect the garden by timely destruction of weeds. Also, chemical treatment of plants will be useful.

If pest larvae were seen on the foliage, you need to spray the flowers:

  • Citcore
  • Decis
  • Inta-Virom
  • spark
  • Leptocide


This pest feeds on plant sap, as a result of which it begins to grow more slowly, loses its appearance and dies. There are leaf, root and stem nematodes.

They are a worm no more than 2 mm long.

They are a worm no more than 2 mm long

Their shape can be in the form of an oval, circle or oblong. Color - white, beige.

The signs of damage to the flower are as follows:

  • plant color dullness
  • the appearance of brown spots on the foliage
  • leaf curl
  • increase in petioles, stem
  • stunting
  • poor flowering
  • inflorescences dry quickly, fall off

Preparations in the form of:

  • Vidata
  • Dimethoate
  • Nafamosa

Both the plant itself and the soil should be treated (a solution is made with which the soil is watered at the ageratum root).
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Where is ageratum used?

The flower is beautiful and therefore it is actively used for decorative purposes. Low-growing varieties fit perfectly near paths, curbs, pavilions, patio. Ageratum looks indescribably in combination with other vegetation, such as zinnias and marigolds.


Ageratum as part of a flower arrangement

Tall subspecies will be a worthy decoration of flower beds, flowerpots. Also, these flowers are used as cut material for bouquets. The aroma of flowers is intoxicating and loved by many.

Also, the healing properties of the flower were mentioned above. Ageratum Huston has the following properties:

  • acaricidal
  • antibacterial
  • wound healing
  • painkillers
  • antiseptic

Traditional medicine practices the use of plant juice and dry raw materials for various problems with the skin. (scratches, lichen, vintiligo, various inflammations). For this, tinctures are prepared, after which compresses, baths and so on are made on their basis.

Before using the plant, do not forget about contraindications. It is not suitable for use by women who are carrying a child, nursing mothers, children.

In addition, do not forget about individual intolerance. It is impossible for raw materials to get on the mucous membranes.
Ageratum: description, planting in open ground and caring for it at home (30+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Cultivation and Care

Ageratum: description, planting in open ground and caring for it at home (30+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

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