Apricot, the description of the varieties of which is considered in our article, is considered a heat-loving plant, but it is grown in most regions. The main trouble in an unfavorable climate may be frost during the flowering period.

Breeders have developed a large number of varieties and varieties of this fruit, which are adapted to a wide variety of growing conditions and have a variety of characteristics. The only thing that unites them is the aroma and taste of fruits, which are characteristic of apricots.

Early varieties of apricots
They make it possible to enjoy tasty and healthy fruits where the summer is very short. But plants with early ripening are very sensitive to temperature changes and are very afraid of frost. Among the variety of varieties presented, experienced gardeners and summer residents identified the most worthy of attention and unpretentious in cultivation.
Apricot Lel is able to please the first harvest three years after planting a young plant. The crown looks very neat, not sprawling, requires minimal molding. The height of the tree reaches 3 meters. Very disease resistant, stable yield.
The weight of each fruit of the Lel variety is about 20 grams. At maturity, the color of the apricot becomes rich yellow, closer to orange. The aroma is classic.
The fruits are slightly flattened in shape. Due to the strong skin, they are well tolerated by transportation, they are stored well. The bone is very easy to remove. Suitable for all types of processing, fresh eating.
Fruiting in this variety begins only 5 years after planting a young tree. Disease resistance is high, tolerates small frosts. The tree is not tall, which greatly facilitates its care.
The crown is very compact. The yield is good. The fruits are characterized by a classic taste and aroma, medium size. At maturity, they are yellow in color with a small number of red dots on the skin.
- freezing
- conservation
- juicing
- eating fresh
Melitopol early
Another excellent undersized variety, which at the same time is able to give a lot of harvest. High disease resistance and minimal care are the main advantages of this apricot. In addition, it is able to easily tolerate small spring frosts.
Begins to bear fruit after three years. The fruits of the Melitopol early grow large, thin-skinned, with a medium bone, which separates well from the pulp. Rigid fibers are absent, the pulp is homogeneous.
It is mainly used for fresh consumption, but it is not suitable for processing, as well as canning.
Despite the fact that this variety is classified as early, the full ripening of the fruit occurs in August. It is because of this feature that it is better not to grow it in cold climates. The tree itself is very tall, spreading, its height reaches 4 meters.
Productivity and disease resistance are high. The weight of one fruit is about 23 grams. In a ripe apricot, the skin has a rich orange or yellow tint with a beautiful blush.
The thick crust ensures a long shelf life: the fruits can lie quietly for about two weeks in a cool place. They can be eaten fresh or canned in any way.
A very worthy variety that tolerates frost well and has good immunity to major diseases. The yield is very high. Fruits appear 5 years after planting.
The weight of one fruit reaches 93 grams. The stone is easily separated from the pleasant-tasting pulp, and the skin is of medium density. The taste is high, the aroma is classic.
Large apricots cannot but attract attention, they immediately want to be eaten. That is why Lescore is grown mainly for sale and fresh consumption.

Mid-season varieties of apricots

Varieties of apricots with descriptions and photos
A distinctive feature of these varieties is increased resistance to low temperatures and lack of moisture.
Their fruits can be used for:
- drying and production of dried fruits
- all types of conservation
- culinary purposes (making desserts)
- fresh consumption
Among the whole variety of varieties with medium ripening terms, favorites have already stood out that deserve obligatory attention.
The yield is very high. The first fruits can be tasted 5 years after planting, their number is steadily increasing every year. After 15 years, an adult tree is able to produce 155 kg of ripe fruits.
Frost resistance is average, but disease resistance is quite high. The fruits are medium in size, characterized by a very pleasant aroma. The taste is sweet. At maturity, they are pale yellow or completely white in color.
- drying
- all types of canning
- cooking desserts
- fresh consumption
- sales
The first fruits can be enjoyed 4 years after planting. The tree is very tall, its life span is about 65 years. This allows more than one generation of gardeners to enjoy delicious fruits.
The yield is high, the apricot of this variety is undemanding to the soil and is well adapted to any climatic conditions. Does not need special care. Resistant to major types of diseases.
During frosts, when most apricots can no longer bear fruit, Shalah can please with a rich harvest. But the tree does not tolerate severe frosts.
The mass of the fetus reaches 53 grams. The taste is just excellent. The fruits are attractive.
At maturity, their color is uniform, dark orange, reminiscent of an orange. Suitable for all types of canning, processing and fresh consumption.
A very good variety that can please with fruits 5 years after planting. Disease resistance is high, frost resistance is also very good. The height of the tree is small, but the crown is quite spreading, not compact.
The fruits of the Russian are large, the weight of one can reach 112 grams. The skin is quite dense, in maturity it has a uniform yellow color. Ripening occurs around the end of July.
Apricots can be processed and canned, or eaten fresh.
Saratov ruby
The variety is perfectly adapted to the climate of the northern regions. Tolerates severe frosts down to -40°C without prejudice to fruiting. High resistance to diseases, but it requires timely care.
Good yield. The average weight of one fruit of this variety reaches 40 grams, but larger specimens are also found.The color is uniform, with a characteristic ruby blush.
Sometimes it occupies almost the entire area of a ripe apricot. The skin is quite dense, the taste characteristics are at a very high level. The fruits perfectly tolerate transportation, without losing their marketability and retaining their presentation.
When cooking compotes and dried fruit retains a beautiful color
A very productive variety that can give about 156 kg of ripe fruits from one tree in one season. High frost resistance, good resistance to the main types of diseases. The first fruits can be tasted within a couple of years after planting the seedling.
The weight of one fruit is about 44 grams, the peel is quite dense. The taste is excellent, the flesh is very sweet. The fruits are beautiful, in maturity they have a yellow color with a red blush.
They tolerate transportation well, retain commercial qualities. Can be used both fresh and for processing.
Triumph North
It begins to give tasty and beautiful fruits 5 years after planting. The tree is frost-resistant, resistant to the main types of diseases. After a couple of years, it can show the ability to self-pollinate.
The fruits have an average weight of 55 grams. Taste qualities are simply magnificent: soft and sweet pulp with a classic aroma will not leave anyone indifferent. Ripe apricots tolerate transportation well.
Ripening occurs in mid-summer.
- eating fresh
- preparations of jam and kaisa
- juicing
- sales

Late-ripening varieties of apricots
Late varieties of apricots are characterized by increased resistance to frost, as well as the ability of their fruits to be stored for a long time under certain conditions. Among them, too, there are already the most beloved and honored varieties, which are preferred by most practicing gardeners and summer residents.
The homeland of this variety is Armenia. Differs in good frost resistance, high productivity and disease resistance.
Unpretentious, does not need special care, high-yielding. From one tree it is possible to collect about 40 kg of ripe fruits. The fruits are large, very beautiful.
At maturity they are bright orange with a red blush. The taste is great, the aroma is classic. Poorly suited for freezing and making jam, since the berries contain hard fibers that do not have the best effect on the quality of the finished product.
A very worthy late variety that can please with fruiting four years after planting the seedling. Tree of medium height, but with a dense crown. Frost-resistant and high-yielding apricot.
Ripening occurs very late, and therefore it is recommended to grow the plant in regions where there are no very cold winters. The weight of the fetus is approximately 50 grams. A pleasant sweet and sour taste surprises even real gourmets.
The peel is very strong, which ensures good preservation over a long period, as well as suitability for transportation over long distances.
The tree of this variety is tall, with a lush and spreading crown. Its height can reach 4 meters. Fruiting begins four years after planting.
It is not exacting to leaving, well maintains even strong frosts. After that, it can bear fruit. Suitable for cultivation in all regions except the North.
Apricot fruits of the Iskra variety have an average weight of 50 grams. Their flesh is juicy and crispy, with a very pleasant aroma. Ripening is in August.
The harvested crop can be stored in the refrigerator for about a month.You can use it both fresh and canned or processed in any of the available ways.
Melitopol late
Great for regions with cold climates. Tolerates spring frosts, as well as severe frosts in winter. resistance to the most common diseases and pests medium, requires timely processing and protection.
You can enjoy apricots after three years of a young tree. The harvest is plentiful, the fruiting is stable. The fruits of this variety are large, juicy, with a dense skin.
Great for freezing and preparing dried fruits. They keep well in the refrigerator for some time. There are no hard fibers in the pulp, which is an additional plus.
The weight of the fetus is approximately 55 grams. It can be grown both for own consumption and on an industrial scale. Apricot of this variety ripens by the end of summer, when there are not so many fruits.
Features of apricot Planting and caring for apricots
Species and varieties, as well as cultivation
Apricots are not only a very tasty fruit, but also very healthy and high-calorie. I myself am a military man, I remember that one summer they threw us at an exercise near the village and it began to rain heavily and we could not bring food because the roads were very washed out, then we went to the villages and one kind grandmother sold us apricots, then I remember that I ate 8 pieces and really got enough for half a day)) Well, of course they are tasty too, you can really eat them without stopping. Although my wife loves peaches more, I personally like apricots more. And apricot jam is generally “you will lick your fingers”. I smear it almost every day in the morning on a bun or white bread and, by the way, our hand-to-hand combat coach said that apricots are very useful for muscles, that there are many different minerals and vitamins that help keep the body in good shape and, in principle, I I completely agree with him, because when I eat apricot jam in the morning, for at least half a day I feel alive. Although I didn’t observe such a strong effect from another jam, so the coach is right here.
Growing an apricot is, in principle, realistic, but depending on what variety. The Caucasus is full of it, some seedlings were brought to us from Armenia.But not much survived. As a result, we got 4 trees, which give a good harvest. We close the jam and compotes. But mostly jam, the most delicious and used. Personally, I love overripe fruits, they are cloyingly sweet, it is enough to eat 3 of these apricots and you can get enough of them. Of course, there is not enough sun for fast ripening, but now from the variety of varieties you can choose the one that suits your site, your soil.
I really like to use fresh and canned apricots, I constantly try to freeze them for compote, close the jam. We have two apricots near the house, but the trees are quite old, but bear fruit well. True, the only drawback is that in apricots the bones are poorly separated from the pulp, the apricots themselves are large and with a thick skin, due to which they are excellent for preservation in compotes and long-term storage. Today there is a very large variety of varietal apricot trees, so after reading the article, I decided to purchase the early Melitopol early variety, because the apricots growing in my area are a late variety. It is very important for me that the bone separates well, because such varieties are suitable for jam, it is easier and faster to work with it. A very good article in which I was able to understand what varieties exist, and which are early, late and mid-season. Now it will be much easier for me to navigate when choosing a young tree. I really liked the description and appearance of the varieties Melitopol early and Pineapple.
And for how long my husband and I planted apricots at our dacha, not one, damn it, didn’t take root ((Although here at my grandmother’s in the village, they planted only one and that one has already grown and bears fruit. Not much, of course, but this tree is still enough for us not fully grown, I don’t know, maybe it’s because the land is different or what’s the reason…
My godfather lives in the village, then he immediately has 4 trees. But as far as I know, he has three trees of the “Canning” variety, and one of the “Royal” variety. Then his wife has been closing apricot jam for several years and they regularly give me 10 cans a year too. But by the way, I just love apricot jam)) It’s really the tastiest)) Although I also like fresh apricots very much and always buy them in the summer)) Well, when I’m visiting my godfather, my godfather, of course, also gives me per kilo park))
I preferred the pineapple apricot. I bought seedlings from a special nursery. The trees have been great. Three years later was with the first harvest. In my opinion, this variety is the most delicious of the presented in the article. The fruits really smell like pineapples, which in itself is a miracle. Apricots are so juicy and tasty that it is unrealistic to eat them. The variety is very productive, and the fruits themselves are quite large, more like peaches. If someone is really thinking about planting an apricot tree, then plant a pineapple variety without hesitation. I guarantee you will be satisfied. Apricots also make divine jam, which also has a delicate smell of pineapple. Drying is generally a delicacy. Better than any candy. Children are crazy about them. The tree itself is resistant to slight frosts during flowering, but for the winter I recommend warming the trunk well or burying it with earth in order to avoid freezing of the root system.
Apricot is unpretentious, of course, but here are the early varieties, this is grief with our climate. Now I'm wondering what to do with them. Spring has become simply unpredictable with us, corny all deliveries disappear in sudden frosts after a thaw. I'm thinking of replacing everything with late and medium varieties. True, now you have to wait about 5 years at least. I like Spark and Pineapple more, it hurts that they have fleshy fruits and the peel is not so rough, it’s the most for canning. You also need to watch out for different pests, otherwise they will just eat and spoil before they ripen.
Apricot is one of the most delicious fruits, but spring frosts can destroy the flowers on the tree, after which the petals fall off, and the gardener is left without a crop. To avoid such troubles, many summer residents burn special smoke bombs during frosts. Smoke, enveloping the garden for a while, saves the trees from low temperatures. Unfortunately, this method is useless when it's windy outside. I prefer another method of frost protection, which is to delay the flowering of the tree. This will require 300 grams of copper sulfate and 400 grams of lime. Substances must be diluted in a bucket of water and spray the tree with the resulting liquid. If everything is done correctly, then the apricot will begin to bloom ten days later, which in most cases is enough to miss the frost. If the tree is located in a windy area, then I recommend spraying the flowering tree with Immunocytophyte, then the strongest wind will not be afraid of the apricot flowers. Do not forget about the thorough watering of the tree during the flowering period.
Many gardeners are faced with the problem when an apricot seedling planted in autumn does not want to bud, while mature trees are already starting to bloom. People say that the tree is sleeping and needs to be awakened, but beginner summer residents run to the market in order to buy a new seedling. In most cases, a similar situation occurs if the seedling is planted in the shade and simply lacks the heat of the sun to wake up after winter. It's not worth rushing. You can always “wake up” a tree, unless, of course, it has frozen over during the winter period. Checking the seedling is simple, just break off any branch for visual inspection. If the wood is wet - the tree is alive, the twig is dry and brittle - the seedling is dead. Now the most important thing. To start the life process in a seedling, it is enough to water it with warm water for a week, which activates the root system. Also, pruning shears need to cut the tips of all branches. After a couple of days, the buds will swell on the apricot and the leaves will bloom.
Krasnodar twigs of apricot scion did not take root in the spring to the local Saratov